/ / How to lay tile: wizard tips

How to lay tiles: wizard tips

Tile is a common option whenfinishing the floor and walls in the hallway, kitchen and bathroom. If desired, this work can be done independently. This will require the correct calculation of the amount of materials, features of technology, as well as the recommendations of experts about the conduct of this work. How to put a tile, will be discussed in the article.

Features of work

How to put the tiles quickly and smoothly?This question interests many owners of houses and apartments who started repairs. The choice of tiles for decoration is a good solution. This material is durable. It is easy to operate, does not absorb moisture. The surface of a tile is easily cleared of different pollution. At the same time such finishing does not absorb moisture. It does not allow to develop on the surface of the walls of the fungus and mold, which creates a healthy indoor climate.

How much does it cost to put a tile?

Tiling is often trusted by professionals.This will be a good solution if the owners want to make repairs quickly. Specialists will be able to lay tile in any scheme. This greatly enhances the decorative effect of the finish.

If the owners have enough freetime for self-laying tile, and they also want to save money the family budget, they may well do the job with their own hands. This is a relatively straightforward process. It is only necessary to penetrate into all its subtleties. In this case, you can create a spectacular finish for any room.

How to put the tiles on the wall or the floor?Special attention should be paid to the choice of materials. It is not recommended to save on their quality. According to customer reviews and professional installers, in inexpensive tile collections there may be discrepancies in the size of the slabs. They can be 2 mm or more. Also, the color of the surface of the tile in one package may differ markedly. Therefore, in the store you need to pay attention to the collections presented by well-known manufacturers. They use in the process of production of high-tech equipment. Small production can not provide high quality products.

Before work, be sure to carry out the calculation. You will need to create a plan for future coverage, as well as the cost of materials and tools.

Tile reviews

How much does it cost to put a tile?This is one of the first questions that private property owners consider before carrying out repairs. On sale are materials that differ in quality, price, scope and design.

How to put tiles on the wall?

For the floor choose a tile that will be stableto mechanical stress. Its wear resistance class should be no lower than 3. It is better to purchase wear class 4-5 products for the kitchen and corridor. In the bathroom, this is required only if you have household appliances (washing machine). For walls, you can choose a tile easier. The lower the wear resistance class, the cheaper the tile costs. However, you should pay attention to the finish class 2-3. They will be more durable during operation than tile 1 class of resistance to abrasion.

The market presents products of foreign anddomestic companies. Russian tile today is in demand more than foreign products. This is due to its high quality at a fairly affordable price. So, the most popular manufacturers in our country are Kerama Marazzi, Shakhtinskaya tile, Tsersanit. The cost of such products ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles. per m².

To calculate how much it costs to put a tile,you must first pay attention to its cost. So, on sale are presented materials of French, Polish, Czech and German production. Their cost ranges from 1000 to 2500 rubles. per m². The quality of such products practically does not differ from Russian-made tiles. Therefore, such products are purchased only if the design of the finish is ideal for the interior and the owners like it.

The most expensive, luxury finishesare plates of Italian and Spanish production. The minimum price of such products is 3,000 rubles. per m². Such material is used to create a designer interior. It looks luxurious, rich and very original. The interior in this case will look stylish and spectacular.

Styling cost

Many owners turn to professionals toput the tile. A square meter of such finishing costs in different ways. The price depends on the experience and appetite of the master. Also in different cities the cost of services of a professional repairman is different. The average cost of work (excluding materials) for an average specialist ranges from 800 to 1,200 rubles. per m². However, in St. Petersburg, Moscow, for the same work you need to pay from 1200 to 3000 rubles. per m².

How to lay the floor tiles?

Стоит также учесть, что мастера устанавливают minimum cost of their work. Therefore, wanting to tile the floor in the toilet, you should not expect that the master will need to give only 800-1000 rubles. In different regions and different specialists the minimum cost is different. For example, the minimum cost of the master can be from 2500 to 5000 rubles. In this case, to seek the help of a specialist becomes simply inappropriate. The cost of such finishing will beat all records.

It is also worth considering that the price of a specialistdepends on the complexity of the work. The above prices are based on the fact that the base of the floor or wall is completely ready for finishing. If you need to make screeds or prepare the base of the boards, you will need to pay an order of magnitude more. Also, the price increases if the tile is laid on the steps, apply a mosaic or the original method of laying.

