/ / Sorrel soup: recipe by recipe

Sorrel soup: recipe after recipe

Sorrel soup is a traditional dish.Slavic cuisine. It is eaten both cold as a summer, and hot as the usual first. It can rightfully be said that in both versions it is very tasty and healthy. And, of course, in different places they prepare it in different ways too. But traditionally potatoes are not put into the dish - only greens, root vegetables, roots, eggs.

Sorrel soup cold (Belarusian cuisine)

sorrel soup
Sorrel soup, the recipe of which we are nowConsider, popularly called "holodnik". This is understandable: they prepare it mainly in late spring and summer, when sorrel grows in the gardens. Meat broth, cooked in advance, or vegetable broth is used as a liquid base.

Consumption of products: main greenery - 250 gr., Fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pieces, green onions (feathers with heads) - 40 gr. (small bunch), eggs - 3 pieces, sugar - 1 teaspoon, salt to taste.

How is this soup sorrel prepared?The recipe recommends rinsing the leaves under running water, let it drain and dry. Finely chop and boil in broth or broth from vegetables until fully cooked. Then cool the future soup. In it put melenko chopped onions, which should be grind with salt, cucumbers, sugar if desired. Cook hard-boiled eggs, rub yolks, and whisk the whites, report to the rest of the products. Dressed with sour cream, dill, parsley.

You can cook a little differently soupsorrowful. The recipe allows eggs not to shred, and put in each plate for a quarter. And boil the first, not only with sorrel, but also with beet. Then the green is taken 150 grams, and the beets are 100 grams or a little more.

how to cook sorrel soup

Soup of sorrel on beet broth

The offered soup also belongs to the categorycold. Begin to cook it with the processing of sorrel: wash, dry, whip, cook. For the base is taken water or broth. The green itself requires a beam weighing 200 grams. Since this is an unusual soup sorrel, the recipe includes in its composition beets (medium-sized, red) - it should be boiled separately as a whole and unpeeled.

sorrel soup recipe with photos
To prevent the vegetable color from being lost during cooking, a spoonful of 9% vinegar is added to the water. Or the beet is baked in the oven until cooked.

Then the root is cooled, cleaned, cut into strips.And the water where it is boiled, you need to filter well. It is added to the broth with sorrel. Finely chop the green onions (grind to taste with salt), cucumbers (2 pieces), 3 egg whites (the yolks are pounded and added to the dish) and put in a pan to other products. The difference with this recipe, how to make sorrel soup, from the one described above, is that they fill it with kefir (100-150 gr.), Which you must first beat well with a mixer or a whisk, and then hold it for a while in the refrigerator. To taste the dish sweeten a little sugar. When serving in plates put sour cream and greens.

Sorrel soup

delicious sorrel soup
Наконец, ещё один щавельный суп.The recipe (with photos) of this hot dish is worth taking note of, because eating it at any time of the year, there would be only fresh or frozen greens. Ingredients: meat - 500 gr., Sorrel - 400 gr., Onions and roots - 250 gr., Flour - 2-3 tablespoons, butter for sauteing. The meat is boiled, scale is removed from the broth. Carrots, onions, parsnips, parsley, celery (roots) should be finely chopped and fried in the pan where the dish will be brought to readiness. Add flour and continue to fry. Sorrel cut and separately extinguished in a small amount of water for 10-12 minutes. Then it should be grind to a state of mashed potatoes and put in onion and vegetable zazharku. The broth is poured in there, the soup is brought to a boil and cooked on medium heat for about 20 minutes. Salt to taste. Boil eggs in the bag, put in plates with food when serving. Dress with sour cream and herbs. And if cut into portions and put the meat, then the eggs must be served hard-boiled. The soup turns out rich and very satisfying.