/ / Autumn-spring care for irises after flowering

Autumn-spring care for irises after flowering

Iris is an incredibly beautiful flower, in translation fromGreek, this word means "rainbow". Its exquisite shape and variety of colors fascinate not only amateurs, but also professional gardeners around the world. An ancient legend tells of the first iris, which was so beautiful that the wind and water, enchanted by its splendor, spread the seeds of the flower throughout the earth. And indeed, in many corners of the planet you can meet this miracle, conquering many incredible perfection and grace. Special hassle does not deliver the gardeners iris. Care at home is quite simple.

care after iris after flowering

Features of care after flowering

Irises are not whimsical, they grow well and withoutthe close attention of their owners. But the period of colors and the splendor of them can be extended, if you take care of the flowers a little. Caring for irises after flowering has some features. Even in the period of growth, you need to remove flowers every day, which fade. And after the full drying of the peduncles it is desirable to completely remove (break). Do this as carefully as possible, so as not to damage the leaves themselves. At this time (around mid-August), it is necessary to stop watering the plant, loosening it and weeding it so as to prepare the flower as best as possible for the winter.

Caring for irises after flowering is also inradical methods. Some experienced gardeners prefer not just to remove the flower stem, but to cut the plant immediately at the root itself. They believe that this is what will help the abundant growth and bright colors of the flower next year. The wilting of peduncles signals that it is possible to do plant transplantation, if necessary.

care for irises in spring
If you properly care for irises, timelyperform the necessary actions, the plant will be healthy and will long please its owners. In one place these wonderful flowers can grow for about five years. After this, the rules of care require the division and transplantation of the plant. This simple procedure is carried out in September and is considered as care for irises after flowering. To make the plant move the division less painfully, use a sharp and clean garden knife. Rhizomes must be divided so that on each segment there are several leaves. Next, all parts of the plant must be dried in the sun, sprinkled with ashes and cut into the ground.

Features of spring care

iris home care

Care for irises in spring is not particularly different fromcare for other colors. It is necessary to loosen the soil, feed the plant, remove weeds, fight diseases and pests, water. But there are some features. In the spring, as soon as the snow comes down, you need to carefully fork the enclosure. Completely remove it when the soil begins to thaw. First, the rhizomes are freed by removing the earth. Then crop last year's leaves and conduct a thorough examination of the plant. Pay special attention to the rhizomes, they must be fairly firm. If there is rot, it must be cleaned to a healthy tissue. In spring, mineral fertilizers must be introduced.

Caring for irises after flowering does not require special skills, but it is necessary to preserve the health of the whole plant.