/ / An interesting recipe for churchkhela at home

An interesting recipe for the churchhela at home

Are you curious to know what churchkhela is and how to cook it? Then you are in the right place. Now we will tell you this.

Churchkhela is a national Georgian and Armenian delicacy that is made on
thread. Such a dessert is pleasant to the taste, and its appearance is very original.
The recipe for churchkhela at home is quite simple, so you can easily create such a treat yourself.

recipe churchkhela at home

Preparing churchkhela nuts.Walnuts are commonly used, but hazelnuts and almonds are also allowed. The jelly-like mass, which is called the Tatar, always remains unchanged in such a dish. It is brewed from sugar, juice and flour.
The process of making churchkhela is not complicated, but interesting. However, the result must wait about two weeks. Let's look at the different recipes for making treats.

Grape churchkhela

For preparation it will be required:

  • two liters of grape juice;
  • half a cup of honey;
  • one and a half glasses of nuts (walnuts peeled);
  • 250 grams of wheat flour.

churchkhela recipe at home


  1. How to cook churchkhela at home?The recipe is quite simple. First, walnut halves and hazelnuts should be threaded onto a thick thread about 25 cm long. From above, leave about six centimeters of loose thread, loop. It will hang this delicacy.
  2. Now you need to cook Tatar. To do this, mix a glass of grape juice with wheat flour (sifted).
  3. После оставшийся сок вылейте в сотейник, put on a slow fire. Boil to a boil. After pouring the juice into the flour in a neat thin stream, stir constantly. Next, add honey. Continue to interfere in the process anyway.
  4. Boil down the mass to the consistency of thick kissel and remove from heat.
  5. Then, while stirring, cool the mass to fifty degrees.
  6. Now take a string with nuts and lower completely into the mass for two minutes so that it is covered completely with thick juice.
  7. After remove the strings and dry for seven minutes.
  8. While the first batch dries, dip the next one.
  9. After securing churchkhela on a string and hang to dry for several weeks. This should be in a ventilated room. Spread the paper under the churchkhela, as sometimes juice drips from it.
  10. As the top layer dries, you can determine the degree of readiness. Inside the sweet product should remain soft.
  11. After drying, transfer to the box a treat, alternating with paper (pergament). Full readiness of the product reaches a month after two or three, when completely dries.

recipe churchkhela at home with a photo

Armenian churchkhela. Recipe at home

For preparation it will be required:

  • half a cup of flour (wheat or corn);
  • liter of apricot juice;
  • walnuts, dried fruits and almonds.

How to cook Armenian delicacy? Recipe churchkhela at home with a photo, we now consider in detail.

  1. First thread nuts and dried fruit through the strings.
  2. Now make a decoction.Pour juice into a saucepan, put on medium heat. When boiling, slowly add the sifted flour, stirring a little with a spoon. As soon as the mixture becomes thick (like jelly), remove from heat.
  3. After it cools down, dip the threads with nuts for a minute.
  4. Then remove and dry (for five minutes), then repeat the procedure two or three times. The recipe of churchkhela at home suggests the presence of a thick layer of Tatars.
  5. After fixing the product on a string, hang to dry for two weeks in a well-ventilated place. Do not forget to spread paper.

how to cook churchkhela at home recipe

Recipe churchkhela at home with photos

Now consider another option for making such a delicious treat. Let's tell how the apple churchkhela prepares.

To create a treat you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • seven tablespoons of flour;
  • two glasses of apple juice and the same amount of nuts (walnuts);
  • three tablespoons of sugar.

Preparation of delicacies

  1. First break the nuts along. After half break another two parts.
  2. Take the thread (double) with a needle. At the end make a bundle (large).
  3. Next, string pieces of nuts on a string.
  4. After dilute the flour with water, it should not form lumps.
  5. Then pour the juice into the pan, add sugar.
  6. Put on the fire.
  7. Bring to a boil.
  8. After reduce the heat, pour water with flour in a thin stream. Do not forget to stir.
  9. So cook, stirring, over low heat for five minutes.
  10. Then take a string with nuts, place in a saucepan, cover with weight from all sides.
    recipe churchkhela
  11. Then gently pull and hang on the stick. Do this with all the threads.
  12. Place a paper or bag underneath.
  13. After the products harden, dip once more to make the layer thicker.
  14. Next, you need to hang them dry.The recipe of the churchkhela at home suggests that this should take place in a ventilated room for five to seven days. After the products are dry, they should be put in the box.


Now you know how churchkhela is prepared, the recipeat home we have described in detail. We hope, now you can make such a tasty treat. We reviewed the recipe for churchkhela at home with apple, grape and apricot juice, but you can also use plum, cherry and pomegranate. We wish you good luck and bon appetit!