/ Casserole with broccoli and fish: how to cook and how to complement

Casserole with broccoli and fish: how to cook and how to complement

Of all kinds of cabbage, we actively participate in cookingwhite is used. Little by little, the housewives mastered the color and prepared it briskly. But broccoli is not so popular yet. This is explained by the fact that it appeared not so long ago in free sale. Became popular casserole with broccoli and fish is prepared quickly and easily, and is eaten by the household with pleasure.

Fish casserole with potatoes and broccoli

Since the dishes from this vegetable to most housewivesunfamiliar, we will give an accurate dosage of products, tested by experienced culinary specialists. Of course, it is not necessary to follow the recommendations. When the casserole with broccoli and fish will become your usual recipe, the ratio of ingredients can be adjusted. In the meantime, for 400 grams of cabbage, take 600 grams of fish. And it is better to take in half: half white, the second - red. Cabbage is sorted into inflorescences and cooked in slightly salted water for about three minutes. Then it is caught by a noise, and in its place are laid five cut pots of mugs. They should also be boiled until half cooked. The fish is cut in portions, seasoned with salt, lemon juice and pepper. The form for baking is smeared with butter (preferably creamy). There is a potato casserole with broccoli and fish in the following order: potato - fish - cabbage. Top with a sauce of grated cheese and fatty sour cream (take 200 grams), flavored with curry. Bake until the potatoes are ready.

casserole with broccoli and fish

Fish casserole with rice and broccoli

With fish and vegetables, rice harmonizes perfectly -this has long proven the dishes of Asian cuisine. That your rice casserole with broccoli and fish is a success, cabbage and fish fillets should be taken in equal quantities, 0.5 kg, and cereals 5 times less. For this dish, by the way, any fish, not necessarily super expensive and elite, will do. It is desirable that she was boneless. While cooking rice and fish, make a carrot-onion roast. Put all the ingredients on a baking sheet layer by layer: rice - fish - fry. On top of the rice casserole with broccoli and fish poured sour cream mixed with mayonnaise, salt and seasonings, and sent to the oven for twenty minutes.

casserole with broccoli

An unusual combination: fish, broccoli, mushrooms

It does not matter what kind of fish and mushrooms youwill use, - casserole with broccoli and fish in any case will turn out great! Cabbage and fish are taken in the same quantity, 400 g each, and there are enough mushrooms and 200 g. We will take champignons. Fish cut and marinated for about half an hour in two tablespoons of wine vinegar with spices dissolved in it, salt and spices. Champignons and broccoli are cooked until half cooked, marinated fish lightly fry. We cover the baking tray with oil, lay out the fish, sprinkle with chopped green onions. We put mushrooms on top, and cabbage on them. Mushroom casserole with broccoli cabbage loves cream, so fill it with low-fat 10% cream, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. The baking tray is sent to the oven and cooked until the cheese forms a crispy crust.

broccoli casserole with cheese

Chicken casserole with broccoli

Experienced housewives advise adding rice to it.In individual containers boiled a pound of chicken fillet, as much cabbage and a glass of rice. Breasts are cut, cabbage is sorted by inflorescences, rice is washed. To make a juicy casserole with broccoli, the recipe advises mixing all the ingredients together with a half cup of grated cheese and a glass of cream of any fat content. The resulting mass is distributed on a greased griddle without a handle or in a baking dish. We dispatch the dishes in the oven for 20-25 minutes (depending on the size of the form). If you love a crust, sprinkle gratin cheese with casserole.

Broccoli with cheese

casserole with broccoli recipe

What is interesting about this recipe is the fact thatyou do not need to cook cabbage. It must be washed, dried, disassembled and laid out on a baking sheet. Already on the sheet, it is salted and seasoned - you can only pepper, and you can add spices, for example, Provencal herbs. Top of the broccoli smeared with sour cream - very thin, so it does not drain. The pan is put in a hot, heated to 200-220 aboutC, oven for about 8-10 minutes.When the cabbage becomes soft, the baking sheet gets, and its contents are covered with grated cheese. Its amount depends on your tastes. The broccoli casserole with cheese is placed in the oven and is cooked until an appetizing crust appears. Dinner is served!