How to fry dumplings: tips

Boiled dumplings are familiar to everyone.A nutritious and simple dish is loved by adults and children. Today they do not need to be molded on their own, you can buy it in the store and use it at any time to make a quick and delicious dinner. And if they are bored, then the hostess needs to study urgently how to cook pelmeni. This will give the dish a completely new note.

dumplings in a frying pan

If you are on a diet

I just want to note that in this form theybecome much tastier and more appetizing. And besides, a lot more calories. And if you follow your figure, then best of all pay attention to pelmeni from chicken mince, cooked in water or steam.

If you want to diversify the diet, it should benot only observe the measure, but also choose the appropriate option, like fry pelmeni. This can be done in a frying pan, in a multivark, in a deep fryer. From this depends the taste and caloric content, so it is necessary to approach this issue very carefully.

With what you can fry dumplings

As with any other dish, hereEach hostess has a fairly large field for experiments. They can be fried in a dry frying pan with non-stick coating or add butter to it. Not a bad taste will be in pelmenes and in vegetable oil, on animal fat.

But that is not all. When choosing how to cook pelmeni, you need to take into account that they can be cooked:

  • with vegetables;
  • with cracklings;
  • with onion;
  • with eggs;
  • with cheese;
  • with greens;
  • with mushrooms.

Besides this, you can add a little baconor smoked products. And you can pour ready dumplings sour cream and a little put out. As a result, each time will be a completely new dish, which will again be received with a cheer.

delicious dumplings

Preliminary processing

Since frying dumplings in a frying pan can be done in four basic ways, we will briefly consider them all, so that the reader has his own opinion.

  • You can boil the dumplings until ready, after whichto shift them to a heated frying pan, so that an appetizing crust forms. This option is usually chosen by the young housewife, who is very worried that the dish does not turn out to be raw as a result. In this case, they turn out soft and juicy, but lose some charm. Immediately it is felt that they were previously brewed.
  • You can cook until half cooked and then fry.In this case, they will be soft, but the crust turns out to be rather dense and crunchy. And remember that only in practice you will be able to understand how delicious to fry dumplings. The time and temperature of frying, the chosen oil and many other factors play a role here.
  • Freshly dumplings can be safely sent to a frying pan and fry. In this case, the crust will be elastic and crunchy, which will never work when frying boiled.
  • Frozen. If you have pelmeni in the freezer, you can cook this dish from them. Previously, they need to be slightly defrosted, which does not require much time.

As you can see, there are a lot of variations. And there are many sauces with which they can be served.

Fundamental rules

There are not so many of them, so every housewife can figure out how delicious it is to fry dumplings in a frying pan.

  • How long does it take to roast? It depends on the size of the product. But on average it does not take more than 15 - 20 minutes.
  • If you take a frozen product, before that, the dumplings should be spread out on a paper towel for 15 minutes.
  • During cooking, do not cover the frying pan with a lid, otherwise under it will accumulate liquid, which will "shoot".
  • For this reason, you can not spread dumplings from the freezer into hot oil.
    how to cook a dumplings recipe

What to do if frozen dumplings

How to fry dumplings from the freezer?This is the way to prepare dinner and will be the most in demand, because today most of the housewives have a bag of ravioli just in case. Before heating the frying pan, place them on a paper towel and leave for 10 minutes.

After that you can put a pan on the fire. Just by the time she warms up, the dumplings will be ready for cooking.

How to fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan,so they turned out beautiful, golden and very tasty? For this you need to take a thick-walled frying pan and warm it well. At the bottom add a little vegetable oil, set the middle fire. Too it is not necessary to heat it, we need a crusty crust, but it should not burn out.

fry dumplings

Accommodation features

To boil the dumplings, do not delicate. Just shake the package directly into boiling water, salt and stir so that they do not stick together.

But if you are thinking, how delicious to fryfrozen dumplings, then this method can safely be forgotten. After a short defrost, as described above, they must be accurately laid over the entire surface of the pan. Do not place them very tightly, otherwise it will be difficult to turn.

On each side it is necessary to roast threeminutes. During this time they will be covered with a crispy, appetizing crust. After this, you need to pour the water, which comes to the middle of the pel'meshka, which lies on its side. It is not necessary any more, differently the liquid will not have time to be evaporated. If you want to add flavor, then the water can be mixed with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Approximately five minutes will be required in order toDumplings steamed in this sauce. Then the stuffing inside will not be raw. Excess liquid will evaporate and it will only be necessary to bring the dish to readiness, so that they are roasted better.

