/ Siding for interior decoration. Installation siding. Vinyl siding

Siding for interior decoration. Installation of siding. Vinyl Siding

Siding for interior decoration suitablenever better. First, it is easy to install. Secondly, it is presented in wide color schemes. Thirdly, it is inexpensive and at the same time is reliable and durable. All these characteristics and make this material sought after by buyers.


siding for interior decoration

Its features include the following qualities:

  1. Resistance to microbiological corrosion, that is, the siding does not rot, does not flake, does not swell and does not peel.
  2. High strength and elasticity, thanks to which the ventilated design is resistant to mechanical stress.
  3. Resistance to temperature changes.
  4. Vinyl siding has a rich color that persists for a long time.
  5. The material does not burn, it is not toxic and does not form smoke during melting.
  6. Siding is a material that provides good ventilation of walls, as water vapor and air are passed from the wall and no condensation forms on them.
  7. Due to its low weight, the material is simple and easy to transport.

Before you install siding, you should decide on the type of material.

Balcony and bath decoration

Most often siding for interior decorationit is applied when necessary facing a balcony or loggia. This material is easy to install, so it is used very often. In addition, there are many varieties of it that mimic a particular material. Accordingly, you can finish in any style decision. Thanks to this skin coating will be durable, aesthetic, resistant to moisture and cracks.

siding installation

Siding is used for interior decoration andbathroom. It is chosen primarily due to its economy (compared to the same ceramic tile) and resistance to various influences (in the bathroom it is moisture and various detergents). Why choose siding? First, the material has a smooth surface. Secondly, it is mounted easily and simply. Thirdly, during operation, no fungus or mold is formed on its surface.

Preparatory stage

vinyl siding

Installation of siding will require the use of the following materials and tools:

  • directly panels;
  • profiles (connecting, starting, finishing);
  • external and internal angle;
  • screws with a wide cap;
  • metal or wooden crates;
  • screwdriver, screwdriver, hacksaw, perforator, hammer, level.

The skin can be horizontal orvertical - siding for interior decoration, respectively, differs by the type of lock. Before you finish, you need to prepare the surface of the walls - remove from them all the decorative elements, stucco, carefully align.


It creates a crate of wooden bars orspecial metal profiles. A metal frame that is resistant to moisture is better suited to the bathroom, as the wooden profile will swell with water over time. When laying the panels, it is imperative to treat the joints and seams between them with sealant. With this waterproofing you can prevent the appearance of moisture behind the panels, mold and unpleasant smell.

siding for interior decoration Price

Внутренняя отделка стен сайдингом предполагает installation of siding corners, and the starting profile is mounted below. It will be attached to it trim panels. Siding with proper installation should easily dock - with a characteristic click, which indicates the reliability of the connection. At the last stage of work, the finishing profile is mounted, and the edges of the panels are removed under it.

Ceiling trim siding

The process of finishing the ceiling with panels hasseveral features. First, you should choose a larger material. Secondly, the height and color of the ceiling play an important role. For example, for low ceilings, it is advisable to choose siding for interior decoration (the photo shows a variety of colors) a few shades lighter than the walls, and for high ones - dark shades.

siding for interior decoration photo

When finishing the ceiling should use cratefrom a tree which is processed by a special antiseptic. This will protect it from rotting and exposure to microorganisms. Before installing the frame, you need to correctly mark up, because the height of the corners in the room can be different, respectively, there will be distortions. Bars fasten by means of self-tapping screws, which will hold the structure stronger. If the mount is performed on a concrete wall, select the dowel.

Laying vinyl siding on the ceiling, you should be aware of the need for room lighting. It is worth noting in advance where the lamps will be located, and to make holes in those areas.

Features of the balcony

Use siding when arranging a balconycan be both inside and out. If the fence is made of metal, then the lathing will be required from metal guides to which the drywall will be mounted. However, between the crate and the parapet it is necessary to lay a heat-insulating layer, for example, mineral wool. This will protect the balcony and interior from cold air. Fastening siding is performed by self-tapping screws.

The process of installing siding is performed in several stages:

  1. The most important role is played by laying the starting strip, on which the horizontal structure and the surface as a whole will depend.
  2. An auxiliary one is attached to the starting profile - this is done horizontally and overlapped; there is no need to tension the material. So you protect the surface from deformation under any kind of load.
  3. All the following layers are mounted carefully, while the edges of the material will be removed under the finishing profile.

Bathroom finish

Facing works in this room have their ownespecially because there is a high level of humidity. Most often used ceramic tiles, but because of its high cost and complexity of the process of laying in recent preference for PVC panels. They really are just perfect for finishing: they are easy to wash, they are easy to install, they are resistant to moisture, they look aesthetically pleasing. The advantages of their use include the following:

  1. Speed ​​of installation and minimum cost and time.
  2. There is no need to level the wall, which will also affect the cost and time savings.

interior wall siding

The main requirement for installation is density andtightness, with all the gaps must be cleaned with hermetic compositions. Siding for interior decoration (the price for it is affordable) is well suited for use in newly built houses, in which it is impractical to lay tiles because of shrinkage (it will last about a year). The panels are resistant to deformation, mechanical stress, so under the influence of shrinkage with them nothing happens.

What about the price?

Today siding is offered in a wideVariety of brands: Variform, Holzplast, Mitten, Döcke, Nailite, Nailite, WANDSTEIN. On its basis, you can perform both exterior and interior trim, and prices depend on the color, texture, the number of additional profiles and siding accessories. The price is calculated individually and starts from 90-100 rubles per piece. In addition to the panels themselves, ventilation grilles, wind strips, special tools will be required, thanks to which the surface will be solid and complete. In addition, you can choose different textures and colors, thanks to which both the bathroom, and the balcony, and the loggia will look stylish and original.