/ / Cake "Gourmet": cooking dessert at home

Cake "Gourmand": cooking dessert at home

Среди широкого ассортимента кондитерских изделий, presented in supermarkets, finding something that will appeal to, is quite simple. Cakes, Turkish sweets, cakes, sweets, etc. But nothing can match the home-made sweets. Cake "Gourmet", waffle cake, sour cream seem much tastier if they were cooked with his own hands.

"Gourmand" with butter cream


  • Flour - two glasses.
  • Eggs - ten pieces.
  • Water - four hundred milliliters.
  • Condensed milk - two cans.
  • Butter - two hundred grams.
  • Sugar - one teaspoon.
  • Salt is a pinch.

gourmet cake


In order to cook a delicious cake,you will need to take a bulk pan, pour warm water and place one fourth of the butter in it. Put the pot on the fire. When the oil is dissolved, add sugar and salt. After the water and oil boils, you need to pour, constantly stirring with a whisk, flour. Knead the dough and turn off the fire immediately.

After cooling in the dough, beat the eggs, stirringafter adding each egg. Knead well. The dough for the cake "Gourmet" should get homogeneous and the consistency to be like sour cream. Prepare a refractory form, spread it with butter and cover with baking paper. Using a tablespoon, carefully lay out the dough in the form of balls. Heat the oven to one hundred and ninety degrees. Bake until golden brown. After that, reduce the temperature of the oven and leave for another five to ten minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven and let cool.baking Next you should make the cream. To do this, combine the remaining soft butter and condensed milk. Beat well with a mixer. The resulting cream, using a pastry syringe, fill each cake "Gourmet". From above you can pour chocolate, powder with powder and decorate to your taste. Cool a little in the fridge, and can be served on the table.

Classic "Gourmet"

Preparing for this recipe cakes "Gourmet" with condensed milk is very simple. And it will take a little time, and the result will be a delicious dessert.


  • Sugar - one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Eggs - six pieces.
  • Flour - five glasses.
  • Oil - two packs.
  • Soda - two teaspoons.
  • Condensed milk - two cans.

To make cream you need:

  • Sugar - two glasses.
  • Sour cream - two glasses.

tasty cake

Preparation of dessert

Beat eggs with sugar until thick foam and put inbig utensils. Separately mix the condensed milk and soft butter, then add all to the eggs. Add vinegar-baked soda and flour. Knead a thick dough and put it on a greased baking sheet covered with foil for baking. The dough must be evenly leveled.

The oven must be preheated beforeone hundred and eighty degrees. Place a baking sheet in it and bake the cake until ready, checking it with a toothpick. After baking, pull the baking sheet out of the oven. Without removing them from the pan, make circles of the required size using a glass with a cup and allow to cool. From scraps of dough to make baby. During this time, prepare the cream.

Using a blender, beat the sugar and sour cream.Now you need to create a cake "Gourmet". Take one of the resulting circle and dunk in the cream, with the second to do the same and put them together. Roll the circles together in a crumb and put them on a platter. Put in the fridge for a while. Shortbreads soak in stuffing and cool. After that you can serve delicious cakes.

waffle cake gourmet

Currant Cake

What is needed for the test:

  • Flour - two hundred grams.
  • Butter - one pack.
  • Sugar - one hundred grams.
  • Vanilla sugar - one packet.
  • Eggs - two pieces and two yolks.
  • Baking Powder - Half Packet.

For filling:

  • Sugar - two hundred grams.
  • Egg whites - two pieces.
  • Currant - four hundred grams.
  • Salt.

Cooking Cakes

Stir in sugar with butter, salt andvanilla. Then beat, adding eggs with yolks in turn. Add sifted flour and baking powder gradually, stirring constantly. Distribute well kneaded dough in an even layer on a greased baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Top washed and dried currant berries, you can replace them with any other berries to your taste. The oven must be preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees.

cake gourmet recipe with condensed milk

Baking tray placed in the oven at thirty-fiveminutes While the dough is baked, you need to cool the proteins and beat with a small amount of salt, gradually adding sugar. It should make a thick foam. Remove baking sheet from the oven, increase the heat in the oven and raise the temperature to two hundred degrees. Spread the prepared proteins and smooth them on top of the berries. Place again in the oven and bake for fifteen to twenty minutes already at a temperature of two hundred degrees.

Finished baking should be allowed to cool and thendivided into parts, giving the product any shape. Place the cut pieces on a plate, they can be sprinkled with powder, put on top of the berries, pour the syrup. Delicious and crispy cakes "Gourmet" are ready, and they can be served with tea or another drink.