/ / How to become a professional photographer: tips for beginners

How to become a professional photographer: tips for beginners

How to become a professional photographer?Rarely, what kind of owner of a new "heaped" equipment is not asked this question. Today, the art of making beautiful, unusual, spectacular images has become a part of our lives. After all, their work on the court of viewers can be demonstrated now not only at some exhibition, but also on the Internet, where it is much easier and easier to declare yourself. It is also important to decide on the goal that you pursue, wanting to become a photographer. It's one thing, when the artistic value of pictures is paramount for you, and quite another, if you want to make a favorite occupation bring a good income.

How to become a professional photographer: we study photographic equipment

The very first thing you need to get a beginner,this is, of course, a professional or semi-professional camera. It is necessary to understand immediately - it is better not to save on equipment. In addition, you will need such related products as a good external flash, various types of lenses, a tripod.

When you buy a camera, start to get acquainted withits technical characteristics. Learn to work with automatic and manual settings in the light and dark. Understand the artistic modes in practice. Learn how to work with an external flash, how to shoot with poor or, conversely, very bright indoor lighting, so that the pictures are clear, without glare, not illuminated. All this is an important basic knowledge, so to speak, the foundation of any professional photographer.

How to become a professional photographer: we shoot correctly

The correct composition of the composition in the frame is a pledgequality images. At the same time for landscape photos there are some rules, and for portrait photography - already others. In theory, these requirements may seem very complicated to you, but when you start to practice, you will quickly understand everything. So, for example, removing the sunset, one should not place the horizon line in the center of the frame - it needs to be slightly shifted downwards. And when creating landscape photos, select in the foreground an object (for example, one flower, a branch or a whole tree) and immediately see how much this trick will revitalize your work. Try to shoot the same picture of nature from different angles and then you will find out that especially beautiful landscapes are obtained from the bottom view.

When photographing people, try tothe object fit into the frame all - "trimmed" hands, the model's legs are immediately noticeable in the picture. It seems unnatural and ugly (the exception is when your idea is to focus on some particular part of the body). Consider also what physical defects and advantages the model has. Your task as a professional, hide them or, accordingly, emphasize in your photos. Practice different lighting schemes. It is incorrect lighting that often spoils the whole thing and can turn even a very beautiful face into an ugly one.

Where to study for a photographer?Today, for beginners, the doors of various clubs and courses open, where professionals share important theoretical knowledge about the art of shooting, arrange master classes and, of course, useful practical exercises. Also, you can do self-education with video lessons, books and specialized magazines.

How to become a professional photographer?Practice. A lot of. Regularly. Daily. Take your camera when you go on a trip, for a walk around the city, to visit, to a party. The beauty worthy of you capturing it literally surrounds you. Well, your friends will be only happy to pose and become the first models of the future master of photography.