/ / How to remove a red spot from a pimple: fast ways

How to remove a red spot from a pimple: fast ways

How to remove a red spot from a pimple in your homeconditions quickly? Not surprisingly, the people's councils have found their application here. There are a lot of recommendations and recipes in this regard, but which of them are really effective? Let's understand.

How to remove a red stain from a pimple

How to remove a red stain from a pimple? Find out the reasons for their appearance

As a rule, spots after acne remain for a long time,if they are squeezed out. This is the most common problem of adolescence. Doing this (to suppress acne) is not recommended, because, firstly, the infection can spread through the body, and secondly, the inflammation can spread to the rest of the skin. Stains can appear in the situation when the pimple was large subcutaneous. In any case, you can and should fight redness.

how to remove red spots from acne

How to remove red spots from acne: practical advice

The most popular advice is rubbing your facecubes of frozen chamomile infusion. It not only tones up the skin, but also fights against redness. How to remove red spots from acne fast? You can connect and salicylic-zinc paste, which is used locally. It should be applied directly to the stain with a thick layer and left overnight. It is best to stick a sticking plaster on top to prevent the paste from being smeared at night. In addition to these tips, in folk medicine, you can meet the following recommendations: on the stain apply toothpaste, preferably with mint. This non-standard application will reduce redness on the face in record time. But if the stain is to be removed in a matter of hours, then the banal eye drops can help: they fight the red eye, do not they? How to remove red spots after acne with eye drops? Very simple! It is enough just to put two or three drops on the right place and allow to dry. Here are such simple and easy tips to help get rid of stains at home.

how to remove red spots after acne

How to Remove a Red Spot from Acne: Home Tonic

To prevent staining, you need dailywipe the face with a homemade, self-prepared solution. This kind of tonic will help control the process of acne, as well as the process of fighting this hated guest. What is the success of home tonic? In the naturalness of its components. To achieve an excellent result, you need to mix one bottle of calendula and salicylic alcohol (1%). If desired, you can dilute it all with a medical antiseptic in the same proportion. Tonic is strong enough, so do not forget about moisturizing cream. The effect will be visible after two days of its application. And completely to get rid of pimples it will be possible after three weeks of constant use.

Acne spots are always unpleasantthe consequence of the fight against acne. But it turns out, you can fight with them. And it's very easy. The above tips have passed the test of time, so their effectiveness should not be doubted. You just need to find the right recipe for your skin - it's all strictly individual ...