Fried boiled dumplings

This option is very helpful ifthey stayed out of dinner and want to update the dish for dinner a little. But it is possible and right after the pot to send pelmets to a frying pan. This will give them an original look and taste.


  • Boil the water and dip the dumplings into boiling water. After this, you need to stir to prevent pelmeni from sticking.
  • If they are homemade and the dough is kneaded on eggs,then it is acceptable to cook for 5 to 7 minutes. But with the store can be limited to three minutes, otherwise the dough will fall apart - and you will get meatballs with juice.
  • Do not rush to lay them out immediately in a frying pan. First it is necessary to drain the water and a little to dry each with a paper towel.
  • In a frying pan pour a couple of spoons of vegetable oil, you can add a little creamy to taste.
  • In the frying pan spread dumplings, salted to taste and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. Now you need to fry them to a ruddy crust.
    dumplings with sauce

Simple Lasagna

Indeed, this original recipe is very similar to the Italian dish. How to fry dumplings with cheese to surprise and please the guests? About this - further.

You will need the following set of ingredients:

  • pelmeni - 400 g;
  • water 200 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 45 g.

This recipe suggests a little change in cooking technology. Dumplings need to be held in the air for a while. It is not necessary to wait for complete thawing, it is enough that a frost should come down.

Next, they lay out the pan and pourwater. Add spices and cover with a lid for 15 minutes. That is, the boiling takes place immediately in a frying pan. During this time the water evaporates. After that, open the lid, add butter and fry them for three minutes on each side. It remains to sprinkle with herbs, add a little tomato sauce and sprinkle abundantly with grated cheese. Cover and turn off the fire.

original dumplings


This is an original dish.Dumplings turn out juicy, fragrant, with a golden crust. Slightly similar to small cheburechki. But to mold in this case they will have to, for this recipe do not fit frozen semi-finished products. In addition, you need a saucepan with thick walls and a clean, odorless oil.

Pour the oil generously, dumplings should be in itto swim. And, of course, you need to burn it well. Now we begin to lower the pelmeni one by one, stirring it with a noise. For full preparation it will take only 5 - 7 minutes. Get a noisy and spread on a dish, covered with a paper towel - it will absorb excess oil. Of course, they will be high in calories, but very tasty.

Dumplings summer

At this time it is good to cook them with a variety of vegetables, which in a large number of ripen in the garden. This dish does not overload the stomach and it turns out tasty and satisfying.

So, we take:

  • 500 g of ready-made dumplings;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs .;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • bulb - 1 piece;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • oil and spices.

In this case, the pelmeni is best preliminarilyboil for 3 minutes. Put them on a paper towel to dry them. In the meantime, let's take care of the vegetables. To do this, fry the onions and add grated carrots to it. In five minutes it will be possible to add diced cubes and tomatoes. You need to strain them a little under the lid to make the vegetables soft. Now add the dumplings and fry for about 3 minutes. It remains to cover and stoke another five minutes. Summer, bright and elegant dish is ready, you can invite guests to the table.

fried frozen dumplings

Pelmeni with mushrooms

This is a very tasty and satisfying dish, which is veryI want to please my family. Of course, a mushroom for this case will not work. You need to take champignons or a white mushroom. Then the dish will turn out to be fantastically tender and tasty. Let's not torment us any more, let's consider how to fry dumplings in a frying pan. The recipe is quite simple, and the dish turns out simply fantastic.

You will need an equal number of dumplings and mushrooms. For example:

  • mushrooms - 400 g;
  • pelmeni - 400 g;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • salt and spices;
  • butter.

Dumplings should be slightly boiled and drained.Separately fry the onion in a frying pan and add chopped mushrooms. Approximately 10 minutes will be required to evaporate all the water, and the mushrooms began to be fried. Dumplings can be poisoned to mushrooms and fry together until cooked. Usually it takes no more than 10 minutes. The dish is almost ready, you just need to sprinkle it with herbs. Mushrooms are perfectly combined with cheese, so if you rub a small piece on top, the taste of this will only get better.

Instead of concluding

If guests are going to you, but there is no refrigerator in the fridgenothing tasty, then fried dumplings may well fix the situation. Who said it's trite? Prepare dumplings with any frozen vegetables that are in the freezer. It can be spinach, broccoli or string beans. Add tomato paste and cheese, ham and mushrooms to them.

Each time it's not just a new shadetaste, and a unique dish. Be prepared for the fact that under the cheese cap guests do not even recognize the usual and such banal dumplings and ask for a prescription. You can experiment further, each time choosing new ways of preparing a familiar semi-finished product.