/ / Dough for chebureks on kefir - pledge of a delicious, crunchy dish!

Dough for chebureks on kefir - pledge of a delicious, crunchy dish!

Probably, there is no such person who refusesenjoy the taste of fragrant, crisp chebureks. In principle, this is a simple fried patty made from ordinary dough without yeast and meat filling. However, in the able hands, even the usual, at first glance, cheburek can turn into a real culinary masterpiece. And for this you need only know a few secrets of cooking this simple dish.

For example, first of all you should familiarize yourself withwith methods of making a dough for a conceived meal. Today there are a huge number of options: on milk, vodka, boiling water or even custard. But in reality, a delicious crispy dough is made for chebureks on kefir. Pies made from such a mass are always quite soft, golden, with an appetizing crust and incredible aroma. The only important thing is to know how to quickly make a quality, crisp dough for chebureks on kefir.

Required Products

It takes about an hour to prepare such a mass. In order to make a truly delicious dough for chebureks on kefir, you will need:

  • 400 ml of yogurt;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 700 g of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

In general, you can take almost any yogurtfor making a dough, but it is better to give preference to a greasy product. Of the indicated number of ingredients, you will get about 10 servings.

Cooking dough on yogurt

Phased cooking

To begin with, melt the butter inmicrowave or in a water bath to a liquid state. In a separate container, sift the flour, preferably several times, and add salt to it. Then pour in kefir, melted butter and eggs. Mix all the ingredients with a fork or spoon. After kneading, you can put the dough on the surface and knead by hand until a smooth, smooth lump is obtained. Prepared mass wrap in polyethylene and leave for half an hour.

And before proceeding to directfrying the chebureks, be sure to knead the prepared dough again. Just keep in mind that you need to add the minimum amount of flour. Otherwise, the dough for chebureks (on kefir it or on water - not the essence is important) will turn out too tight and, as a consequence, tasteless.

Well, are we preparing?

The recipe for chebureks on kefir

This is an extremely simple way of cookingdelicious, crispy and fragrant fried pies. For quite a short period of time with the help of this recipe you will surely be able to make really mouth-watering and hearty chebureks. The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that due to the yogurt used, the patties are unusually tasty and really magnificent.

How to make dough for chebureks


As for kitchen appliances, then youPrepare a whisk or mixer, a rolling pin, a glass and deep containers for mixing the ingredients in advance. Also, to prepare a dough for kefir for Chebureks, you will need:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 6 tablespoons of butter;
  • on a teaspoon of sugar and salt.

Since you are preparing the dough, the most intimatepay attention to the flour used. Of course, it is desirable to give preference to the highest grade. And for the preparation of dough for chebureks on kefir you will need exclusively wheat flour. Its color should be as close to white as possible.

dough on kefir for chebureks

Step-by-step cooking

In a sufficiently deep container, pour kefirroom temperature. Add to it an egg, salt and sugar. Whip the ingredients at low speed of the mixer or manually with a regular corolla. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, in small portions gradually pour into the mass flour, which must first be sifted. Add it until the dough thickens. Then lay the mass on the table, sprinkling the surface with a small amount of flour. Knead the dough - too tight, but it should not stick to the hands. At this stage, the mass is almost ready. It remains only to cover it and let it brew for half an hour. After the rest time, the dough is completely ready for further manipulation.

How to Cook Chebureks

A few recommendations in the end

If you still decided to make wonderful chebureks from a dough on kefir, be sure to take into consideration some tips.

  • To speed up the process it is worthwhile to stock upspecial food film. It is useful at a time when the dough will be ready and he will need to brew. A simple film can significantly speed up the process.
  • In addition, to save precious time will helpuse a mixer instead of an ordinary fork. So you will be able to save about 10 minutes. Yes, and efforts will have to be applied much less, so that the cooking process will not be so tedious.
  • It is very important to pay attention to the percentage of fat content of kefir used. To give preference to the average is best.
  • The filling of chebureks must be flawlessmatching. As a filling, of course, it is best to use meat. If you want to slightly vary the menu, add pies with cheese, potatoes, mushrooms and other ingredients.