/ / Molva - fish for holidays and everyday life. Delicious cooking recipes

Molva is a fish for holidays and everyday life. Delicious cooking recipes

Molva - fish, which is found in the coastal waters of the Atlantic. It appeared on the shelves of our stores for a long time, but sellers more often call it sea pike or ling.

molva fish

This fish represents a large industrialvalue. Its meat has a dense structure and a beautiful light shade, and besides, the molva is a healthy fish, because it contains protein, vitamins and trace elements, including even rare selenium.

Cooks love this fish. Cooking is easy, and the result is always good. Even if you just boil this fish, you get a delicious dish. Today we will try to learn some simple but interesting recipes.

Choosing a Fish

In our area, this fish is often sold frozen. This is not surprising, because it is being taken from afar.

molva fish photo

Molva - a fish whose photo is easily remembered, you should see it at least once. She really looks like a pike.

Before buying, pay attention to the smell and color. The meat is fresh, almost white. Unlike river and lake fish, it never smells of mud, it has a completely neutral smell.

Boiled molva

Many cooks know that a molva is a fish, reviews aboutwhich often contain words in superlatives. It is served at the table even in famous fish restaurants. From this fish it is quite possible to prepare a snack for the holiday, but for the usual dinner, it is also perfect.

molva fish reviews

Clean the fish from the entrails, separate the head and fins. Cut into portions. Dip boiling in boiling vegetable broth.

While the fish is boiling, prepare the sauce.Melt 50 grams of butter in a frying pan, fry a handful of white crackers on it. Add a little lemon juice (to taste) and one boiled egg, finely chopped. Salt and season with spices. If desired, green onions or garlic passed through the crush can be added to the sauce. Water the fish with this sauce before serving. Serve steamed buckwheat or wheat porridge as a side dish.

Bake in the oven

A molva is a fish with very few bones. Cut off the meat from the spine and cut the fillets into portions. Sprinkle with lemon juice, salt, sprinkle with spices and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

Wrap each piece in a slice of raw orsmoked bacon - it will make the meat juicier. Kill the edges with a skewer or tie a thread, put in a greased form and send in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. It is possible to bake such fish both in an open form, and in a heat-resistant sleeve.

fish molva how to cook

Serve with a side dish of baked vegetables.

Molva in batter

You can simply fry the fish, pre-rolled pieces in the flour. Thus prepared, it will be perfectly combined with mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

But there is another way.For frying in crispy batter, fish is also great. How to cook this dish? There is nothing complicated. First, cut the fish into pieces of the desired size, dry them on paper napkins so that the batter does not flow.

There are many recipes for the batter itself.It is made from beer, carbonated mineral water, eggs, mayonnaise. A simple recipe always turns out to be a good one, for cooking which you need to mix 3 cooled eggs with a fork, add spices and salt, and then carefully add 2 tablespoons of flour. You should not use a mixer or a whisk - whipping eggs will drain from the fish.

Put the fish pieces into the bowl with the batter, gentlyAfter distributing them, move them to the pan. Fry in hot oil until golden brown. If you like crisp, lay out the fish on a wide dish, and not in a bowl slide.

Garnish for such fish can be served roasted potatoes, a mixture of stewed vegetables, boiled asparagus. Take care of the sauce - it will be perfectly combined with crispy pieces.

molva fish

Sea pike in the children's menu

Molva - a fish that is great even for those who just started to get acquainted with new tastes. Pediatricians include it in the menu of babies of the first year of life. Her snow-white meat is easily digested.

For children, this fish is best cooked in a double boiler. Children older than one year can offer and baked in the oven molvu. Another interesting way - quenching in milk.

Combine the milvou with vegetable puree, cereal side dishes or pasta, and your baby will be happy to savor healthy and tasty dishes.