/ / How to cook the cake "Food of the Gods": a recipe for a step by step and recommendations

How to cook the cake "Food of the Gods": a step by step recipe and recommendations

"Food of the gods" - the recipe for the cake, which stirredtaste buds of all Soviet kids. Now the hostess willingly remember him when the family is asked to do something such, so also as soon as possible. This cake does not take a lot of time and effort, but also has an amazing taste, worthy of a heavenly culinary star. Further in the article we will analyze the popular recipes of the “Food of the Gods” cake at home.

Have you tried?

It’s enough just to cook deliciously.delicious cake to want it again and again. The advantage of this dessert is ease and speed in cooking. Here he will give odds to many culinary masterpieces. And, perhaps, after the first tasting, you will understand why the cake “Food of the Gods” deserved such an outlandish name. Let's analyze the most popular recipes at home.

Cooking cake "Food of the Gods" recipe with walnuts

Such a cake is considered a real classic. The original recipe for the Food of the Gods cake with walnuts includes a sponge cake with nuts and butter cream with condensed milk and cocoa.

In the process

List of ingredients required for cooking:

  • 250 g of any sour cream;
  • 1 medium glass of walnuts;
  • 30 g of cocoa;
  • 250 g butter (or milk spread);
  • 4 large eggs;
  • 250 g sifted flour;
  • 1 tsp slaked vinegar soda;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

To make an amazing cake “Food of the Gods” with walnuts you will need a list of the following kitchen devices:

  • a bowl or other whipping container;
  • mixer;
  • form for biscuit.

Let's start cooking.

Step-by-step recipe

The recipe for the Food of the Gods cake begins with making a biscuit with a nut.

The following products will go to the biscuit cake: 250 grams of sour cream of any fat content, 4 eggs, 200 grams of sugar, walnut kernels (approximately one medium cup).

Mix sour cream with soda. Leave for ten minutes so that the soda can react with sour cream, while characteristic bubbles should appear on it.

Cooking cake

Sour cream can be replaced with kefir with any percentage of fat content or fermented milk. Next, you need to grind the kernels of nuts into a crumb with a coffee grinder or blender.

Then beat the eggs with sugar until a light foam appears and the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

We send nut chips and sour cream to the eggs. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Next, you need to add flour in two tablespoons, each time well kneading.

The result should be a dough with a viscous consistency. Biscuit dough will be the most delicious, if you add soaked poppy in it, after passing it through a meat grinder.

We preheat the oven and set the biscuit to bake at a temperature of 190 degrees.

To do this, lubricate the form for making biscuit butter and fill it with the resulting dough. Then you need to level it with a spoon or use a silicone spatula.

The dough should be baked for 35 minutes with the oven door closed. You can check the readiness of the biscuit for the Food of the Gods cake with a nut by using a match or a wooden skewer.

Biscuit cake is ready if there are no traces of dough when taking out a match.

Once the cake has been baked, we place it on the grid so that it can cool completely. At this time, you need to do cooking cream for the cake "Food of the Gods."

To do this, you will need to take the following products: 250 grams of butter, one tablespoon (preferably with a slide) of dried cocoa, one can of condensed milk.

Care must be taken to ensure that the butter is soft. To do this, you must first remove it from the refrigerator.

Cooking cake

Take the oil and beat it with a mixer onmedium speed, bring to a creamy state and pour in it in small streams or with the help of a spoon condensed milk. After mixing the ingredients, bring them to a homogeneous mixture.

The final stage in the preparation of the cream - adding dry cocoa.

Building a cake

We take the cooled biscuit, cut it along,make 2 cakes with different thicknesses. Thinner cake comes first. You will need to spread cream on it. A large part of the resulting biscuit must be crushed in a combine or by hand to obtain an average crumb. Pour the biscuit, milled into a crumb, into our cream and mix everything.

Mix products

An interesting taste can be achieved byadding raisins to cream. They can be replaced by other dried fruits, for example, dried apricots or candied fruits. After this stroke, the mixture is left for ten minutes for impregnation. Next, you need to put it on a whole cake and, if desired, give the “Food of the Gods” cake to the desired shape. You can form a hill, and you can make an even layer. This technique resembles the preparation of another favorite since childhood cake called “The rotten stump”.

Decorating the cake

Любителям не только вкусных, но и эстетически attractive delicacies like decorating your culinary product whenever possible. For example, from above you can “improve” the design with grated chocolate or nuts. Quite tasty can turn out if you pour the “Food of the Gods” cake with melted chocolate icing flavored with a good piece of butter. Thanks to the softened butter, the dessert will have a mild and unusual taste.

