Not all housewives know how to cooka chicken entirely in the oven, so that it turned out not only tasty and aromatic, but also beautiful with a tasty and crispy crust. For such people below, we will present a step-by-step recipe for this hearty meat dish stuffed with rice and vegetables.
How to cook a whole chicken in the oven: step by step recipe
Necessary ingredients:
- any grade of fresh honey - 3 large spoons;
- adzhika acute - 2 dessert spoons;
- whole chicken carcass - 1 large piece;
- olive oil - 50 ml;
- garlic large fresh - 2 cloves;
- salt, a small spoon;
- soy sauce - 4 dessert spoons;
- 2 large carrots;
- Round grain rice - 2/3 cup;
- small bulbs - 2 pcs .;
- sunflower-seed oil for vegetables;
- Dried thyme, basil, as well as paprika - a few pinch.
The process of processing the meat ingredient
Think about how to cook chickenentirely in the oven? To begin with, you should purchase a whole bird without damage. After that, it is required to wash it outside and inside, and then clean it from the hairs, neck, asses and the tips of the wings.
Process of preparation of sauce
To ensure that the chicken in the oven is completely deliciousit turned out, it must necessarily soak in a marinade for a couple of hours. To make it, mix a sharp adzhika, soy sauce, table salt, dried basil, thyme, olive oil, paprika, grated garlic and a few spoons of any fresh honey. After this, the resulting gruel should completely cover the carcass of the bird (inside and outside), and then leave it aside for 60-120 minutes.

Process of filling
Do not know how to cook a whole chickena hearty oven? You should think about whether you want to present some garnish with meat. If yes, then it is desirable to place it directly in the carcass. We decided to use boiled rice and vegetables for these purposes. Thus, the rump needs to be washed, boiled to half-cooked in salt water, and then rinsed and stripped of liquid. Also it is necessary to fry the chopped onions and grated carrots on vegetable oil. After that, both components must be mixed and proceed to fill the carcass.
Forming a dish
To stuff a pickled chicken,should put it on a large plate, maximally open the thighs, and then place inside the boiled rice along with the browned vegetables. Then the hole must be fixed with toothpicks, and the carcass should be moved to the baking tray with the backrest down.

Heat treatment
Chicken in the oven entirely, photo of which can besee in this article, about 45-60 minutes are being prepared. After the specified time, a knife or fork should be inserted into the meat, thereby determining its softness.
How to properly serve the table
Baked chicken in the oven with appetizingcrust served for dinner hot. However, before that, it should be cut into pieces and put on plates with rice, which was placed directly in the carcass. Also to this dish is recommended to present fresh bread, greens and vegetables.