Shanezhki with meat: a recipe for cooking

Шанежки с мясом, рецепт которых мы рассмотрим further, are open round cakes. There are a great many ways to prepare such products. Today we will look at some simple and affordable options.

meat pies recipe

Shanezhki with meat: a recipe for step by step cooking

Most often we consider the products prepared from yeast dough. But if you do not want to knead it at home, then we offer to purchase the base in the store.

To prepare delicious pastries, you will need one package of puff yeast dough. From it will turn out very lush and soft shanezhki with meat.

The recipe for this dish involves the use of:

  • minced meat (it is better to use mixed) - about 800 g;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • spices - add to taste;
  • sifted flour - apply at discretion;
  • small chicken eggs - 1 pc. (for lubrication of products);
  • yeast puff pastry - 1 pack.

Preparation of dough and filling

How to cook meats?The recipe for these products requires the purchase of simple and affordable ingredients. Before the formation of semi-finished products, puff yeast dough is removed from the freezer and completely thawed. As for ground beef, various spices are added to it, as well as chopped onions. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and proceed to the formation of products.

Sculpt semi-finished products

To make meat pies lazy from puffyeast dough, roll it into a rectangular layer, lightly sprinkled with sifted flour. Then the base is covered with minced meat and rolled into a tight roll. After that, the product is cut into pieces no more than 3 centimeters thick. They are spread on a baking sheet and smeared with a beaten chicken egg.

meat pies lazy

Baking process

After melancholy lazy willformed and laid out on a greased sheet, they are immediately sent to the oven. In it products bake at a temperature of 195 degrees for 44-48 minutes. During this time, the semi-finished products should be fluffy, soft and ruddy.

Serving homemade cakes to the table

As you can see, in the preparation of shanezhek with meat is notnothing complicated. After the products are baked, they are removed from the oven and removed from the sheet. Then the dish is presented to the table along with tomato sauce and sweet hot tea.

We make delicious shanezhki with cottage cheese and potatoes

In the event that you do not like the taste of the purchased dough, then you can cook it at home. For this we need the following components:

  • warm whole milk - 300 ml;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • yeast granules - 4 g;
  • white sugar - 8 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 3 g;
  • raw egg - 1 pc .;
  • sifted flour - about 6 glasses;
  • butter - 90 g

Preparation of the dough

Шанежки с картошкой и творогом получаются очень soft and tasty. Before they form and bake in the oven, you should knead the yeast base. To do this, sugar is dissolved in warm whole milk, and then drinking water and yeast in granules are added to it. After the last product has swelled up, put a beaten egg and soft butter into the dishes. Having mixed all components, to them gradually pour sifted flour.

shanezhki with potatoes

Kneading a uniform yeast dough, cover it with a towel and leave aside for an hour. At the same time, the base is periodically beaten with a palm so that it sinks down again and rises.

Filling products

In view of the fact that we decided to make shanyozhki with potatoes and cottage cheese, we need the following components:

  • ready mashed potatoes - about 300 g;
  • mass of cottage cheese, eggs and sugar - about 250 g.

We form shanezhki and bake them in the oven

After making the dough, it is divided intopieces, and then rolled into balls and slightly flattened. The resulting products spread on a greased baking sheet, and then make them indentations. To do this, you can use both the bottom of the glass and wooden tolkushku.

В полученные выемки кладут начинку в виде mashed potatoes, as well as sweet curd mass. So that during the heat treatment process the products do not go beyond the limits of the dough, they must make sure that the indentations in the pellets are not very large.

Smearing all the semi-finished products with a beaten egg,they are sent to the oven. In it shanezhki bake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. During this time, the products will become fluffy and reddened.

Properly serving pastries to the table

After cooking cottage cheese and potatoshanezhek gently removed from the pan and placed on a large dish. In this form, hot products are presented to the table along with sweet black tea. If desired, any sauce or tomato paste can be served with shanezhkas.

By the way, such products are often used as a piece of bread along with the first or second course.

curd pancakes

Let's sum up the results

Meat, vegetable and cottage cheese pies can be madeusing a different framework. If you do not like pastry from yeast dough, then you can cook it from kefir, milk or puff. In any case, they will be very nourishing and tasty.