The classic decoration in the form of coconut chips will be more important here than ever.

The finished cake will need to hold for at least two hours in the refrigerator - this will help him to soak as much as possible.

Cake recipe in a slow cooker

"Food of the gods" in a food processor - what could be easier? A simple recipe for a tasty cake can be significantly accelerated by using a food processor.

So, for the preparation will need the following products:

  • 200 grams of sour cream with any percentage of fat;
  • one tablespoon of dry cocoa;
  • 200 grams of butter or spread;
  • 1 tsp. slaked soda;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 3 large chicken eggs;
  • 250 grams of sifted flour;
  • a condensed milk bank;
  • 1 cup walnut kernels.

Kitchenware: whipping bowl, mixer, biscuit mold. The number of listed ingredients is designed for 8 servings. For cooking it will take two hours of free time.

Cake with nuts

The dough here is prepared in the same way as in the first recipe.

We shift the dough in a greased bowlmulticookers and turn it on. It is necessary to bake dough in the “Baking” mode for approximately 50 minutes. Next, you need to put the biscuit cake on a stand to steam it. Back put the cake in a slow cooker, only now with the white side down.

Then you need to turn on the combine for another 15 minutes. Pull out the crusty cake on all sides on a wire rack or cool and cool.

Next, prepare the cream in accordance with the instructions in the first recipe - the technique here is similar. Withstand the cake until fully impregnated in the fridge.

Let's talk about how to make a festive version of the cake "Food of the Gods."

Table decoration

Торт, который не стыдно вынести своим гостям, это somewhat different story. To improve the dessert “Food of the Gods”, you can make a layer of meringue in it. This recipe will allow you to achieve a delicate cake with crunchy meringue filling.

For cooking you will need the following: a classic nut biscuit and a tender meringue cake. Also, the festive option includes custard with condensed milk and cocoa.

General list of required products:

  • 9 medium chicken eggs;
  • 1 cup walnut kernels;
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • 250 grams of sour cream with any percentage of fat;
  • 1 tbsp. l dry cocoa;
  • 300 grams of sifted flour;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • one can of condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 500 ml of fat milk.

Tools: beating bowl, mixer, biscuit mold.

Preparation takes about two hours.

The recipe is designed for 8 people.

Biscuit cake consists of the following:

  • 250 grams of any sour cream;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 1 cup walnut kernels.


First you need to chop the kernels of nuts in a blender. Bring to light foam a mixture of eggs, whipped with sour cream, sugar and soda.

Continuing to beat, introduce gradually (two spoons) of flour and achieve a homogeneous mass.

Next, proceed to baking in the oven. The cake is baked at a temperature of 190 degrees for about 40-50 minutes. Next, you need to shift the finished sponge cake to the grill and let it cool thoroughly.

To make a meringue cake, you need the following:200 grams of sugar, 6 chicken eggs. First, separate the whites in the dishes, prepared for beating. Separately, you need to fold the yolks, cover them and set them aside for a while (they will be useful for making the cream a little later).

Turn on the mixer at full capacity and beat the proteins for ten minutes until a thick foam is obtained.

We continue to shake up and pour sugar in small portions.

Next, turn off the mixer, if we see that a thick glossy foam has formed.

The size of the cake you need to circle the lid onparchment for baking. Next, put it on a baking sheet back. With the help of a silicone spatula, you need to shift the beaten protein into a circle and smooth it over the surface of the template.

Next, you need to dry the meringue in an oven heated to 110 degrees for one and a half hours.

During the whole time of cooking meringue can not open the oven. The cream should appear creamy-beige shade.

Next, turn off the stove without opening the oven door. It is necessary to leave it in the oven turned off for about another hour.

Cooking cream from the remaining yolks.This will include: 150 grams of sugar, 6 egg yolks, 50 g of flour, 200 g of plums. butter, can of condensed milk, cocoa, milk. All (except butter and condensed milk) mix and put on the stove. We cook, not bringing to thickening, the future cream. Then whip melted butter with condensed milk. We connect both parts.

We collect cake

It is necessary to cut off the bottom of the biscuit thickness of1 centimeter. You need to spread cream on it. Top with a meringue crust. The remaining biscuit grind and mix with the cream. After 10 minutes, lay out the soaked crumb on a layer of meringue, aligning the cake shape itself. As decoration: grated chocolate, coconut chips, frosting. Soak in the refrigerator for several hours.