/ / How to cook a delicious sorrel soup

How to cook a delicious sorrel soup

Soups and borscht with sorrel can be attributed to the seasonal,spring-summer kitchen. Although, if you freeze the greens, it is possible to cook it in the middle of winter. Who will not be pleased with the pleasant green color and taste of the soup with a light acidity! These are the dishes that you are invited to cook.

Sorrel soup

sorrel soup
Sorrel soup will be nourishing and satisfying ifas a liquid, take infused strong broth from meat with bone - beef or pork, but not very fatty. A pound of meat products requires sorrel from 400 to 450 g, onions and celery, parsley - 200-250 grams. Passage oil and flour - 2-3 tablespoons. If you want to boil the sorrel soup with an egg, boil such a large amount so that you can put half or quarter in each plate.

Let's start cooking.Prepare the broth, removing the scale and salting in the process of cooking meat water. Bone then take out. Onions (if there is not only a head, but also feathers, take them too) and chop the roots finely and fry in oil. True, they can simply boil, thrown into the broth. But when roasting the ingredients, the sorrel soup tastes better. Pour the flour into the pan and fry a little more. Sorrel wash and separately stew in a small amount of water. When it becomes soft, fold it in a colander and rub through a sieve. Add the mass to the roots, mix and put everything in the broth. Salt, add pepper, stir and boil for 20-25 minutes. When the sorrel soup is ready, it is poured into plates, eggs and greens are placed in them. Offer for refueling sour cream. The dish turned out great in all respects!

sorrel soup with egg

Stew soup

Any classic recipemany cooking options. This is especially true of dishes of popular, loved, having a lot of fans. For example, the sorrel soup with stew is often cooked, and it turns out to be no worse than just meat. To cook it, you will need:

- canned meat - at the rate of 2 spoons per plate;

- a bunch of sorrel;

- 4-5 potatoes;

- 2 carrots;

- bulb;

- seasonings and spices;

- Some citric acid or a couple of sour apples.

Sauté onion and chopped in vegetable oilsorrel. In a pot in hot water put sliced ​​potatoes and circles - carrots. When they are almost ready, add onion with sorrel, salt, add spices, pepper, acidify a little. At the end put the stew, drive a couple of testicles - and let it boil. Ready sorrel soup to remove from heat, leave to infuse under the lid. Excellent for him black bread and sour cream.

sorrel soup with stew

This soup is served both hot andcold He perfectly quench thirst and refresh in the heat of summer. And thanks to the meat additive it is well saturated. A special highlight is attached to the first dishes by Bulgarian pepper and celery root, dill. Therefore, it will be useful to put pepper in a soup with sorrel, it is better to red, cut it into quarters or straws. Root can be pre-fry or boil with the rest of the components. For greater richness, it is recommended to pour rice, young peas (canned), green beans into such a soup. Spill into plates, pour a little chopped dill into each. Often the dish is sour not with citric acid, but with whey from sour milk. This is the so-called rustic version of the dish.