Sterlet, recipe which we will discuss in this article, isfish from the family of sturgeon. It has long been called the royal fish, since it was very much like the representatives of the monarchy. Fact from history: Peter the Great and Ivan the Terrible demanded to serve this fish daily for dinner. Although it is customary to call sterlet, the recipes of which are even somewhat similar to red fish, in fact it has white meat.
Sterlet, the recipe for cookingassumes a lot of options and ways of pretreatment, will be the real queen of the table, and it's almost impossible to spoil it. From her comes out a wonderful ear. It can be baked, smoked, stewed, cooked on a grill or fried in a frying pan. Also, this fish is suitable for those who follow a diet. For example, boiled or cooked with vegetables. Many recommend trying to cook this fish with champagne or wine. Incredibly delicious, if you add a little bit of brut in the ear. In general, the sterlet, the recipe for cooking which can be selected for every taste, is very easy to make.
So, now let's try to cook the sterlet.The recipe for salt. We need one carcass of fish, several lemons or limes, onions or shallots, spices to taste. The amount of accompanying ingredients is not indicated, since it depends on the weight and size of the fish selected. To sterlet, recipes (the photo is attached), the preparations of which we will tell below, turned out juicy and aromatic, it must first be marinated in lemon or lime juice, mixed with olive oil and spices. You can add herbs, such as tarragon, dill, thyme, parsley, basil. Onion cut into large rings. Lemon is also cut into slices. A suitable form for baking or a baking sheet is lined with foil, we spread half of the prepared onions and lemons, sprinkle with chopped greens.
You can diversify the menu and try to make a sterlet, the recipe of which contains potatoes. Do everything the same as in the previous version, just add the potatoes, sliced slices.