/ / Sponge cake: preparation recipe. White and chocolate sponge cake

Biscuit with boiling water: recipe. White and chocolate biscuit with boiling water

Бисквит на кипятке получается очень пышным, fragrant and tasty. It should be noted that such a cake can be prepared both in a slow cooker and in an oven. Today we will present only the second option, because not all people have this device.

sponge cake

Quite a large number of housewives dohomemade cakes and pastries made from classic cake made of eggs, sugar and flour. But experienced chefs recommend using a different, more suitable recipe more often. This fact is due to the fact that, unlike the standard one, a sponge cake on boiling water turns out to be much lush, as well as with a slightly damp structure. This property makes home baking more tender, soft and juicy.

So how is preparing sponge cake?The answer to the question you will find out below. But before that I would like to note that today there are several ways to prepare such a cake. Depending on the products added to the base, it can change its structure, as well as be chocolate or vanilla.

Step-by-step recipe: sponge cake to make a cake

Homemade cakes with this cake turns out verytasty and tender. The height of this product after baking in the oven usually reaches 8 centimeters, which is good news. After all, one biscuit, which can be cut into 4 or even 5 cakes, is enough for you to make a dessert. As for the cream, here it is desirable to choose according to personal taste and discretion. Although the most tender and tasty cake on boiling water is obtained with a cream-sugar filling.

vanilla sponge cake

So, for making lush biscuit, we need:

  • fine sugar sand - 1 full glass;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • light wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • apple vinegar 6% and table soda - dessert spoon;
  • refined vegetable oil - 3 large spoons;
  • boiling water steep - 3 large spoons;
  • vanillin - 5 g;
  • cream margarine - to lubricate the form.

Preparation of the dough

Vanilla sponge cake will turn out lush andtasty only if the basis for it for a long time and thoroughly knead using a mixer. To do this, break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them at the highest speed until the volume increases 3 or 4 times. Next, in the same dish you want to pour fine granulated sugar and, by thoroughly mixing the ingredients, to achieve complete dissolution of the sweet product.

white sponge cake
After preparation of the first part of the base followsgo to create a second. To do this, sift the wheat flour, add vanilla to it, and then gradually add the resulting mixture to the previously beaten eggs. At the end of the dough is required to pay table soda with 6% apple cider vinegar, as well as pour refined vegetable oil and a small amount of boiling water. Then all the products should be whipped with a mixer again and proceed to baking the dessert.

Heat treatment

Vanilla sponge cake boiled in the ovencloset the same amount of time as a classic cake with a standard set of products. Thus, for the preparation of this dessert, you should take a detachable form with high sides and carefully lubricate its surface with creamy margarine. Next, in the bowl you need to pour all the previously kneaded dough and immediately put in a preheated oven.

Boiled sponge cake made according toThe recipe will be fully usable in 65-70 minutes. To check if the cake is well baked or it should still be kept in the oven, you need to stick a match or a toothpick into its base. In the event that the raw dough does not stick to the object and it remains completely dry, the fluffy cake can be safely removed from the mold.

boiling cake

After making such a product, it is recommended to cool it in cold air, and then begin to create a delicious dessert.

To make a cake on boiling water at homeconditions, you should cut the cake into 3, 4 or 5 cakes (depending on its height), and then alternately lubricate them with sour cream or some other cream and decorate the surface with glaze, cream, fruit, sweet crumbs, etc.

Correct feed to the table

Serve white sponge cake in the form of highand a delicious cake should be after a brief soak in the refrigerator. There, homemade dessert is completely saturated with sweet cream cream, it will become softer, juicy and tender. It is required to bring it to the table on portion dessert dishes together with hot and strong tea.

Delicious boiled chocolate sponge cake: a recipe for step-by-step cooking

As mentioned above, to do such a magnificentproduct can be different. The vanilla cake recipe was a little higher. Now I wanted to tell you in detail about how exactly the chocolate sponge cake is made.

It’s impossible to ignore the fact thatCocoa powder-based desserts are more popular than vanilla. That is why we decided to present to your attention two different ways of preparing homemade pastries.

To make chocolate sponge cake, we may need the following products:

chocolate biscuit with boiling water

  • light sifted flour - 2 faceted glasses;
  • fine sugar - 2 full glasses;
  • Chicken eggs of standard size - 2 pcs .;
  • table soda (it is necessary to quench apple cider vinegar) - 1 dessert spoon with a hill;
  • cocoa powder - 6 large spoons (if you want to get a less dark cake, then this amount can be slightly reduced);
  • fresh fat milk - a full glass;
  • vanillin - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil (take only refined) - 1/3 cup;
  • boiling water (not steep, slightly subacute) - 1 cup.

Process of kneading the base

To make the chocolate cake the bestlush, you must carefully follow all the rules for its preparation. To do this, beat the eggs together with sugar in a blender or blender, and then pour refined vegetable oil and fresh, full-fat milk to them and mix well again.

After the done actions are required in a separatebowl sift light wheat flour, and then pour vanilla sugar and cocoa powder to it. The last ingredient should be added to taste. If you want to get almost black cake, then it must be taken in the amount of 6 large spoons and more. If you prefer to use a dessert of a light chocolate shade, then the volume of such product is recommended to be reduced twice.

chocolate sponge cake recipe
When the bulk material is ready, it shouldgradually pour to the beaten eggs and milk, with the result that you should get a not very liquid base. To bring it to the desired consistency, it is required to pour a glass of boiling water into it. And the water should not be too hot, otherwise your dough is partially “cooked”. Also, the basis should be to quench the soda with apple cider vinegar and mix everything well with a mixer.

Baking process in the oven

Chocolate sponge cake to cookin a special detachable form. If such dishes in your house did not appear, then you can use a regular frying pan. But in this case, you must cut the edges of the finished product, using a plate of the desired diameter as a piece.

After you decide on the choice of dishes,It needs to be greased with vegetable oil and heated strongly in an oven. Next, in the prepared form you need to pour all the kneaded dough and bake for 60-70 minutes. If after this time the biscuit is not prepared until the end, then it should be kept in the oven for a few more minutes.

Cooking chocolate sponge cake on boiling water

Готовый пышный корж необходимо вынуть из формы or frying pans, then place on a chopping board and cool completely. Next, you need to cut the biscuit into several parts and grease it with plenty of cream. Stuffing for chocolate dessert, it is advisable to do with the use of cocoa powder. However, some cooks in homemade pastries like the contrast. That is why for dark cakes, they often use white cream. It may consist of different ingredients (butter, sour cream, condensed milk, cream, etc.). Which one of the fillings is the best is up to you.

How to serve homemade dessert to the table?

Неважно, используете ли вы способ приготовления vanilla dessert or recipe for chocolate boiled cake, in any case, this homemade treat should be done with love. After all, the only way you will get the most delicious, lush and delicate pastries, which no one of your family members or invited guests will ever refuse.

boiled chocolate cake recipe

After the chocolate cake made onthe basis of a magnificent sponge cake, will be completely ready, it needs to be placed in the refrigerator for at least 120 minutes. For this small period of time, the already soft and juicy cakes are soaked with air cream, becoming more tasty and tender. Serve this homemade delicacy to the table should be with hot tea or another favorite drink. Enjoy your meal!

Helpful Tips

  • For cooking chocolate or vanilla sponge cake on boiling water, instead of baking soda with vinegar, you can use the usual baking powder in the amount of 1-1.5 large spoons.
  • Such a dessert will be more delicious if the base is not to add cocoa powder, but melted chocolate or chips from it.