/ / How to become an Angel in life: practical advice

How to become an Angel in life: practical advice

Согласитесь, вопрос "как стать Ангелом" несколько It is incorrect, because there is a counter question - why should they become special? An angel is a person with a good soul who has never caused harm to anyone, always helping everyone, but for one reason or another, he left this world early on not because of his will. However, it is now accepted to think that it is possible to become an Angel in life. Let's find out how!

how to become an angel

How to become an angel in life?

I do not know how it is possible - to become yourselfAngel, being a living person. Even such a sincere and kind person like Jesus Christ could not become God in his lifetime, what can we say about modern people. However, they will not just say that, and if you seriously think about your mission on this sinful earth to bring light, kindness and warmth to people, then I would like to bring to your attention several postulates about how to become an Angel, having your own living flesh.

  1. Never think ill of other people, do not laugh at them, even if they laugh at you, constantly expect good from them.
  2. Always help all people (even if they do not deserve it). Do not respond to traitors and mean people with the same "coin", but help them, and suddenly they will become kinder.
  3. The most valuable quality of a holy man is to learn to forgive. It is very important to be able to forgive anything and absolutely anyone! Remember, it is very difficult, but very important!
    angel in the shower
  4. Be humble and peaceful, behaveright, no noise. Especially do not rush anywhere, because the Angel in his soul never in a hurry, he is always calm. Smile A smile is a miracle in many cases. It helps to correct the unpleasant moments of life.
  5. Support any charity eventas much as you can do it. After all, why buy cigarettes or sweets, when you can give this small amount to those people for whom it is vital.
  6. You can purchase Angels figures and give themin need of support, as well as those who are now ill or uncomfortable ... These "angels" will remind people that they are not alone in this life, that they have a Guardian Angel who will never abandon them.
  7. In this age of digital technology, you can write grateful reviews in the form of e-mails and ordinary letters to those who inspire you, making a positive impact ...

Как только все вышеперечисленные пункты станут you are in the teeth, consider that you now know how to become an Angel! But for whom it was you who became them - you choose. These may be our wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, but mostly they are our children. You, like the Guardian Angel, will assist and support the chosen person in everything, protect him, suggest the correct answers, direct you on the right path and so on ...

how to become a guardian angel

How to become a guardian angel?

Unfortunately, the real Guardian Angel during his lifetime will never be anyone! After all, they are usually our dead parents, close people, friends who loved us during our lifetime ...

Если они берутся нас оберегать, то выполняют это until the end of our lives. But he does not have to do it at all! However, if we sin a lot, lead a dissolute life, then our Guardian Angel may temporarily leave us for seven years. Remember, the Guardian Angel protects us only because it loves and wants to help! Therefore, pray more often and turn to your Preservers for help and guidance!