How to make chocolate

Most of the inhabitants of our planet adore chocolate.This delicious treat was enjoyed by adults and children alike. There are people who can not live a day without eating at least one chocolate piece. What caused this popularity of this delicacy? How do chocolate, loved by almost everyone?

The main raw material for the production of chocolate servecocoa beans. Find this wonderful tree in Australia, Central and South America, West Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. In those parts of the world where there are tropical forests. This plant prefers good loose soil and does not like direct sun exposure. Therefore, it usually hides under taller trees. Here on such capricious trees and grow fruits that resemble a melon or cucumber, inside which are the grains of cocoa beans.

Сами какао-бобы очень горькие, в их состав входит about 30% cocoa butter and 30% water. After collecting the fruits, the beans are pulled out and left in special boxes for about a week. After they get a specific smell of chocolate under the influence of oxygen, they are sent for further processing, for the production of already chocolate itself.

In factories, beans are sorted by means of specialmachines. Different seeds have different tastes. After that, the beans are fried. This process is necessary to remove unnecessary moisture and give the beans flavor and taste. In addition, as a result of roasting beans are sterilized. Further, the seeds are ground to obtain a mass consisting of cocoa butter and grains.

The resulting mass, as a result of grinding the grainscocoa beans, and called cocoa grated. It is sorted, and large fragments are sent for the production of chocolate in tiles, and smaller ones for the production of glazes and additions to sweets. From the obtained ingredients: cocoa butter, cocoa mass and sugar powder, prepare the chocolate mass. It is brought to the desired consistency, kept for several days in special mixing machines, and then add the necessary ingredients for the production of chocolate bars. Since chocolate is made with the help of machines, the whole process is not very laborious. But the result is what millions of people like.

How do chocolate with different additives?Very simple. In the chocolate mass, before the formation of the tiles, add nuts, raisins, biscuits or other stuffing. Tiles are cooled in special forms, packed and sent to retail outlets.

Немалый интерес вызывает и то, как делать chocolate candies. Here, too, there are no secrets. Finished sweets dip or poured a thin layer of chocolate. In general, the second method is used, since it is performed by special machines. The layer of chocolate should be thin, then the candy is considered better.

Many would like to know how to make porouschocolate. When it is produced, chocolate is poured into molds and sent to special vacuum boilers. There it is in a liquid state for several hours. Under the influence of vacuum, the bubbles expand, and porous chocolate is obtained.

Producers offer many varieties of chocolate.According to the content of cocoa it is divided into bitter, milky and white. The most useful chocolate is bitter. It contains most of the cocoa products. How do they make chocolate white? Just do not add cocoa powder, so it has a light tint.
Every lover of this delicacy will find a treatitself to taste. Choice of varieties of chocolate is rich. List all the range of chocolate bars is impossible. Different fillings and fillers, different varieties, and numerous producers, each of which has its own original recipe, will not leave indifferent even the most demanding gourmet.