/ / A classic recipe for chebureks with meat.

A classic recipe for chebureks with meat.

A dish called "cheburek" came to us fromrich cuisine of the Mongolian people and has long had time to fall in love with our countrymen. Currently chebureks can be seen on sale at every step: on the street, in restaurants, in a cafe. Previously, there were very popular special cafes for cooking chebureks, so-called chebureki. However, chebureks cooked at home, of course, are much more useful, tasty and safer.

At the moment there is a huge amountways of making this delicious and mouth-watering dish. There are various options for preparing the dough, it can be, for example, lean or classic fresh, puffed or yeast. There are also a lot of minced meat options. It can be meat, that is, beef, pork, chicken or, according to a traditional recipe, lamb, in addition, it is possible to use as a filling any vegetables, such as cabbage, onions, zucchini, zucchini, and mushrooms, especially white or champignons, an egg with green onions and even a variety of cheese: salty and sweet. It is enough to add or replace any ingredient, and the dish will get a completely different, special and unique taste. But for all these options the basis is a classic recipe for chebureks with meat, which I offer to your attention. Of course, you can use any other recipe, but this is the simplest and most common.

A classic recipe for chebureks with meat

Already anticipate the taste of future chebureks?Then let's start cooking. This recipe for chebureks with meat is not at all complicated, cooking takes relatively little time, and most importantly, the result is a very tasty and mouth-watering dish.

To knead the dough for chebureks, you will need three-quarters of a glass of water, two eggs, four or five glasses of sifted wheat flour.

For minced meat, you need to take forty grams of lamb, a hundred grams of mutton fat, fifty grams of rice, one large onion, three tablespoons of water, as well as pepper and salt to taste.

In addition, for cooking, you need to cook two hundred grams of melted lamb fat or sunflower oil, or combined fat.

The forcemeat for chebureks is prepared as follows:pulp of mutton, lard and onions must be chopped into small pieces or scrolled through a meat grinder. Then add salt and pepper to taste and finely chopped parsley into this mixture, then three tablespoons of water are poured into it. The rice is boiled, cooled and added to minced meat.

The dough is prepared as follows:flour, water, salt and egg are thoroughly mixed and then a steep, unleavened dough is mixed (as for dumplings). After that, it is left for some time to be shaken under a linen napkin and after that it is again mashed.

You can also prepare a lean dough for chebureks without eggs. For this, the same ingredients are taken, but only the egg is not added.

After making minced meat and dough, you can start the basic process of making chebureks. To do this, roll out the dough with a thin layer and cut out circles in it with the size of a small saucer.

Half the cooked mug is laid outcooked minced meat, then one half is covered by another, and the edges are pressed against each other and are torn. After the cheburek is stuck, it can be lubricated with a pre-whipped egg. In order to make the chebureks tastier and look ruddy and mouth-watering, fry them in large amounts of oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan.

Chebureks are very high-calorie and heartya dish that can be served both independently and in addition to the main dishes of the menu, for example a borsch or a pickle. To this dish you can serve various sauces or simply sour cream, as well as adjika and tkemali.

As you can see, this recipe for chebureks with meat is not very complicated. Bon Appetit!