/ Meat rolls with filling. Oven Cooking Recipes

Meat rolls with a stuffing. Recipes of cooking in the oven

Cook such a gorgeous dish is solved farnot every hostess. Especially for the first time. Many are afraid of failures and difficulties. But if you try it once, each next one will be easier and simpler. Over time, get great meat rolls with filling. You will already begin to use recipes more and more difficult, you will begin to supplement them yourself. Moreover, the dish can be made from any meat that will be at hand: chicken, pork, veal, minced meat or fish.

General information about the preparation of meat rolls

If very briefly try to make out the question ofthat is meat rolls with filling, recipes for their preparation, then we get the following. Such a roll consists of several pieces of meat repulsed to translucency, filled with filling of any composition, bonded with a skewer and baked in the oven. You can also fry in a skillet or stew in sauce. Make this dish and chopped from meat. To do this, the meat, finely chopped, or stuffing is spread on a film or napkin, aligning it on the surface to obtain a dense layer, after which the stuffing is placed on it and then rolled into a roll.

meat rolls with filling recipes
And then, as mentioned above, baked in the ovenor fry in a well heated pan. There is the option of cooking a dish in the dough, in this case the role of the filling is played by meat. In any case, the result is an incredibly tasty, juicy and aromatic dish. We have already described the products for the roll itself, but you can use a lot for the filling: eggs, mushrooms, sausages, vegetables, or even seafood. The table is served both as a main dish and as a snack. Well, now let's take a look at examples of how meat rolls with filling are made. Recipes for their preparation are presented below.

Recipe for making meatloaf called “Argentina”

A dish made according to this recipe in ArgentinaIt is served chilled, having previously held it under the load, so that excess juice is released. Necessary products for five to six servings: one kilogram of beef tenderloin, broth - 350 ml, garlic - one clove, vinegar - 100 ml, dry thyme - five grams, carrot - three pieces, two boiled boiled eggs, spinach - one bunch.

We will cook meatloaf in the oven.The recipe is not the easiest, so be careful. The cut is cut into two layers - 40x20 cm. Each of them is still cut in half, but we don’t reach a couple of centimeters. We beat. Prepare the seasoning: chop the garlic clove, mix with vinegar and thyme. Marinate for five to six hours in this part of the meat. Boil the carrot in salted water, chop the onion into rings, wash out the spinach.

meatloaf in the oven recipe
Яйца очищаем и на восемь долек нарезаем.Dab the meat with a napkin, put it overlapping one another, cut up. Few more to get a single layer. Put carrot, onion, egg and spinach on top. Pepper, salt, you can sprinkle with parsley. Neatly fold the meat into a roll and thread our results. After that, put it in a thick-walled baking sheet, treat with fat or butter and send it to the oven, where we bake for ten minutes. Then pour broth, cover with foil and weathe for about an hour. Cooked roll, turning off the fire, it is recommended to leave in the oven for six to eight minutes. Remove the thread, cut, lay out on a plate, pour it with its own juice and serve.

Meat roll in the oven: recipe with omelet

We offer the following recipe, a little simpler.We will need: minced meat - 0.5 kg, three chicken eggs, milk - 250 ml, one onion, one carrot, spices, salt. Add the minced onion, finely chopped, a loaf soaked in milk, egg, spices and salt. Well we mix everything up.

Making stuffing.Fry the onion and grated carrot, beat the second egg with milk (75 ml), salt and fry the roll in a frying pan. Getting to the formation of the roll. We spread minced meat on foil, crush it for density, put omelet, carrot and onion on top.

meat roll recipes in the oven
Roll up the roll gently, compacting it with your hands andhelping with foil. We pinch the edges of the dish so that the filling does not fall out when baking, and put it in a thick-walled form. The ideal option would be cast iron cookware. Cook for about 30 minutes, as soon as an appetizing crust appears, then the dish is ready. It is advisable to give the roll a little cool, then you can cut it into slices and serve. We continue to cook meat rolls with filling. The recipes that we are going to master are made from pork.

Pork Meat Rolls Recipes

Для приготовления нужны следующие продукты:one kilogram of pork, preferably a neck or brisket without a bone, 300 grams of mushrooms, such as chanterelles, 100 grams of hard cheese, one onion, one clove of garlic, parsley or dill, freshly ground pepper, salt, vegetable oil and cream.

Begin to cook pork meat rolls.Drain well-washed meat, make a deep cut along the entire piece to half its thickness. After that we make cuts to the left and to the right, but the piece is not completely cut.

pork meat rolls
Now the layer of meat is deployed like a book.We beat it well, covered with a bag or cling film. Rub it with pepper and salt. Prepare the stuffing: sort out, wash and dry the mushrooms, chop the onion finely, wash, dry and chop the greens. Peel the garlic and chop it finely. Grate cheese. Fry the mushrooms in a skillet until the moisture evaporates, add a little oil and fry until golden. Separately, also prepare onions, combine it with mushrooms, pepper, salt, cool. Add greens, garlic, cheese, mix well.

Roll forming and baking

Put the prepared stuffing on the meat androll up roll. We fasten it with toothpicks or tied with thread. Fry on all sides in a well-heated pan. Then we shift it into a form or baking sheet, greased with oil, and send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. We bake for half an hour.

ready roll
After browning the roll it needs to be coveredfoil and bake until ready. Five minutes before the end of the process we remove the foil, even if it is browned. Fully cooked dish is taken out of the oven, let stand for a while, about 25 minutes, and cut into slices. It can be served cold or hot. So we mastered the recipes of meat rolls in the oven. Enjoy your meal!