/ / How to make mayonnaise at home?

How to make mayonnaise at home?

Mayonnaise - a very popular product, because thisthick sauce is often used to prepare a variety of cold appetizers and hot dishes. Of course, the easiest way is to purchase a jar of ready-made mayonnaise in the store, especially since the choice of this product is extremely rich today. On the shelves you can find high and low-calorie sauces, with various additives - greens, cheese, garlic, etc. However, if you carefully examine the labels on the packages, you can see that in the store mayonnaise there are almost always ingredients like modified starch, and numerous supplements, indicated by the letter E. So, it is unlikely that such a product can be called very healthy.

But lovers of delicious French sauce is not worth it.grieve, the way out is simple - you just need to make mayonnaise at home. Moreover, the sauce recipe is not too complicated and even an inexperienced cook will cope with its preparation.

It must be said that the main difficulty inThe technology of cooking mayonnaise is the need to mix ingredients for a long time and thoroughly. Previously, it was a difficult task, but now with the advent of devices such as a blender or mixer, the question of how to make mayonnaise is solved more easily.

First of all, you need to prepare products.We need a vegetable oil, which is the basis of this sauce. The best option - refined olive, but you can use any other, for example, sunflower.

Next you need to cook eggs, ideally -homemade, with bright orange yolks. So, if you have the opportunity to purchase real village eggs, then you should use it. In addition, we need sugar and salt, as well as vinegar or lemon juice, the latter option, of course, is preferable.

To spice up our homemade sauce,You can use various additives. For example, for Provencal mayonnaise mustard is used. Also, as spices, you can use any spices, chopped greens, horseradish, garlic, and even pickled cucumbers, cut into microscopic cubes. In short, additional ingredients can be put to your taste.

So how to make mayonnaise?Separate the two yolks from the proteins (we will not need the proteins, we can prepare another dish of them), put them in a cup and mix with half a teaspoon of salt and a full teaspoon of sugar. Stir until the grains of sugar and salt dissolve. Then we start adding vegetable oil, for this amount of products we need about a glass. The important point is to add the oil gradually, approximately one teaspoon, and pour the next batch only after the previous one is thoroughly mixed with the main mass. After the oil is finished, pour in lemon juice (a tablespoon) and add mustard or other seasonings. The result should be a homogeneous sauce rather thick consistency.

Как видно из технологии, приготовить майонез дома it is quite simple if you mix the mass not with a whisk or spoon, but with a mixer, so do not be afraid to use kitchen appliances, making your work easier. When using a blender or blender, the oil can be poured not in spoons, but in a thin stream, since the sauce is mixed much faster.

А вы знаете, как сделать майонез, не используя eggs? The recipe is also quite simple. We need three hundred grams of butter, half as much (150 grams) of cold milk, three-quarters of a teaspoon of salt, half a spoonful of sugar, a tablespoon of mustard or other additives, and two or three tablespoons of juice squeezed from lemon.

Mix milk and butter in a bowl and whip it.mass using an immersion blender. At the end of whipping, we should have a homogeneous emulsion. Now add salt, mustard, lemon juice and whisk again, putting the instrument regulator at the highest speed. The mixture will begin to thicken rapidly, acquiring the consistency of mayonnaise. If the mass remains liquid during the whipping process, put the bowl in the refrigerator for a few minutes, and then whisk again at the highest speed. In the ready sauce add sugar and any spices.

How to make mayonnaise, which can be usedin post? To do this, you should use the previous recipe, only you will need to replace cow's milk with soy milk. As a result, we get a lean version of the sauce.