Вот именно в такие моменты хозяева и начинают think about self-finishing kitchen apron or the floor in the bathroom, corridor. In this case, the question arises of how to lay tiles on a wall or the base of a room. Reviews of masters who first tried to lay tiles with their own hands, inspire optimism. Indeed, almost everyone will be able to finish the tile by themselves. It is only necessary to consider all the details of this process.

Create a trim plan

Scheduling repairs to be performedwith your own hands, you should start by learning how to put tiles in the bathroom. Advice of experts will help to understand all the nuances. First you need to make a draft of the future decoration. To do this, draw the surface to scale, indicating the natural sizes. This could be the floor, the walls in the room or the kitchen apron. It is necessary to accurately transfer the configuration of the base.

How to put the tiles?

Next you need to choose a method of laying tile.It can be traditional. In this case, the plates are laid one above the other. Clear parallel and perpendicular seam lines are obtained. This method is most suitable for beginners. With this installation remains the minimum amount of waste materials.

Вторым возможным вариантом укладки является technology with a shift. Each subsequent row of plates is shifted by half the previous finish. It resembles a brickwork. This is also a good option for a beginner master.

You can lay tile on the diagonal.In this case, the plate is tilted at an angle of 45º. Finishing looks spectacular. However, you will need to carefully measure the position based on each tile. This installation method is uneconomical. As a result, a lot of waste remains.

Studying how to properly tile, you needalso consider more interesting ways of laying tile. You can use plates of different sizes. In this case, you will need to create an accurate surface plan. Especially often on the walls used a different decor in the process of finishing the surface. It can be borders, panels, simply inserts from several tiles with an interesting pattern.

The design and method of installation should be carefully considered during the planning phase of repair work. In accordance with the established plan, the purchase of materials is carried out.

Materials and Tools

Studying the step-by-step tutorial on how to lay tiles in the bathroom, kitchen or corridor, you need to pay attention to the proper preparation of materials and tools for work.

In addition to the tile, be sure to need to buytile adhesive This mixture is sold in dry form. Bags can have a weight of 25-30 kg (depending on the manufacturer and series). On sale are a large number of adhesive compositions. They differ in cost and quality. Ceresit СМ-11 is the best-selling adhesive for indoor tile installation. This composition costs about 400 rubles. per bag 25 kg. At the same time, the composition of the cement mixture includes various plasticizers and additives. They improve the bond strength of the tile with the floor. It’s also easy to work with.

In addition to tile glue, you need to buy a primer.It is treated surface before starting work. In the process of preparing the premises, building dust can accumulate on the walls and floor. The primer will allow to prepare the basis for further finishing. This material is relatively inexpensive. You can buy cans of 5 liters for about 100-150 rubles.

Considering how to put tile inroom should pay attention to additional materials. You need to buy crosses for jointing between the tiles. You also need to purchase a grout in accordance with the tone of the tile. The cost of these materials together does not exceed 500 rubles.

For the installation of tiles will need to prepareconstruction level, glue mixing container, tile cutter, tape measure and pencil. Need to work notched trowel and drill with a crown (drill holes for podrozetnikov and switches).

Wall Preparation

There are some simple tips.professionals how to lay ceramic tiles. First you need to prepare the basis for further work. If it has an old finish, it must be dismantled. If there is paint on the walls, it can be removed using a grinder with a nozzle. The dismantling of the old tile is carried out using a perforator. It is put into shock mode and is turned on under the lower edge of the plates.

Old plaster on the walls.She can fall away in pieces. All trim will need to be removed. If there is a fungus on the walls, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper. After that, it is treated with a special antiseptic composition. When choosing materials, preference should be given to such compounds, which include antifungal components.

With the help of a plummet and level it is determined whether they are evenwalls. Most often (in 95% of cases) the surface is uneven. Therefore, you need to process it with plaster. Considering how to lay tiles on a wall, special attention is paid to the preparation process. First you need to prime the surface. Then plaster beacons are installed on it. They are mounted on the same mixture, which will be processed walls. All lighthouses expose level. After that, the gaps between them and the wall need to be filled with mortar.

Чтобы выровнять стены, потребуется замешать cement mortar. You can add 1 piece of tile glue to it. The solution is thrown on the wall and leveled its rule. Excess solution is removed back into the container.

