/ / Decorative Kalanchoe: home care, reproduction and transplantation

Decorative Kalanchoe: home care, reproduction and transplantation

Many lovers of indoor floriculture hold on totheir windowsills decorative kalanchoe. It's not just the unpretentiousness of a plant - it can satisfy the most diverse needs of its owners. Fans of unusual and beautiful foliage will suit lacinia. Those who like blooming varieties will be pleased with Kalanchoe Kalandiva, mix or blossfelde. Supporters of large shrubs and miniature plants - all will find something suitable from the numerous representatives of the genus.

decorative Kalanchoe

The most popular species

In fact, the decorative Kalanchoe has morehundreds of different representatives. Virtually all of them can be grown in room conditions. However, most of all, the hearts of plant growers are as follows:

  1. Kalanchoe blossfeld.Perhaps the tallest bush of all representatives. Inflorescences large, brightly colored. They can be pink, white, purple, red and yellow. The foliage is juicy-green, sometimes on the edge framed by a reddish rim.
  2. Kalanchoe Kalandive. Variations on the theme of blossfeld, but small growth. Flowering is very long, the peduncles are much shorter than that of the fellow, and therefore the plant looks more decorative.
  3. Kalanchoe mix. Care is similar. The bushes are small, blossom very brightly and multicolored (which, incidentally, is reflected in the name).
  4. Periste Kalanchoe.Refers to the so-called viviparous: along the edge of the foliage grows a lot of children, due to which the bush looks fluffy. During the shedding, babies quickly take root and give a full-fledged strong plant.
  5. Kalanchoe Degremona. It is selected by plant growers as a greenish-gray interesting foliage, narrow and with spots of pronounced purple hue.
  6. Kalanchoe latinata.The leaves are strongly dissected, almost greenish, with a wax coating. In shape, they resemble spreading horns, so this decorative Kalanchoe is known to many as deer horns. This variety blossoms quite willingly, but less beautifully, so it is precisely behind the leaves.

The content of all species is the same, except that the Kalanchoe Kalandiva, mix and blossfelda need fertilizing for flowering plants, and the rest - just for succulents.

indoor flower of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe after purchase

In the case when you bought a plant in the store,the first thing to do when you get home is to transplant it. If you are not sure that the flower safely carries two stresses in a row, you can wait a couple of days, but not longer. The fact is that the peat substrate, in which the plants are kept until sale, is not suitable for Kalanchoe. At home, it will wither in peat. For the transplant in advance, buy a pot, a little larger than the one in which the flower was. A good layer of drainage is required at the bottom, but it is not necessary to wash the roots when moving: it is enough to lightly peel them from excess peat. Immediately after planting, the plant spills well and is left alone for several days.


Kalanchoe is not whimsical.Most often it is planted in the soil for succulents. The flower also takes root in the universal. However, if desired, you can collect the soil and yourself. It will need four parts of the turf ground, two - sheet and one - sand and peat. For more nutrition, you can sprinkle the land with dry cow manure or humus - and both are taken in very small quantities.

Kalanchoe after purchase

Right place

The indoor flower of the Kalanchoe is photophilous, but notbrings out the direct midday rays. He will not be approached by the northern windows: he will be able to survive there, but you can not wait for the flowering - the stems will stretch, the leaves will become shallow and pale. If the pot is on the south side, the plant will almost immediately get burns, and it will take a long time to nurse it. The eastern side is more or less suitable, but it will be necessary to ensure that the pot is out of reach for the midday sun: either from the side where it does not reach, or in the shade of the curtain (frame). If there is no way out, and only southern windows are available, the decorative Kalanchoe is shaded. You can just pull a light curtain fabric to dissipate the rays.

calanchoe at home

How much heat do you need

Среднестатистические 18-20 градусов – вот что love the flowers of Kalanchoe. Care includes the spring "paddock" of plants: as soon as the window is set stable +10, the pots are taken out on the balcony, veranda or garden. Do not forget about the first condition - shading from the bright sun. Cool Kalanchoe very much even satisfied, but drafts - no. So place it should be away from the windows, fans and air conditioners.

flowers of Kalanchoe care

Watering, but not overflowing

One of the most important subtleties of the content of homeplants - their correct watering. Violation of the water regime inevitably leads to the loss of a green pet. Since the indoor flower of Kalanchoe refers to succulents, it does not need frequent irrigation. They should be abundant, so that the water soaks up all the earth in the pot, but rare enough - the soil must dry between humidification almost to the bottom, otherwise stagnation of water will lead to decay of the roots. The maximum summer frequency of watering - twice a week, and then if there is a suffocating heat. With dry air and stifling, the decorative Kalanchoe is sprayed, the large leaves are wiped with a damp sponge. In winter, sometimes enough and monthly watering. Of course, if the heating in your house is too strong, then the plants will have to give water more often.

