/ Gingerbread: recipe at home with a photo

Gingerbread: recipe at home with photo

One of the most favorite since childhood delicaciesis a carrot. A distinctive feature of it is the unusual honey taste and aroma of spicy spices. There are several varieties of such products, which differ in the way they are manufactured. The best and affordable recipes for gingerbread cookies with glaze are presented in our article. Below are offered their step-by-step descriptions and photos.

Real gingerbreads on the custard "Nezhenka"

Gingerbread on the custard batter

From the amount of ingredients specified in the recipeit turns out about 100 products in the glaze. But despite this gentle and soft gingerbread literally disappear from the table in a short time. The dough for their preparation is used by the brewed milk.

The recipe for gingerbread with glaze (a photo of the dish is presented in the review) consists of the following sequence of actions:

  1. Sugar (500 g) is combined with a pinch of salt and 250 g of sifted flour.
  2. Milk (0.5 liters) is brought to a boil, poured into a prepared dry mixture and intensively interferes with it.
  3. Add 100 ml of refined oil. The mass is once again mixed well and set aside.
  4. Proteins of two eggs are separated from the yolks and cleaned into the refrigerator.
  5. When the mixture is brewed with milk, it becomes warm, 2 eggs and the same number of yolks are introduced into it. The resulting mass is beaten with a mixer.
  6. In a dry bowl, 1 kg of flour, 4 packs of baking powder weighing 10 g each and 30 g of vanilla sugar are sieved.
  7. Gradually flour mixture is combined with the brewed part. The result is a soft dough that does not stick to your hands and table.
  8. The fourth part of the test is rolled into a smooth cake 1 cm thick. With the help of cutting for a cookie or other shape, circles are cut out and sent to a baking sheet covered with parchment.
  9. Gingerbread is baked in an oven, heated to 180 °, 25 minutes. They rise well, turn out ruddy and very tasty.

The recipe for glaze cakes

The recipe for glaze cakes

Many people consider the most delicious part of gingerbreadsugar icing, without which it is difficult to present these products. There are several options for its preparation. The lightest glaze is considered to be the lightest. To cook enough 2 egg whites left after kneading the dough, beaten with a mixer with 250 grams of powder. As a result, after a couple of minutes, a snow-white mass should appear, in a consistency resembling a sparse sour cream. Garnished with ginger cakes are covered with a culinary brush. After it has hardened, the products can be fed to the table.

The second variant of the glaze is based on the preparationsugar syrup. To do this, 230 g of sugar and 150 ml of water are combined in the saucepan. After dissolving the sugar, the fire decreases, and the syrup continues to boil for another 10 minutes, until it acquires a sufficiently thick consistency. At this time, egg 1 protein is beaten with a powder (150 g) to a dense mass. Without ceasing to work as a mixer, hot syrup is poured into it. A few minutes later the icing will be ready. It remains only to put gingerbread in it and put it on the grate.

Soft gingerbread on sour cream

Products made according to the following recipe, are obtained especially soft inside and air. Meanwhile, they are very easy to bake at home. The recipe for gingerbread is as follows:

  1. A large egg is beaten with sugar (125 g) and salt (½ tsp) into a lavish foam.
  2. Add 150 ml of sour cream and baking powder (1 tsp).
  3. In the resulting mixture is poured 20 ml of sunflowerand gradually the flour (400 g) interferes. In the end, you should get a nice dough. To make it easier to work with, it is recommended to cool it for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  4. The dough is divided into several parts. Each of them is rolled into a cake with a thickness of at least 1 cm.
  5. Using molds, prepare the products and lay them on a baking tray. Send them to a preheated oven for 20 minutes (180 °).
  6. Cooled gingerbread in a bowl with a protein glaze and mix. Put the products on a board or grate and dry.

The recipe for gingerbread on kefir

The recipe for gingerbread on kefir

A distinctive feature of the belowproducts is their softness. This texture is achieved thanks to the addition of kefir in the dough. Photo and recipe home made gingerbread with a step-by-step description are offered in the article:

  1. Flour (650 g), baking powder (1 tbsp.) And spicy spices: cinnamon (1 tsp), ginger powder (½ tsp), ground cloves and nutmeg (1/4 ch) are sieved in a bowl tsp).
  2. In a separate container for whipping is pouredwarm kefir (1 tbsp.) and a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Add 250 grams of sugar, a little salt, 2 egg yolks. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. It is desirable to achieve complete dissolution of grains of sugar.
  3. Gradually, the flour mixture is added to the kefir mass. First, with a spoon, and then dough is manually kneaded. It is covered with a napkin and left on the table for 30 minutes.
  4. Products are formed as follows: the dough is divided into several parts, each of which is rolled into a sausage and is divided into small balls the size of a nut.
  5. Bake cakes in a preheated oven for 35 minutes. The cooled products are covered with frosting.

Homemade gingerbread with honey

Dough for the products presented in the followingthe recipe, is prepared exactly as for a medic. But the sheet is rolled at least 10 mm thick, and the gingerbread cooks go up well enough. Thanks to this they turn out magnificent.

The recipe for gingerbread with honey is to do the following:

  1. In a water bath sugar (½ tbsp.) Is combined with honey (½ tbsp.) And butter (30 g).
  2. Separately, 1 egg is beaten with soda (1 tsp) and a pinch of salt.
  3. The egg mass is mixed with the honey part of the dough directly on a water bath and mix well. The sauté pan is removed from the fire.
  4. In the resulting mass is added 225 g of flour and kneaded dough. At first it will be quite liquid, but will become dense as it cools down. A lot of flour is not necessary to add otherwise the gingerbread will turn out to be hard.
  5. From the dough a sheet is rolled out, from which immediately circles are squeezed out with the help of a glass.
  6. The products are baked at 200 ° not more than 12 minutes. It is recommended that hot gingerbread should be left under the towel until completely cooled, and only then cover them with glaze.

