In modern society, the high popularityconquers a section of architecture that is associated with the organization of gardens, parks and other open spaces, where the main element and tool for creativity is the landscape and various plants.

The concept of
Landscape architecture is defined asart, the main purpose of which is to harmoniously compare the natural beauty of the place and the activity of a person. The main functions of this direction in architecture are:
- Preservation of natural beauty of the area.
- Creation of a system where both natural and man-made landscapes will be combined.
Proceeding from this, this concept also includes an area known as landscape-park architecture, where nature and human activity harmoniously intertwine with each other.

Basic terms
For today, the terms "landscape design" and "landscape architecture" are most often used as interchangeable words. However, there is a difference between these concepts.
Landscape architecture implies a harmonious and easier implementation in the natural environment, minor changes, where the basis continues to be the naturalness and naturalness of a particular place.
As for landscape design, thisthe term implies a deeper interference with the natural environment. The terrain in this case is not just reorganized or supplemented with separate man-made elements, but completely transformed and gets a completely new and unique appearance. Despite this, when creating a design, natural resources of a particular area are actively used: water, terrain features and typical vegetation.

Some experts, however, believe that there is nomeaning to develop two of these concepts, since they both have to do with the formation and organization of an open space, and also create a comfortable environment for a person's stay.
In addition to the obvious aesthetic function, the landscape architecture performs a number of other tasks:
- Protects the natural features of a specific locality.
- Landscapes the territory.
- Makes space more environmentally friendly.
- Introduces an aesthetic moment in a person's life.
Additional tasks
In addition to the above functions, this industryarchitecture also deals with global issues, such as the problem of climate change, which affects the state of weather, water systems and directly affects the diversity of flora and fauna. Landscape architecture allows you to see the general picture and perform some kind of educational function in the perception of this problem by ordinary people.
Landscaping provides knowledge thathelp to improve the state of the environment, and also offers options for addressing the conservation of natural resources, respect for nature and other equally important environmental issues.

The main objects of landscape architecture
As for the objects of landscape architecture andlandscape design, they are quite diverse and have a complex multi-level structure. Their typology is determined depending on the specific features or scope of use. According to the functional criterion, for example, distinguish a recreation center or a reserve of historical and cultural significance. As for the actual origin, experts identify a natural park or the water-green diameter of a human settlement.
In addition, when designing a landscapedesign or architecture, the scale of the designated object plays an important role, which is considered from the point of view of hierarchy. In accordance with this point, the following objects of landscape design and landscape architecture are singled out:
- Macro-level objects.As can be seen from the term, this group includes quite a large area. These can be national parks, nature reserves, complex landscaping systems for large areas of modern cities and suburban areas, etc.
- Objects meso level.This group includes recreation centers that are in close proximity to the city, countryside areas where people are resting, various historical and historical and cultural reserves, parks that perform multidisciplinary functions, specialized parks, resort recreation areas, sites that are monuments of landscape art, and so on.
- Objects of micro level.This group is represented by small areas and most often includes gardens, boulevards, public gardens, embankments, beaches, gardens on the territory of schools, businesses or other similar institutions.
Landscape architecture deals with a number of issues, including: a harmonious combination of nature and human activities, planting of greenery and improvement of the environment.