/ / Oyster mushroom dishes are very healthy and tasty. Some interesting recipes

Dishes of veshenok - very useful and tasty. Some interesting recipes

Previously, this very curious mushroom coulddiscover mainly in the wild on stumps and dead trees. Now it is sold in any supermarket and somehow completely unnoticed it has become the most common product. In the USA and Western Europe
Oyster mushrooms are called oyster mushrooms, in EasternAsia is an elite delicacy. Commercially started growing them since the First World War. When cooked, they are very healthy and, most importantly, tasty. Meals of oyster mushrooms are served in restaurants, cafes and prepared at home.

dishes of oyster mushrooms

What are they useful for?First of all, they are very similar to meat, they contain vitamins of group B, C, E, proteins and very rare vitamin D2, which helps the intestines. It is prescribed to patients with metabolic calcium and rickets. These mushrooms help to normalize blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol and remove radionuclides. They contain potassium, calcium, iron and iodine compounds. Low-calorie mushrooms are considered a dietary product.

In order for oyster mushroom dishes to not lose their properties, aroma and taste, it is necessary to observe several conditions during cooking. They can not be put on a very strong
огонь и долго варить, тушить или жарить.A typical cooking time is 5-10 minutes. Canned mushrooms do not need preparation before use. Marinated, fresh and salted can be used for a variety of salads. It is undesirable to use a large amount of spices, since they, like chanterelles, milk mushrooms and rye-nuts, have a very delicate taste.

Oyster mushroom dishes with photos

There are a lot of recipes for this product, you can write at least a brochure. Therefore, here we briefly describe only some of them. So, we present oyster mushroom dishes with photos.

Mushroom Noodle Soup

Oyster mushroom dishes
Necessary ingredients: fresh oyster mushrooms - 300 grams, one onion, a liter of water or chicken broth, butter - one tablespoon, noodles - 70 grams, parsley, salt.

Cut mushrooms in half, large - into four partsor pieces. Onions, sliced ​​slices, carrots and parsley boil in broth or water. When they are almost ready, add the mushrooms and cook on low heat for another 10-15 minutes. Throw noodles, cooked separately, and fill with sour cream. Quick and angry!

Pies with mushrooms (20-30 pcs.)

Choosing for cooking dishes from oyster mushrooms, you can not miss these delicious cakes.

Oyster Pies
Ingredients for dough: flour - two glasses, butter - 100 grams, baking soda - a quarter of a teaspoon, two thirds of a tablespoon of sour cream, salt - half a teaspoon and an egg for lubrication.

Ingredients for the filling: boiled mushrooms - 250 grams, butter - 50 grams, hard-boiled egg, onion, sour cream - tablespoon, dill, pepper, salt.

Смешиваем муку с солью и содой, понемногу adding fat and fluid. Chop the dough, knead and cool for 30 minutes. Shred mushrooms, mince, add onions, browned in butter, chopped egg and sour cream, seasonings. If the filling came out watery, add crushed crackers. Roll out the dough half centimeter thick and make small cakes. The edges lubricate the egg, and they will not diverge. Lubricate the eggs and the cakes themselves, and then bake them on high heat in the oven until they are lightly browned. Is done.

Oyster Caviar

Considering the various dishes of oyster mushroom, you can not ignore the caviar of them.

Ingredients: 400 grams of mushrooms, onion, olive oil - two tablespoons, a spoon of table vinegar, pepper, salt.

Wash the mushrooms in cold water and boil them insalted water. We skip through a meat grinder, then mix with onions, previously finely chopped. To taste, add salt and season with olive oil. Done!

Omelet with mushrooms

Finishing to consider dishes from oyster mushrooms, we give one more recipe - instant omelet.

Ingredients: 200 grams of mushrooms, onion, sunflower oil - two tablespoons, eggs - two or three, salt, pepper.

My oyster mushrooms, pepper, salt, put together with onions, chopped, in a frying pan, add oil and fry until golden brown. Fill with broken eggs, mix and bring to readiness. Everything!

Enjoy your meal!