/ / Chiffon biscuit recipe: the basis for a lush cake

Chiffon biscuit recipe: the basis for a lush cake

The recipe for chiffon biscuit was invented inFrance, in one of the famous bakeries. Once the confectioner discovered the fact that when adding butter to the dough on whipped proteins, it becomes more dense, acquires an interesting taste and color of antique chiffon, but does not lose its splendor.

recipe for chiffon biscuit
We recommend to prepare it with a custard.Caramel or vanilla chiffon biscuit, the recipe of which we now disassemble in detail, can become the basis for a gorgeous cake. After all, it is tender, tasty and perfectly saturated with cream.

Chiffon biscuit recipe: ingredients and preparation

For seven large chicken eggs, take seventygrams of starch (corn or potato), a glass of sugar, three teaspoons of baking powder, salt, one hundred and twenty-five grams of caramel syrup and the same amount of vegetable oil, vanilla sugar, half a teaspoon of citric acid and a quarter of a glass of cold water. Caramel can be made with own hand from sugar and water, and you can buy ready in the department, where toppings for coffee and ice cream are sold.

Chiffon Chocolate Biscuit Recipe
In both cases, the recipe for chiffon biscuit will beexecuted successfully. This number of ingredients is enough for a fairly large cake: two cakes will be obtained if the oven is in the form of a diameter of twenty-four centimeters. If the size of the form is smaller, then bake three cakes. It is better to take the plug-in. Wrap the sides of the mold with butter and place baking paper on top of it. So the dough will not be poured over the parchment and will lie evenly. The recipe for chiffon biscuit implies that when baking cakes may swell with a bump. Then the cake will not be so aesthetic. To prevent this, take a long sheet of foil, wrap in it two paper towels, fold and wrap the resulting ribbon shape, in which you will bake a cake. The oven should be heated no more than one hundred and sixty-five degrees Celsius.

Test preparation

Separate the yolks from the proteins, observing the maximum accuracy.

vanilla chiffon biscuit recipe
Combine the dry ingredients:flour, baking powder, salt and starch. Separately, mix caramel syrup, vegetable oil, water and yolks. Mix both mixes with a mixer until smooth. Whisk the whites with the addition of citric acid and a packet of vanilla sugar. The foam should be strong enough that it does not pour out when the bowl is turned over. Now you need to mix the proteins with a spatula to the caramel-yolk mass. Do this with scooping movements from the bottom up. Mixer can not be whipped in any case, otherwise all efforts will go wrong, as the protein foam will lose its splendor. Bake in prepared form for forty or fifty minutes depending on the oven. Take care that the temperature does not rise. It is good for baking such delicate biscuit types to buy a thermometer for the oven. Adding cocoa into the dough, you can make a tasty chiffon chocolate biscuit. The recipe suggests that this kind of baking goes well with custard, cream, cream cheese.