/ / Lenten salad with mushrooms: fast, satisfying, tasty!

Lenten salad with mushrooms: fast, satisfying, tasty!

Lean salad with mushrooms is also suitable for snacking,and for the holiday table. There is no single recipe for this beloved salad by many people. The article will introduce you, dear readers, cooks, with several of the most popular recipes for mushrooms salads.

First, salad deserves special attention.lean with mushrooms and potatoes. Cook several potatoes in a uniform, peel them and cut into small cubes. Mushrooms, pickled cucumber and onion chop finely. Add a little sauerkraut, salt and pepper salad. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous salad. Ready-to-eat salad with mushrooms is seasoned with a small dose of corn oil.

Secondly, in the summer to surprise guests and to pleasefamily can be a salad of pickled mushrooms and vegetables. You will need 150 grams of pickled champignons, two large tomatoes, two cucumbers, some olives, fresh green onions, garlic and parsley. Products are cut into small cubes (olives - ringlets) and mixed. Salad is seasoned with sunflower or corn oil, salt and black pepper are added to taste.

Third, lovers of vegetarian cuisine in the wintercan eat and treat relatives and friends with a light snack of dried mushrooms. Lean salad with mushrooms and beans is not cooked quickly, but for the sake of this unique taste you can afford to spend an extra half hour in the kitchen. The composition of the salad includes canned red beans (one can), dried mushrooms (one hundred grams), walnuts (fifty grams), greens, salt. For dressing salad used a special sauce, with the recipe of which you now also read. First, the mushrooms must be soaked in milk for a couple of hours. After soaked mushrooms boil in brackish water. Cut them into small pieces and mix with canned red beans, pre-drain the liquid from the can. Add chopped walnuts and stir the salad. For the sauce, combine vegetable oil with vinegar and a teaspoon of mustard, add a pinch of ground pepper. Dress the lean salad with mushrooms with the prepared sauce and sprinkle it with greens to make it even tastier and more beautiful.

When the next post will end and the time will comemeat and fish delicacies, you should not forget about mushrooms! Mark the end of the fast by preparing a delicious “Polyanka” salad with mushrooms. The ingredients in the salad are laid out in layers. First put the sliced ​​pickled mushrooms on a large shallow plate. The second layer will be a bow. Next, grease the salad with a thin layer of mayonnaise. The third layer will be potatoes. Grate the potatoes on a large grater and gently lay the resulting mass over the mayonnaise. Next layer lay the ham, cut into small cubes. This is followed by chopped salted cucumber, after which the salad should again be smeared with mayonnaise. Grate hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater and sprinkle over the salad. Garnish with grated cheese and brush with mayonnaise again. Leave the resulting salad in a cool place for two or three hours. After that you can taste the food.

Another salad with the addition of meat - saladrustic with mushrooms. This salad is also laid out in layers. The following products are necessary for its preparation: champignons (half a kilogram), chicken meat (300 grams), 2-3 medium-sized pickles, four hard-boiled eggs, onion head, salt and mayonnaise. Mushrooms are first boiled, and then lightly fried in vegetable oil. Products are placed in a salad in the following order: first potatoes, then onions, after - cucumbers, mushrooms and chicken. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. The finished salad is sprinkled with grated egg yolks.

Bon Appetit!