/ / Pollock fillet. What can you cook?

Fillet of pollock. What can I cook?

Pollock is a fish of the cod family.This is one of the champion products for iodine content. It is also known that there is more vitamin A in his liver than in cod liver. That is why meals, in which the main ingredient is pollock, must be included in the diet of pregnant and lactating mothers. The meat of pollock, as well as other species of the cod family, is considered dietary, and it is useful to use it both for the elderly and young people.

In addition to a large number of useful properties,Pollock is famous for its excellent taste, so it is used in cuisines all over the world, and especially in Japanese and Korean. Experienced chefs know that the gentle, neutral taste of pollock must be diluted with spiciness and sharpness of various spices. In this case, the taste and aroma of dishes from this fish will delight you with extraordinary sensations.

What can be cooked from pollock? It all depends on your imagination and taste. Let's look at a few recipes.

Pollock fillet with a side dish of vegetables

Prepare three stuffed pollock stuff, twoBulgarian pepper (yellow and red), a bunch of parsley, a bunch of dill, a jar of pickled mini-corn, four tablespoons of sour cream, any seasoning for fish, a little salt and black pepper (coarse grinding), one tablespoon of olive oil.

Pollock fillet sprinkle with fish seasoning a little.Chop the dill and parsley, half the greens put on the fish. Then put a mini-corn on each filet. Next, wrap each fillet in a roll and secure with a toothpick or wooden skewer. Now place in the form in which to bake.

Combine the sour cream with the rest of the greens (leave a little green for decoration), pepper and salt. Then pour this sauce over your fish rolls and place them in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Cut the half-rings Bulgarian pepper, salt and pepper. Then fry in olive oil for 2-3 minutes, then cover and turn off.

Serve the fish rolls to the table with corn and pepper, garnish with the remaining herbs and pour the remaining sauce.

Pollock fillet cooked in omelette

It needs very little: a frozen piece of pollock (fillet), one egg, 50 ml of fresh milk.

Take the pollock fillet and put it frozenpan (oil is not needed). While the pollock is being thawed, make the sauce. For this you need some milk and an egg, mix well. Now that the broth has boiled, pour the fillets with this sauce and salt. It turned out something like an omelet. When your dish is ready, sprinkle it with fresh herbs.

Pollack stew with ham and cheese

To do this, you need 600 grams of pollock, 150 gramssmoked bacon, 100 grams of grated cheese, 40 grams of margarine or vegetable oil, 200 grams of tomatoes, 100 grams of pickled cucumbers, 400 grams of boiled potatoes, mustard, aromatic greens.

Slice the fish with skin into 3 cm thick pieces andput in a greased form. Smear pollock with a thin layer of mustard, then put a slice of bacon or ham on each piece. Now pour in a bit of water or fish broth, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake the pollack in the oven until it is soft and lightly browned. Serve on the table, sprinkled with chopped greens or garnished with tomato slices on top.

Pollack in tomato sauce

To cook pollock deliciously, you will needfour fresh or frozen fish, tomato juice or pasta, two large-sized carrots, one onion, some pepper, salt, vegetable oil and some flour.

Thaw fish and cut into portions.Then pepper each piece, salt it, roll in flour and place in a frying pan or in a saucepan with warmed vegetable oil. Fry the fish on both sides for two minutes.

Now put the fried pieces of pollock on the dish. Then proceed to frying the carrots and onions peeled and cut into strips.

After three minutes, pour in a glass of tomato juice. Boil it for about three minutes and place the pieces of roasted pollock here.

Make a small fire. Cook the pollock for another five minutes, occasionally turning it over.

This dish will be delicious both hot and cold.