Delicious gingerbread with plum jam

Gingerbread with plum jam

Products prepared according to the following recipe,you can not exactly call it dry. And all because inside the gingerbread is a juicy filling in the form of plum jam. Such a dessert will definitely appeal to children. Yes, and adults will not refuse to eat cooked at home gingerbread (pictured). The recipe for the products is as follows:

  1. In a dry bowl, 2 yolks are beaten with a mixer with sugar (200 g). Kefir is gradually added. The mass is thoroughly mixed until the grains dissolve.
  2. Separately, the flour (600 g) is sieved with a baking powder (0.5 tsp) and the same amount of soda. If desired, vanilla sugar (1 tablespoon), nutmeg (1 tsp) and cocoa (2 tablespoons) are added to the dough.
  3. The dough is rolled to a thickness of 5 mm. With the help of a glass, circles are made. Jam is placed in the center of each of them. The edges of the circle are torn as a dumpling, after which the product rolls into a ball.
  4. The billets are laid out on a baking tray and sent to a preheated oven (190 °) for literally 12 minutes. After cooling, the finished products are smeared with glaze.

Mint cakes

Gingerbread cookies

The following cooking recipe is suitable for thosepeople who adhere to the church fast. At the same time, it only confirms that, out of the minimal amount of the simplest ingredients, you can make very tasty gingerbread (pictured). The recipe for their preparation consists of only seven steps:

  1. Sifted flour (350 g) mixed with a teaspoon of soda.
  2. 100 ml of hot water is poured into a skillet and 180 g of sugar is poured out. On a low heat the ingredients are brought to a boil, after which the syrup is cooked for another 2 minutes.
  3. A teaspoon or two mint essences or tinctures are added to the warm syrup.
  4. In the prepared dry mixture is added first vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), and then sweet peppermint solution.
  5. Knead the dough. If it crumbles, you can pour a little more oil.
  6. The finished dough is transferred to the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which it rolls into a sausage and is divided into 25 parts. Each of them rolls into a ball and laid out on a baking sheet.
  7. Baked products no more than 10 minutes, after which they are still warm alternately dipped in sugar icing.

Cocoa Gingerbread

The following recipe will appeal to all lovers.baking with cocoa flavor. Despite the fact that the dough will be quite liquid and working with it is not so easy, the products are very soft. A recipe for homemade gingerbread in the following steps:

  1. First, dry ingredients are mixed in a clean bowl: flour (900 g), sugar (400 g), vanilla and baking powder (10 g) each, soda and salt (0.5 tsp), and cocoa powder (3 Spoons).
  2. Separately connect 2 yolks, 500 ml of warm milk and 70 ml of vegetable oil.
  3. Liquid and dry ingredients are interconnected.
  4. A bowl of dough is covered with a napkin and set aside for 1 hour.
  5. After a specified time, a little flour is poured on the table and the third part of the dough is laid out in it.
  6. A harness is formed, which is immediately cut into several pieces.
  7. Hands roll balls, laid out on a baking sheet and flattened.
  8. The products are baked for 20 minutes at 180 °, and after cooling down, they are lowered alternately into a thick sugar syrup.

Lean gingerbread on brine

Lean gingerbread on brine

Do not give up on delicious pastries and in the post.According to the recipe, the gingerbread cookies are very soft. And to guess that they are cooked on a tomato or cucumber brine just no one can. Step-by-step recipe for baking is as follows:

  1. Brine (1 tbsp.) Slightly warmed to a temperature of 40-45 °.
  2. Sugar is poured into it (1 tbsp.) And stirred until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Vegetable oil (3 tbsp.), Soda (1 tsp.) And flour (2.5 tbsp.) Are added.
  4. Knead the dough, similar in consistency to the sand. To make it easier to work with him, it is recommended to put him in the fridge for half an hour.
  5. Tearing a piece of dough, form balls of it. Put them on a baking sheet and lightly press down. Prick the products with a fork on top so that they do not crack when baking.
  6. Keep gingerbread in a preheated oven for 25 minutes. To keep the products soft, it is recommended to keep them in a package or in a box.

Tula gingerbread

Tula gingerbread

Prepare another version of the fragrant homemade gingerbread pastry by the following recipe:

  1. Gingerbread is prepared on the basis of choux pastry.To do this, melt butter (75 g), sugar and honey (150 g each), 2 eggs beaten with a fork, soda, cinnamon (1 tsp) and other spices to taste in a water bath.
  2. Flour is sieved gradually (400 g). The dough is first kneaded with a spatula right in the water bath, and then laid out on the table. If necessary, up to 100 g of flour is added to it.
  3. The dough is divided into 2 equal parts.First, the first of them is rolled out to a thickness of 0.5 cm, after which the filling is laid on it. Then the second half of the dough is rolled out in a similar way and is used to cover the filling.
  4. The edges are carefully tweaked.
  5. Gingerbread is baked for 45 minutes at 180 °. Hot product covered with sugar syrup.

Scented honey cakes for painting

The recipe for homemade gingerbread for glazing and painting them is very simple:

  1. Flour (450 g) is mixed with crushed almonds (100 g), soda (1 tsp.), Cinnamon (2 tsp.), A pinch of salt, lemon zest, nutmeg and cardamom (optional).
  2. The water bath heats up butter (150 g), honey and sugar (250 g each).
  3. As soon as all the grains are dissolved, the saucepan can be removed from the water bath. In the warm mass add 1 egg.
  4. Connect both sides of the dough to each other. Knead it and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. In the morning, thinly roll out the dough and make figures out of it. After complete cooling, they can be used for glazing and painting.