/ / Hedgehogs with rice: cooking recipe with a photo

Hedgehogs with rice: a recipe with pictures

Очень часто хозяйки ломают голову над вопросом:"And what is tasty and satisfying to cook for dinner or dinner?" We suggest you try a simple and budgetary dish - hedgehogs with rice (the recipe will be presented later). We think that it will appeal to even small children, who can hardly be persuaded to try something new. Experienced housewives will gladly share the secrets of making hedgehogs with rice. Recipes, as well as some recommendations can be found in this article.

Hedgehogs with rice and meat

A few interesting facts

In everyday life, many of us tryfeed their own households to that does not require a lot of money, as well as time. Hedgehogs with rice (there are many recipes) is an excellent option, which will be enjoyed by all family members. Before we get down to preparing this hearty dish, we suggest that you get acquainted with some curious facts:

  • Hedgehogs contain a large amount of protein, so they need to be eaten as often as possible.
  • Meatballs, kufta, meat balls, hedgehogs are all names of the same dish.
  • Even if your child refuses meat, he will eat this dish with great pleasure.
    Preparation of hedgehogs

    Classic recipe for hedgehogs from minced meat and rice

What's interesting to cook with meat?- think many of us sometimes. After all, you need to do something that will taste great and small. The output is found! Have you decided to please your family and cook the hedgehogs with rice in the oven? The recipe is very simple, and you will not have to mess with the dish for a long time. But before proceeding to the preparation, let's prepare the products that we need.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Minced meat (pork or beef, you can also take chicken) - about half a kilogram, if you are preparing for a family of several people.
  • Onions - 2-3 pieces.
  • Seasonings - if you like spicy dishes.
  • Rice - half the glass will be enough.
  • Sour cream or tomato paste - for cooking sauce.
  • Salt - to taste.

Technology of preparation:

  1. Take the necessary amount of rice (it is best to take long grain). Rinse it thoroughly and pour it into a saucepan. Add a glass of water and half a tablespoon of salt.
  2. Put the pan on a strong fire. When water boils, weaken power. Rice cook until half cooked, stirring occasionally.
  3. We shall borrow onions. It must be washed, peeled, finely chopped, fried in vegetable oil.
  4. Rinse the rice and let cool.
  5. In the mince it is necessary to break the eggs, add salt, pepper and mix everything well.
  6. The fried onion and rice are also laid out in the meat mass.
  7. We mix everything well. We take a small amount of the mixture and form small balls from it.
  8. Grease the form with butter and put hedgehogs in it with rice.
  9. Pour sauce on top (information on how to prepare it can be found in this article).
  10. Put in a preheated oven for 35 - 40 minutes.
  11. The finished dish can be decorated with fresh herbs: green onions, dill, parsley.
  12. Bon Appetit!
    Hedgehogs with rice in the oven

    Hedgehogs with rice in a pan: a recipe

Meat balls can be cooked not only in the oven. We suggest you try to make them in the pan. Let's take meat instead of ready stuffing.

  • We will need a pound of pork and beef, as well as onions.
  • Scroll through the meat grinder.
  • Boil a glass of rice (do not forget to rinse it well before cooking).
  • Grated carrots will be overcook with onions in a frying pan.
  • Now break the egg into mince and add vegetables, as well as boiled rice.
  • Mix the resulting mass, salt it to taste.
  • Now it remains only to form hedgehogs and fry them in a pan from all sides.
  • Choose any sauce (if you wish, you can come up with something of your own) and pour hedgehogs.
  • Cook over medium heat for thirty to thirty five minutes.
  • As you could see, everything is very simple. And the finished dish turns out extremely tasty.
    Hedgehogs with minced meat

    Cooking sauces

Now you know that in cooking delicioushedgehogs with rice is nothing complicated. It is time to prepare the sauce. After all, the taste of the finished dish depends on what ingredients are included in its composition. We suggest you try some excellent options that are popular with a large number of people. You can write them in your notebook with culinary recipes and cook as often as possible. So, what is the best sauce for serving meat balls?

  • Tomato.If you like the sweet and sour taste of hedgehogs with rice, then you can choose this sauce. How to cook it? The list of products is quite simple: tomatoes, tomato-paste, garlic, pepper, spices, onions, salt and sugar. First you need to wash and chop the vegetables. Then we take the pan, pour the sunflower oil and fry the vegetable mixture in it. Add spices, as well as a small amount of salt and sugar. Put the tomato paste and pour a small amount of water into the pan. You can add a bouillon cube beef or chicken. The sauce is cooked within ten minutes.
  • Sour cream or creamy.Mix half a glass of sour cream and cream together. You can add a small amount of cheese. Add a little salt, spices to taste, as well as a glass of ready broth or water. All mix well and fill hedgehogs.
    Ingredients for hedgehogs

    Fineness of preparation

If you want to prepare a dish that is sure to please not only your home, but also guests, listen to advice from experienced housewives.

  • Hedgehogs with meat can be made not only with rice, but also with buckwheat, millet, pearl barley.
  • Minced meatballs are best made fatter.
  • The secret of extremely tasty hedgehogs with rice (recipeso simple that the dish will turn out even for the most inexperienced hostess) is not only in the filling, but also in the sauce. If you add cream to it, it will be more tender and saturated.
  • What can be offered to your family members orto guests as a side dish? The choice can be quite varied. Judge for yourself: mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, pasta, buckwheat, steamed vegetables and much more.
  • Many housewives are concerned about the questionminced meat is best used for cooking hedgehogs. We recommend to take in stores home. You can also buy beef and pork, and then scroll through a meat grinder.


Hedgehogs with rice (the recipe from the photo is presented in this article) - can be the main dish of the festive table. Your family and guests will be extremely grateful to you!