/ / Macaroni with fish and cheese of the south - a dinner of connoisseurs of refined taste

Macaroni with fish and cheese of the south - a dinner of connoisseurs of exquisite taste

Макароны с рыбой и сыром юга не только полезны, but also tasty. This product was known to mankind in the fourth millennium BC. Still in the Egyptian tombs are drawings depicting people who make noodles. She served as food for the dead, who were sent to the kingdom of the dead. It is believed that he invented a special machine for making spaghetti god Vulcan. But then it was not yet spaghetti, it was thin strands of dough. Now it is believed that pasta came to us from the East. There is a tradition among the Japanese to treat guests for the New Year with long thin noodles, which brings good luck. The Japanese often compete with someone longer paws, he is considered the happiest.

pasta with red fish

History of creation

Pasta with fish and cheese of the south is prepared in Italy.Almost all historians believe that after Marco Polo returned from China to Venice, the global spread of pasta around the world began. However, before this time there are references to Sicilian pasta. They had the appearance of dough tapes, which the Arabs dried in the sun.

Red fish pasta is quite popular these days. Fish not only emphasizes their taste, but also gives a very pleasant flavor to the dish itself.

macaroni with cheese and rosemary sprigs

Association for the manufacture of pasta appeared in Italy in the 16th century. In each city, such a master manufacturer was called differently.

Neapolitan plants were created everywhere.They could be located in the city, but most often they were built along the coast. At such factories, the dough was kneaded with their feet, and after three workers they squeezed it with a wooden pole, on which they sat. It turned out that they pushed him with their weight, while singing various Italian motifs. Pasta was divided by type using manual cutting, but over time, everything was transferred to automation, and now we can please ourselves with our favorite "shells" or "spirals".

In the manufacture of pasta shortgoing in big boxes. The long ones were dried with the help of huge fans, put on high sticks and carried out on the street. For drying they were hung on the so-called "hangers".

Types of pasta

Pasta is considered one of the first productswhich were produced industrially. Pasta with fish and cheese of the south is a delicacy. Just imagine this beauty. The smell of red salted fish with a crust of melted cheese just fascinates.

Depending on the form, they can be divided intokinds: tubular, noodles, figured and vermicelli. From which pasta to cook according to the recipe is a purely personal matter. We, in turn, recommend curly or classic pasta.

Pasta with fish recipe

Макароны с рыбой и сыром юга очень просто to cook It is enough to choose them, put them in a saucepan and add water. Water is taken depending on the amount of pasta (1 liter of water for every 100 grams of pasta). Salt the water well and keep on fire until boiling. After the water boils, you need to fold the pasta into a colander, drain the water, dial a new one and bring it to a boil again.

As long as the pasta reaches, we clean one head.Onions and cut it into small cubes. Fry in a pan with vegetable or olive oil over medium heat. When the pasta "fit", mix them with onions, add the fish. It is best to use red fish (trout, salmon), but you can also take tuna. All mix well. Season with pepper, herbs or herbs, nutmeg (ground).

final result

Rub cheese on a medium grater and sprinkle pasta. Some people prefer to send this beauty to the oven for 5 minutes, but you can do without it.

Ingredients for cooking for 2 servings:

1) pasta 200g;

2) fish 100g;

3) cheese 150g;

4) greens to taste;

5) salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste;

6) onion 2 pcs.