/ / Salad "Winter" - tasty and beautiful

Salad "Winter" - tasty and beautiful

Without a salad, there is not a single feast.They are an excellent decoration of the festive table, stimulate appetite and bring variety to food. Preparing salads, you should carefully follow the rules of sanitation, because many products are not subjected to heat treatment, and therefore, not disinfected. Prepare them preferably before serving. But with the processed products, one should not hurry, since the salad must be soaked for a good two hours. Otherwise, it will be dry and tasteless.
Salad dressing should not be left without attention. The more beautiful the dish, the more appetizing it is. Therefore, decorating the salad, show maximum creativity and imagination.
I offer several recipes, which, I'm sure, will please you.

Salad "Winter"

Products that we need are found in any refrigerator.
So, we need: a pot of green peas, four large potatoes, three carrots, three pickled cucumbers, boiled sausage, four chicken eggs, mayonnaise.

Preparation: potatoes and carrots put in a pan, pour water, put on fire and cook until the vegetables are ready. After cooling and peeling.

Boil the hard boiled eggs.

Sausage, carrots and eggs are cut into small cubes.

Cucumbers cut into small pieces.

All products are mixed in a salad bowl, we spread out peas without liquid and fill with mayonnaise.

It is better to salt a dish, before you put it on the table, since some products can start the juice.

Winter salad with mushrooms

For its preparation we will need:two potatoes, two salted or marinated cucumbers, two medium carrots, 200 grams of chamois, a jar of green peas, two eggs, green onions, mayonnaise, salt and vegetable oil.

Method of preparation: carrots and potatoes are cleaned, boiled and cut into cubes.

Boiled eggs and cucumbers cut slabs.

We put the frying pan on the fire, pour the vegetable oil and fry the chopped mushrooms.

All products are laid out in a salad bowl, salt if necessary and poured with mayonnaise.

Salad "Winter with mushrooms" is decorated with chopped green onions.

Let's take a little bit of it and serve it to the table.

Salad "Winter Evening"

We need:two smoked ham, two medium tomatoes, two Bulgarian peppers, a slice of cheese, some walnuts, two cloves of garlic, fresh parsley, ground pepper, mayonnaise, salt and pomegranate seeds for decoration.

Preparation: chop the cut into medium pieces.

Tomatoes are mine, dried and cut into cubes.

Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of seeds, washed and cut into cubes.

Nuts are crushed.

We cut the cheese into small cubes.

Garlic finely shred.

Parsley is washed, dried and finely shredded.

In a cup we spread all the products, pepper, salt and season with mayonnaise.

On the surface of the salad we draw a mayonnaise net and decorate with greens and pomegranate seeds.

We serve the table in a refrigerated state.

Salad "Winter dream with oranges"

To cook this original dish, you need two medium-sized oranges, one cucumber, 250 grams of chicken fillet, mayonnaise and broccoli.

Preparation: chicken fillet cook until ready in salted water.

Broccoli is divided along the inflorescences and cut off the legs.In a pot of boiling water, we throw first the legs, as they are cooked longer, and then the inflorescence. Water a little podsalivayem. Ready cabbage is removed and left to cool.

Cucumber finely cut into cubes.

Orange together with the peel is divided into two parts, we extract the pulp and cut it into cubes.

Broccoli and small legs shred.

All the ingredients are put in a deep cup, add the mayonnaise and mix well.

Put the mixture in orange cups and decorate with greens.

Salad "Winter dream with oranges" is better served in a cold form.

Enjoy your meal!