/ / Bream in the oven: recipe with photo

Bream in the oven: a recipe with a photo

How delicious to bake a bream in the oven?This question interests all wives, whose husbands are consistently selected for fishing. Let's look at the recipes for this delicious fish. The cooking methods offered by us are suitable not only for a simple dinner with the family, but for even the most choosy guests!

Bream with rosemary

bream with rosemary

Do not necessarily cut the fish into pieces, you canbake and so that more beautifully decorate the table. On how to prepare a bream in the oven in its entirety, we will tell in this recipe. From the ingredients we will need:

  • Bream, weighing from 400 grams to a pound;
  • six tablespoons of olive oil;
  • four sprigs of fresh rosemary;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • shallot;
  • one lemon;
  • pepper and salt.

Baking bream

ready bream with rosemary

Bream in the oven is cooked quite quickly, if itsa little mischievous. To prepare the marinade, we mix olive oil, shallots, two shredded rosemary twigs, chopped garlic, salt, pepper, half a lemon juice.

Bream should be washed, gutted, washed again,removing the black film from the abdomen. You can leave your head, or you can delete it. But the fins and scales are the elements that must be removed. Along the fish back we make an incision - so it's not only better to marinate the meat, but it will be easier to clean the bones from the bones.

We rub the fish with fish marinade - inside, on top, on the notch on the back, inside we put two kruglyashka lemon, we leave in this form for half an hour.

On the baking sheet you need to spread the parchment, grease it with olive oil. We spread the fish, pour out the remains of the marinade. Two branches of rosemary are dipped in olive oil and put along the cut on the back.

Bake bream in the oven need twenty minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. Put the fish in the already heated oven.

Serve this delicious dish, sprinkling with lemon, with vegetable salad, boiled rice, mashed potatoes and other side dishes.

Bream baked in foil

bream with garnish

To prepare this dish, you will need a minimumingredients, and we will bake fish, again, entirely. Serve this dish with vegetables - stewed or fresh, with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, with rice and other favorite side dishes. The taste of fish is obtained by the present, without superfluous "overseas" accents. What shall we take? It will take:

  • bream - up to one and a half kilograms;
  • a large carrot;
  • bulb;
  • salt and seasonings for fish dishes.

How to bake bream in foil?

baked bream recipe

The bream recipe, in the oven cooked, is very simple. First the fish should be gutted, the head, fins and scales removed, washed well and dried with a paper towel.

Carrots three on a small grater, previously cleared from the skin. Onions need to be cut into very thin half rings.

We rub the carcass of bream with seasonings and salt. Cut off a piece of foil, enough to triple wrap.

On the edge of a sheet of foil, put half the gratedcarrots, onions. We place the fish on this vegetable pillow, cover with the remains of onions, then - carrots. Well wrap the creation, so that no holes remain, through which juice can escape. It will stick to the baking tray and it will not smell good.

Oven will warm up to 200 degrees, we place there bream for twenty minutes. Next, you need to turn it gently and leave it to bake for the same time.

Turn the dish carefully so as not to scald the steam and hot juice.

Gefilte fish

boiled rice

Bream - rather bony, and not everyone likes to dig in pieces, choosing sharp bones. We will take care of the eaters and prepare such a bream in the oven, which no one will refuse!


  • a large bream;
  • half a glass of round rice;
  • bulb;
  • lemon;
  • salt and pepper.

From this modest list of products we will prepare a truly royal dish, which is not ashamed and on the festive table to submit.

How to stuff a bream?

The most difficult thing in cooking is cleaning raw fish from bones. Especially of such fish as bream. We should not be afraid, we will not need much accuracy, we need not keep the fillets intact.

The fish must be cleaned of scales, giblets, the head is not cut off, with it the bream on the dish will look very beautiful. But if this part of your body is embarrassing you, you can cut it off without hesitation.

От жабр и до кончика хвоста по брюшку нужно make a cut, open the fish, spread it on the cutting board. Using a sharp knife or using scissors, we remove the fins and all the lateral ossicles. With a sharp knife we ​​separate the meat from the bones from the skin. Carefully, do not damage the skin!

We start to separate meat from thin bones and from a ridge. Stretch it with your hands, groping for the thinnest and shallow "forks". When everything is ready, pass the fillet with the onion through the meat grinder.

Rice boil, rinse and let the water drain. Mix it with minced fish, salt and pepper.

On the skin, spread out the forcemeat in a uniform layer, leave small edges so that they can be stacked on top of each other.

Rub the skin on top of the salt, put the fish on its belly down on the foil sheet, wrap it well. We send the bush in the oven for half an hour, the temperature is 200 degrees.

By cooking, fish can be served in a general form, overlaid with lemon ripples. And you can do otherwise. We make cuts on the back (according to the size of the pieces), we insert into each a circular lemon.

Ideally suitable for baked in the oven bream, not only as a hot dish. This fish is lean, the more we mixed meat with rice, and this will be a good cold snack!

Bream under the "coat"

Bream under the fur coat

Let's see how to cook bream in the oven simply, but very tasty. The meat will turn out juicy, tender and amazingly fragrant! Decorate this dish and home dinner, and a beautiful festive table.

For preparation it will be required:

  • any size of bream;
  • two large tomatoes;
  • bulb;
  • one lemon;
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • salt and seasonings.

We bake bream under the "coat"

Fish are well cleaned from scales, we remove giblets andhead. Gills and fins must also be removed, they are useless in the dish. Lubricate with salt and spices, put on a baking sheet, covered with paper. We make cuts for portion pieces so that the bone is cut, but the bottom part of the skin (on which the fish lies in the pan) is not damaged.In each of the notches we insert on a thin ring of lemon.

Onion cut into half rings, tomato - the same way. Spread between the pieces of lemon on the fish first onion, top with tomatoes. A little salt, grease well with mayonnaise.

The oven should be warmed up to 200 degrees, put a baking tray with fish for forty minutes. Mayonnaise crust should turn rosy.

Served fish with any garnish, you can and howseparate dish. Bream in the oven, the photo of which can be seen in the article, turns out delicious not only when baked entirely. Let's try to cook this fish with chunks.

Bream baked in pieces

baked bream

We have low-fat fish, so let's add calories from the outside! It will be very tasty, hearty and fragrant. Cooking is easy, it takes a little time, and guests are pleased to be satisfied with such a wonderful meal!

For cooking fish you need to take:

  • a large bream;
  • bulb;
  • a tomato;
  • half a lemon;
  • half a cup of fatty sour cream;
  • half a cup of fat cream;
  • salt and seasoning;
  • a pair of cloves of garlic.


  • First, we gut the carcass, cut the fins, remove the scales. Well washed, cut into pieces, the width of which should not exceed two centimeters.
  • We put the pieces of fish into a deep bowl, squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Garlic is forced through a special device, it can be finely chopped and crushed, sent to the fish.
  • Onion is peeled and cut into rings, added to fish, salt and seasoned. Leave to marinate for half an hour.
  • Grease the baking tray with vegetable oil orWe cover with a paper. We lay out pieces of fish. For each we put: on a ring of onions from marinade, on a ring of a tomato, we grease with sour cream. Between the pieces we pour the cream.
  • We send it to the oven, preheated to180 degrees. The cooking time will be an average of thirty minutes. It is necessary from time to time to open the oven, water the pieces of fish with the allocated juice, mixed with cream.

Serve this fish best with mashed potatoes, just boiled potatoes, boiled rice. Pour the side dish with the sauce, which was left on the baking sheet.

We shared ways to prepare bream in the oven. Recipes with photos will help you create a truly delicious dinner, which will please the household and amaze guests with the taste.