Today it is difficult to find a person who is not familiar withsuch a product as crab sticks. Most often they are used for cooking salads. However, another excellent option are sandwiches with crab sticks. Recipes for this dish are very diverse. We suggest to consider some very easy and successful cooking options.

The easiest recipe
Sandwiches with crab sticks can becook only three products. It will be fast and very tasty! So, we need cream cheese, white bread and, in fact, crab sticks. If you like sandwiches with a sharp taste, you can also use garlic. So, first you need to cut the bread and fry the pieces from two sides in the pan. Then, if desired, they can be rubbed with garlic. Crab sticks and cheese finely chopped and mixed. Over the fried pieces of bread we spread the stuffing. Here are the sandwiches and ready! By the way, bread can be replaced with tartlets, filling them with the same stuffing. And this simple dish will look more original. Bon Appetit!

Sandwiches with crab sticks and cheese
We invite you to see one more successfula recipe for a delicious snack. For its preparation we will need products such as 70 grams of crab sticks, 50 grams of cheese (hard grade), three tablespoons of mayonnaise, a little parsley or dill, a loaf.
First cut the bread into pieces of medium thickness.Then we rub the crab sticks on the grater. In the same way, grind the cheese. We connect these components and add mayonnaise. Stirring. Add the shredded greens. Thoroughly mix and the resulting stuffing spread on pieces of a loaf. Now the sandwiches will only be beautifully laid out on the plate and served to the table.

Snack with kiwi and crab sticks
We suggest you take advantage of this originalrecipe. The taste of such sandwiches will turn out to be very interesting and will surely please your relatives and guests. To prepare the snack, we will use the following ingredients: 100 g crab sticks and mayonnaise, 70 grams of hard cheese, two kiwis, two cloves of garlic, black pepper, baguette or other suitable bread.
Now consider the method of preparation.Crab sticks finely chopped. Cheese grind with a grater. Garlic cloves are cleaned and passed through garlic. We connect all the ingredients, add mayonnaise and pepper. We mix it well. We spread the filling on pieces of bread. Kiwi is cut into thin slices, which we also put on our sandwiches. Bon Appetit!
Sandwiches with corn and crab sticks
Let's consider one more interesting variantcooking snacks. The recipe for these sandwiches involves the use of the following products: 100 g of crab sticks, two tablespoons of canned corn, egg, two tablespoons of sour cream, a little greens of dill or parsley, salt to taste and white bread.
So, let's get to the preparation.First you need to cook eggs. We cool them, peel them and send them to the blender. We also add crab sticks. Grind the ingredients. Add sour cream and salt. We mix it well. We put the resulting mass on pieces of bread. On top of the snack is decorated with greens and corn. Such sandwiches with crab sticks can become a real decoration of both everyday and festive table. This stuffing is also good for filling tartlets. In addition, do not forget that you can always experiment with the ingredients. Perhaps you yourself will invent a great recipe for snacks with crab sticks.