/ Silicone Adhesive: Short Description

Silicone Adhesive: Brief Description

Silicone glue is a composition that contains various catalysts, hardeners, fillers and dimethylpolysiloxane rubber.

silicone glue
The presented tool is characterized by increased adhesive and vulcanizing properties. Silicone adhesive sealant is polymerized during the day.

Synthetic mass is used inindustry, construction for gluing a variety of surfaces. High adhesive properties of glue contribute to the formation of ultra-strong molecular bonds. As a result, the seams are quite durable. For example, in order to break one cm2 sealed gap, it is necessary to apply an effort of 200 kilograms. Silicone adhesive exhibits excellent adhesive properties to most natural and synthetic materials. The specified glue perfectly glues silicate and organic glass, aluminum, steel, ceramics, polycarbonates, copper and even concrete. Vulcanization of materials is carried out without isolation of toxic and aggressive substances. Do not confuse silicate glue with silicone. This, as they say, is completely different things. Silicate glue is sometimes called "liquid glass" because it is an aqueous solution of alkali metal polysilicates (sodium and potassium). Silicate glue is usually used for bonding cardboard or paper. Oddly enough, the area of ​​its use is wide enough.

silicone adhesive sealant
The specified glue is used to makeacid-resistant concrete and cement, making fire retardant paints and coatings for wood, impregnating fabrics, coating welding electrodes, cleaning machine and vegetable oil.

Silicone glue should have the following characteristics:

- heat resistance;

- high adhesion to various properties;

- frost resistance;

- UV resistant;

- the ability to seal and glue different materials in different combinations;

- high ductility of the seam;

- durability.

It should be calculated that the silicone adhesivewith an acidic type of solidification during freezing, it releases a small amount of acetate acid, which in turn causes destruction and corrosion of non-ferrous metals, marble, and other natural materials. Sealant with a neutral type of curing can be used to glue or seal the bases of any materials, both natural and synthetic, since it does not release aggressive compounds into the external environment. During the curing process, a neutral substance is released: methyl ethyl ketoxime.

silicone sealant for aquarium

The main advantages of silicone glue include the following indicators;

- wide range of colors;

- curing at room temperature;

- high plasticity after curing;

- ease of application;

- strong adhesion to different materials (painted, enameled steel, glass, aluminum, ceramics, technical plastics).

Silicone glue for aquarium - monocomponenthigh strength glass sealant. It can be used in industrial environments when it is necessary to provide a high-strength compound along with fast vulcanization and high resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Specialized glue will provide a reliable connection of parts of the aquarium up to 3500 liters.