/ / Size of doorways. Standard requirements and features

The size of the doorways. Standard requirements and features

Perhaps the door reception is present in anyindoors. The convenience of entering the room, as well as the ability to move large pieces of furniture and household appliances, directly depends on its size.

The size of doorways is regulated by the mandatory requirements of GOST and a number of norms set forth in various construction documents and rules (SNiP).

Doorway Size

This procedure allows you to standardize the design and construction of various buildings of both residential, public and industrial nature.

Choosing the size of the doorways, you need to focus on the convenient passage through it of people, and also take into account the expected intensity of movement.

In the case when you install the dooron your own, you need to be able to correctly perform the measurements. You can not rely on the standard sizes of doorways, without defining their parameters, as they may have significant differences.

The first thing to do is measurewidth. This value is the distance from one side of the opening to the other. Do not forget that the measurement should be carried out in the narrowest place. In the case when you change the old door to a new one, you can simply measure the existing canvas.

We now turn to clarify the height. This value is equal to the distance from the very top of the opening to the floor. Or, if you have an old door leaf, you can measure its height. This will also be correct.

The third step in the measurement will bedetermination of the depth of the opening. To do this, find out the thickness of the wall in the opening. The measurement is made on three points on both sides: top, bottom and center. This way you will understand where the widest point of the wall is.

Doorway dimensions GOST

Now you know how to measure the door correctly.opening Dimensions (GOST) stipulated by regulatory requirements determine typical values ​​for different rooms of a residential building. For example, for a kitchen, a canvas with a width of 70 centimeters, a height of 200, and an opening depth of 7 centimeters is used. Or an example: the standard dimensions of doors and openings in the bathroom (bathroom) should correspond to the widths of 55 or 60 centimeters, the height - 190 or 200 centimeters, the depth of the opening - from 7-20 cm.

The size of the doorways is matchedthe parameters of the canvas. In order to make it easier to make a choice, there is an approximate table of the ratio of values. With it, you can easily come to the right decision.

Door leaf sizeDoorway Size
Width (mm)Height (mm)Width (mm)Height (mm)

Standard sizes of doorways
Standard sizes have a number of fairly significant.advantages, as they allow the installation of doors in the shortest possible time. Another advantage of this option is the cost, which reduces your financial costs. According to experts, when installing standard doors you do not have to use professional services. And yet, do not think that if you have to limit yourself in choosing, buying a model of traditional sizes. To date, the sale has a large range of doors that meet the standard parameters.