Leveling concrete floor

How to put tiles in a room?

Рассматривая, как выложить пол плиткой, следует pay due attention to the preparation process. If the base is concrete, self-leveling compound can be used. This option is quite expensive. However, the work will be done quickly and easily. The second method involves the use of lighthouses.

First determine the highest level of the floor.From it, using a level, draw a line around the perimeter of the walls. Next, stretch the corners diagonally between the corners. If they do not intersect with the floor anywhere, the drawn line will become a new floor level. In some cases, the rope will touch the floor. Therefore, it must be raised a few millimeters up. The floor level will be even higher. Next, install the beacons.

The styling technology is no different from the one thatapplied to walls. Guides must be level with the markup created. After that put solution and align it according to the established directing rule.

To understand how to tile in your bathroomhands should pay great attention to the preparation process. Cement mortar dries long enough. To do this, it will take about 3-4 weeks. In this case, the surface must be moistened. Otherwise, it will crack. At the same time operate the bath does not work at least a week. This is definitely worth considering before starting work.

A self-leveling mixture costs more, but it dries faster. After a day you can walk on the floor surface. Subsequent finishing is carried out in a week.

Wooden floor preparation

Some owners of their own houses and apartmentsThey are interested in how to lay tiles on a wooden floor. Such a foundation also requires special training. First you need to assess the condition of the old wood flooring. If the boards do not creak, do not bend, you can leave them as they are. Otherwise, you need to remove the old coating. If the lags are in a normal state, a layer of expanded clay is poured between them.

Next, mount the boards, tearing off those that arealready rotten or have defects. The distance between the boards should be 3-5 mm. This is necessary for ventilating the base. You can use sheets of waterproof plywood instead of boards. So work will progress faster.

After that, the surface is covered with a layerwaterproofing. This can be polyethylene, bitumen or roofing material. Next on this material lining a layer of reinforcing mesh. It should be metal (suitable material with cells 10 × 10 mm). After that, lighthouses are exposed and a cement screed with a height of 3-5 cm is poured. Self-leveling floors can be used for these purposes.

Studying how to lay tiles should alsopay attention to the preparation of "dry" grounds. In this case, the screed is not required. The waterproofing is placed sheets of moisture-resistant drywall. They will be mounted tile.

Installing tiles on a vertical surface

Как положить плитку на стену быстро и правильно?First you need to prepare a tile adhesive (according to the manufacturer's instructions). Tiling is done from bottom to top. First you need to mount the rail. It should be perfectly smooth. It will fit the first row. Subsequent rows spread on this level.

How to put tiles on the wall quickly and correctly?

After that, you need to put on the back sidetile glue. To do this, use a notched trowel. The tile is pressed down a little against the wall. This will allow the solution to be evenly distributed under the tile. When the second tile is installed, a cross is inserted between them (2-4 mm thick). The masonry leveling is controlled by level. At the end of the row tile will need to cut tile cutter.

Когда вся кладка будет создана, она должна dry up (a day or two). After that, you need to prepare a grout for joints. It is applied with a rubber spatula. If the material gets on the surface of the tile, it should be removed immediately. If he has time to freeze, then it will be harder to wash it off.

Laying tile on the floor

Put tiles on the floor, even easier than on the wall.However, there are a number of nuances here. Installation begins from the far wall. At the same time moving towards the door. It is recommended to pre-mark the base. This will prevent the plates from moving.

How to put a tile in the bathroom with your own hands?

Next you need to apply glue to the surface of the tile.To do this, also use a notched trowel. It is placed on the surface of the floor, and then pressed down a little. Next you need to put on the surface of the building level. If a corner is raised higher, it should be lowered with a hammer with a rubber nozzle. Tapping on the surface of the tile, you need to align its position.

If the master overdid it and the tile "sank" belowset level, you will need to remove it and once again apply the solution to the surface. Also mounted second tile. Between them put crosses. The size of the joint is chosen in accordance with the dimensions of the tile. Work continues until the end of the room. Cut it also tile cutter. If not, you can use the grinder with a special nozzle. This is a more dusty and time consuming process. However, this tool is also used quite often. After the glue has dried, the grout is applied.

Having considered how to put a tile, you can do all the work yourself. The result will be no worse than that of professional craftsmen.