calanchoe disease

How to ensure and prolong flowering

Smart flowers - that's why most peoplebuy a Kalanchoe. Flowering, like everything in our life, ends sooner or later. And some Kalanchoe planters refuse to please them at all. In order for the capricious man to blossom, two conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. Enough light. If it comes to the end of May, and buds are not observed, move the pot to a better-lit window sill.
  2. Accuracy in dressing.Generous fertilizer causes rapid growth of the bush, which "forgets" about the need to bloom. To remind him of this, after the first spring fertilizer fertilizer is set aside, and when buds appear, another fertilizer is obtained - for flowering plants. Still, the decorative Kalanchoe spends a lot on this beauty of the forces.

Если постараться, то можно значительно продлить bloom your pet - almost until the winter. In addition to mineral support, he needs regular removal of already faded, wilted flowers. Soon new ovaries will appear.

Kalanchoe bloom

How to maintain the attractiveness of a flower

When the decorative Kalanchoe completely finishesbloom, it quickly falls off the leaves at the bottom of the bush, the trunk and branches are stretched, and often bend. As a result, a rather unattractive, and sometimes ugly, bush is obtained. Some growers are disappointed in the acquisition and try to get rid of it. However, the situation is completely remediable, only you need to know how to revive the flowers of the Kalanchoe. Care in this case will consist in circumcising the bush almost to the ground level. This is done in autumn, during the rest period of the plant. After pruning, the pot moves into the shade. Watering should be rare, as the risk of decaying the underground part is greatly increased. Literally in a couple of weeks, new leaves will appear, and by spring the decorative Kalanchoe will be ready for a new, no less lush than last year's flowering.

What causes a Kalanchoe?

Все растениеводы отмечают как неприхотливость, and viability, resistance to the Kalanchoe. Diseases in the majority are caused by an inadequacy by owners of needs of a plant. However, it signals quite clearly what is wrong.

  1. In the midst of flowering or in the spring begin to flylower leaves. In the autumn it is quite understandable, and we have already told about the rejuvenation of the bush. But the rest of the time, this phenomenon indicates the starvation of the Kalanchoe. It must be fed with fertilizers.
  2. Dry brown spots appear on the leaves; withThe affected leaves turn yellow and crumble. These are the most common burns. And not necessarily sunny: if the plant used to be in the same place before, but this was not observed, take a closer look at where the spots are located. You will see that they are where the leaves touch the glass. Your pet just overgrew, and he became cramped. Have to buy a stand.
  3. The leaves are covered with damp black spots, andafter actually rot away from the bush. Your decorative Kalanchoe freezes and "chokes". Given that it prefers coolness, there are two options: either winter, and you part with watering, or in the heat somewhere near there is a source of draft.

If you avoid such shortcomings, your handsome man will avoid such problems.

Kalanchoe Mix Care

Unsuitable conditions

And this is another reason why it is waningKalanchoe: illnesses are caused by the discrepancy between the environment and its needs. The plant can also pick up the infection if a new tenant appears next to it, something that is sick and has not been quarantined.

  1. Powdery mildew. Too humid air is the reason for its appearance. If you have dampness in the apartment, you will have to ventilate more often and refuse to spray.
  2. Gray rot. It looks like a greyish raid combined with watery spots. The reasons are the same - dampness and cold. Usually overtakes Kalanchoe in the fall, when the heating is not yet included.
  3. Ticks. They appear as yellow small crocks, gradually turning into dry white spots. Fungicides must be treated with all nearby plants.
  4. Aphid.The leaflets that begin to curl, yellow and deform settle down from below. From such trouble special preparations or a usual solution of a laundry soap help. A day later, the ground beneath it is covered with a film, and the Kalanchoe is washed off from the solution and pests.
  5. From the neighbors Kalanchoe can get andBacterial or viral diseases manifesting themselves as brown staining spots. The entire plant is treated with a fungicide, the leaves with spots are removed. Irrigation is reduced to a minimum (only that the plant does not die), spraying and cease altogether.

How to propagate Kalanchoe

This plant can be planted in any way -leaves, cuttings from the stem, seeds. In viviparous process and is completely simple - they provide the owners of already formed children. Leaves and cuttings take root so well that they can be immediately planted in pots with the right soil. For better survival, the cuttings are sometimes dried for a couple of days, but even without this procedure, 90% of them easily take root.

With some species of flowering Kalanchoe, seeds can be obtained. They are sown in a light soil between January and March. Sprinkle with earth from above is not necessary, there is enough shading and covering the drawer with glass.