/ / Canned Sardine Soup: Cooking

Canned Sardine Soup: Cooking

Soup from canned "Sardines" is prepared literally forhalf an hour. That is why this first course is very popular among those housewives who do not like to devote a lot of time to preparing a hearty and nutritious dinner.

canned sardine soup

It should also be noted that the fish soupcanned "Sardines" is more fragrant than broth, based on some vegetables or with the addition of meat product. To see this for yourself, we recommend making this dish yourself.

Step-by-step recipe for soup from canned "Sardine"

You do not need to make such a dinner.acquire any overseas ingredients. After all, to get a tasty and rich soup, you should use only simple vegetables and inexpensive canned fish.

So, we need the following products:

  • white onion - 2 medium pieces;
  • canned "Sardines" - 2 standard jars;
  • rice cereal (long grain should be taken) - 3 large spoons;
  • medium sized potatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • Lavrushka, salt, dill and chopped pepper - use as desired and taste;
  • juicy carrot is not very small - 1 pc .;
  • refined oil - used for browning part of the components.

Processing products (cereals and vegetables)

Before making a soup of canned "Sardines",It is necessary to prepare all the named products. First you need to peel the vegetables. Bulbs (white) and potatoes required to be cut into cubes. As for juicy carrots, it is desirable to grate it on a large grater.

canned sardine soup

You should also separate the grits, put it in a sieve and rinse under cold water.

Seasoning ingredients in a pan

To soup canned "Sardines" turned outrich and fragrant, it is necessary to add browned vegetables to the broth. For their preparation, it is necessary to heat the oil in a pan, and then add onions and grated carrot. After combining the products with pepper and salt, they need to be fried until they turn red.

Cooking dinner on the stove

Canned fish soup "Sardines" necessarycook in a large saucepan. It is required to fill 2/3 with ordinary water and then bring to a boil. After that, you need to put the potatoes, rice and Lavrushka in the dishes. It is recommended to boil vegetables and cereals on low heat for about ¼ hour. After this time, the broth must be salted and pepper to taste. Next, you should lower the canned fish into it, having previously ground it with a regular fork. Boil these components preferably for 7 minutes.

По истечении указанного времени в практически ready-made soup is required to add chopped dill and previously browned vegetables. In this composition, the products must be boiled, removed from the cooking plate and left under the lid for 9-12 minutes.

canned sardine fish soup

How is the first dish served to the table?

Sardine soup (canned), cooked according toto the above recipe, it turns out to be very rich and tasty. After the first dish is covered with a lid, it should be poured into plates and presented to guests with slices of fresh white bread. Also for this dinner you can apply and sour cream.

Making soup from canned "Sardines" in a slow cooker

If you do not want to make such a dish on the stove, then we suggest using a slow cooker. By the way, for cooking fish soup is recommended to use the mode of extinguishing.

So, canned soup "Sardines in tomato sauce" requires that the following products be present:

  • white bulb - 1 large pcs .;
  • canned "Sardines in tomato sauce" - 2 standard jars;
  • pearl barley - 3 large spoons;
  • medium sized potatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • Lavrushka, salt, parsley and chopped pepper - use as desired and taste;
  • carrot is not very small - 1 pc.

canned sardine soup recipe

Processing ingredients (cereals and vegetables)

Like the previous sardine soup (canned),submitted dish requires a similar processing of all components. To begin with, the fish in tomato sauce should be minced with a fork. Next, you need to clean all the vegetables, after which they need to chop into small cubes.

As for pearl barley, it shouldrinse thoroughly, add water and leave in this condition overnight. During this time, the product will swell and require less time for heat treatment.

Cook the first dish in the slow cooker

Before making delicious canned soup"Sardines", should be boiled in advance pearl barley. To do this, it is necessary to put in a slow cooker, pour water, salt, and then put in quenching mode. Cooking cereal is recommended for 40-50 minutes. During this time, it should become soft and lose its mucus.

After the barley is boiled, itsdiscard the sieve and rinse thoroughly under tap water. Then you can safely proceed to the immediate preparation of the first dish. To do this, the bowl device should be 2/3 filled with clean water, then pour the potatoes, boiled pearl barley, onion, laurel and carrots. In this form, the soup must be cooked in stewing mode (under the lid) for 20 minutes. The specified time should be sufficient for the vegetables to be fully cooked.

canned sardine soup in a slow cooker

После того как добьетесь мягкости всех ingredients, then they should spice up the spices, and then put in sardine soup along with tomato sauce. After mixing the broth with a large spoon, it must be cooked in the same program for 10 minutes.

At the end of the first course you should put the chopped parsley. In this composition, the soup is recommended to stand on the heating for another 5-8 minutes.

Properly presenting the first dish to the family table

As you can see, canned fish soup is not prepareda very long time. After the dish is infused, it can be safely poured into plates. Presenting soup for dinner is desirable along with slices of bread, greens and sour cream.

It should be noted that the soup made onbased on sardines in tomato sauce, as well as with the addition of pearl barley, very much resembles such a dish as pickle. By the way, if you want to make it even more similar to the presented lunch, then we recommend additionally adding finely chopped pickled cucumbers to the broth, as well as grated chives. In this composition, your soup will turn out very fragrant, tasty and rich.

canned sardine soup in tomato sauce

Let's sum up the results

You can make canned sardine souponly with the use of rice or pearl barley, but also pure with vegetables, as well as buckwheat or pasta. I would also like to say that it is permissible to cook such a dish with other varieties of flavored fish. For example, a very tasty lunch with pink salmon and saury.