Passion for landscape design is noticeabletransformed the country houses, cottages, villas. Territories, recently assigned to vegetable gardens, today replaced by flower beds, lawns, lawns. Landscape composition gives a unique charm to homeownership and creates coziness. A special place in the modern exterior was occupied by coniferous trees, most of which appeared quite recently in our country.
Basic rules of design
Creation of original and unique ex-terrier- this is not only the decoration of the site. Landscape composition is a whole art. To make your site look harmonious, you need to consider two main aspects:
- biological;
- engineering.
In other words, all the beds, plantings, flower beds should be skillfully combined with the rest of the buildings. Stick to a single style.
Create compositions in landscape design is easy if you follow certain recommendations:
- Prepare the terrain. Think over and make a plan, placing on it all the elements: a house, trees, a bath, bushes, flower beds.
- Grouped plants are more attractive than those planted in a single variant. But combine only those that do not interfere with each other's growth.
- Try to avoid straight lines in landscape design. Orderliness is wonderful. But strict observance of symmetry will deprive the site of naturalness.
- Initially, consider additional componentsyour landscape design. It can be decorative elements (a fountain, a pond), original artistic details (paths, garden figures, lamps).
Determine the balance that you have chosen as the basis forthe construction of landscape composition. If you decide to stick to symmetry, then you need to repeat the basic elements in a mirror image. It can be flower pots on either side of the path.
When choosing an asymmetric balance, it is assumed the unity of the composition in relation to one object.
Creating a beautiful design
Significantly help create wonderfullandscape composition scheme. You can use the ready-made designs of designers. But some owners prefer to develop such schemes themselves.
To your dacha design was magnificent and pleased the eye, follow the following tips:
- The plot of land must be a unityspace. This effect is easily achieved by repeating the main elements in different parts of the garden. The desired result can be achieved by a single color palette.
- A simple landscape composition is harmonious and natural. A beautiful design will create smooth transitions from one element to another.
- Plant trees, given their height.Start with the undersized ones, smoothly turning to high. This will create a depth effect on your site. In addition, visually your home ownership will seem much larger.
- Observe the proportionality. Do not place too bulky objects in a small space. And on a large territory, small parts will look somewhat out of tune.
Deciduous plants
Beautiful landscape compositions must necessarily include different elements.
Deciduous plants in summer will be presented with manygreen colors. In addition, they are stressed in your garden time movement. In winter, when the leaves fall from the trees, the dark trunk will perfectly contrast with snow white snow. In the autumn your garden will be enriched with scarlet and gold colors.
Coniferous trees
They keep their greens all year round.This must be used. It is the landscape compositions of coniferous trees that create a wide scope for creativity. Such plants look great in winter. In addition, they are very unpretentious.
Evergreen plants
This is an original way to create an exclusivevariant of design. A big polarity is enjoyed by deciduous evergreens - holly, boxwood. They allow you to build a variety of hedges. Of these, you can form toi-pi - certain sculptures that are formed thanks to a curly haircut.
The combination of coniferous and deciduous plants in one composition
Such ready-made landscape compositions alwayslook most advantageous. But, unfortunately, not all plants get along well together. Therefore, combining diverse representatives of the plant world, one should take into account their biological characteristics.
Some varieties of juniper are capable ofhurt "rust". Such a misfortune can spread to other plants. Frequently sick bushes should not be placed near deciduous trees. Because the risk of their infection is high.
Placing of shrubs
Landscape composition does not only meanpresence of flowering plants. Very important in the design of the garden are bushes and trees. But it is necessary to properly arrange them. This will give a sense of completeness of the composition.
Shrubs are often located along the perimeter,indicating the boundaries of rockeries, rock gardens. Sometimes they create landscape compositions from shrubs. In this case, they are the accents of the site. Plants and flowers are planted around them.
Types of landscape compositions
So, if you are trying to create a beautiful,well-groomed garden, pay attention to coniferous plants. They have a charming view, exquisite forms and allow you to embody the boldest design solutions in almost any area.
The finished landscape compositions, in which the deciduous and coniferous plants are harmoniously combined, always look faultless.
And now consider how to design such a design:
- Pines, cypresses, spruce, junipers, thui, fir -These are evergreens, which look profitable in the very center of your infield. In this case, they form coniferous sculptures. They can be placed on the border of the site.
- Coniferous plants are beautifully combined with roses,heather, rhododendrons, deciduous plants. Such details will introduce some contrast and brightness into the design. They perfectly modify the seasonal design of the garden. Try to avoid birches and bird cherry. These trees have a negative impact on the needles.
- Excellent look ready-made landscapecompositions from coniferous trees of pyramidal form. If you have at least a small creative ability, you can create from them excellent geometric shapes, tiers, columns, spirals, intricate alleys. Shaped clipped trees can be divided into specific areas. Such details are beautifully decorated with small ponds, stone slides. They look great on the differences in the relief, colorfully complement the rock gardens.
- Do not forget that your landscape design fromConiferous vegetation should please the voluminous structures and its coloristic pictures at any time. Therefore, when creating a composition, combine different shapes, textures and colors of coniferous trees.
- In landscape design,Accent trees and shrubs are present. Experts advise choosing winter-hardy varieties. They will enjoy their stability all year round. For the second plan, vegetation with a spreading crown is more suitable. To finish the composition must be wicked stunted plants.
- By placing bushes and trees, tryemphasize the line of the site. Plant them in those areas where the appearance, the original shape only adds refinement to the terrain. They should perfectly emphasize the contours of structures and structures on the terrain, conform to the configuration of tracks and other objects. Trees and shrubs look great, if you have them near the entrance to the house.
- Harmoniously combined tall vegetation, located near the garden stairs and retaining walls. In this case, shrubs and trees are an excellent complement to landscape design.
- An excellent place for planting vegetationare the bends of the paths and forks. Often, trees are placed near recreation areas and arbors. In this case, not only an aesthetic goal is pursued, but a necessary shadow is created in a hot season.
- A wonderful option, according to the designers, is the placement of shrubs and trees in flower gardens. You can plant them next to the flower beds.
No beautiful homestead can notDo without decorations created by caring hands of owners in the form of landscape compositions. Decorative design can be made up of coniferous and deciduous plants, shrubs. But the most attractive and harmonious option is their right combination.