/ / Macaroni with meat, simple recipe

Macaroni with meat, simple recipe

Probably, now there will not be a single person,who never ate pasta. Dishes of pasta are the most common. Mistresses love them mainly for the simplicity of cooking. Indeed, with the current rhythm of life, it is difficult for a woman to devote sufficient time to cooking. Of course, after a hard working day, it's easiest to cook something simple for dinner. This dish is not only delicious, but also nutritious. But, despite the fact that pasta is nutritious, it is almost impossible to recover from them, unless of course they are consumed in reasonable quantities.

Now macaroni are available to everyone, but in the 18th centurythey were made exclusively by hand and so only a fairly wealthy people could taste this dish. But in the middle of the XVIII century, at last, they invented special equipment for mass production of macaroni. From that moment, their value fell significantly and they began to spread rapidly across all segments of the population. But if you like hand-made pasta, then in some restaurants you can still cook this dish right before your eyes. Naturally, such pasta will be quite expensive.

At the present time with what only they do not preparepasta. With meat, vegetables, with various sauces and gravies. They are compatible with almost all products. Many macaroni products attract their versatility. Just like in pizza you can put absolutely everything that is in the fridge, and you can eat pasta with anything. They are prepared as an independent dish, they are cooked with soups, both meat and dairy. Boiled pasta with meat is the most common second course.

Despite the fact that they are easy to cook, yet,this process requires attention and little experience. The most important thing in cooking pasta is a lot of water. Five hundred grams of products need at least five liters of water. In the process of cooking, they must be constantly stirred, otherwise you risk getting a solid lump of vermicelli. Simultaneously with stirring, it is necessary to check them for readiness, because the time indicated on the packaging is just an approximate reference point.

Well, now let's look at a fairly simpleRecipe, after reading which you can cook excellent pasta with meat. The recipe is not complicated and will not cause you any difficulties when preparing the dish.

Macaroni with meat in the oven.

Macaroni with meat - this is certainly not the most dietary dish, but, nevertheless, very tasty. Preparing this casserole does not take much of your time.

So, for cooking you will need:

  • · Half a kilogram of meat (beef or pork, which you prefer);
  • · Two hundred grams of pasta, preferably "tubules";
  • · One medium bulb;
  • · A glass of tomato juice (200 ml);
  • · One hundred gram of cheese, preferably of solid sorts;
  • · 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • · Salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the meat into small pieces and fry onvegetable oil. For frying, ten minutes is enough. Add pepper, salt and a glass of tomato juice. In this form, stew the meat until it is soft enough. Separately from the meat fry until golden color onions and add it to cooked meat.

Boil the pasta in large quantitiessalted water, then pour into a colander and rinse well with cold water. When the water is well drained from the pasta, spread them in a greased with vegetable oil form. On top, carefully place the cooked meat and grate the cheese.

Put the mold with pasta and meat in the oven,heated to about 200 degrees. Bake the pasta until the top of the dish is browned. Serve the dish better hot in combination with a spicy tomato sauce.

As you can see, making pasta with meat is not at all difficult. But the result will certainly please you and your family members.