/ / Volumetric-spatial composition, its structure and application

The volume-spatial composition, its structure and application

Spatial composition is itskind of human attempt to streamline the surrounding space in some certain way. This term is often found in architecture, painting, construction, landscape design. Spatial composition in architecture is traditionally formed by three means:

  • the location of the volume in space;
  • the mutual relation of proportions, symmetries, colors, scaling of the architectural volume, its parts and details;
  • inclusion in the composition and the active use of elements of landscape art, painting or sculpture.

We live in three-dimensional space, becauseany object or structure measured its length, height and width. Every three-dimensional spatial composition is distinguished by its three-dimensional nature, this is its main feature. Therefore, for example, when working on a building project, as its main compositional task, its volume should be determined using different observation points.

If the composition is dominated by one ofvalues, it gives the composition a corresponding characteristic feature. For example, if a building is tall, its height and parameters prevail in its parameters and characteristics. If extended - then there is a predominance of length. If the building is flat, the width parameter has prevailed.

Volumetric-spatial composition, depending on the parameters, is classified according to the signs of frontal, spatial, and voluminous.

Types of compositions

  • Frontal or frontal plane takenconsider a composition that is calculated to be seen from one particular side and perceived from static points of view. This type - the facade of the building, the central view of the house from the street, the design of individual walls of the building. With a frontal composition, all its main elements are located for spectator perception in two planes - width and height. Depth here does not play a special role and has a secondary value. But the important are the ratio of the width and height, shape, silhouette of the building, vertical tilt, apertures of windows. The frontal composition is revealed through a variety of expressive elements: various kinds of articulation (protrusions, division of the wall into squares and other geometric figures), the connection of straight and curved surfaces, color inserts, etc.
  • Volume composition - it is intended forviews from all sides and perceived if you move around it. For example, an old castle or a small compact house in a separate area, a gazebo or fountain. These structures are an example of volumetric compositions, since width, height and depth here are of equal importance. When designing, the main task of architects is to reveal the compositional three-dimensionality. For this, the volume is divided into some parts, which are emphasized by any details: shifted shapes, indentations, etc .; matching surfaces, contrasting in appearance - beveled, rectangular, etc .; matching colors and textures.
  • The composition is deep-spatial.It is characterized by the creation of such forms that give the audience a sense of the depth of the architectural structure. Such a composition type is formed either by a space closed from above and on all sides (for example, an interior), or a space that is bounded on one side or on several (exterior). A typical deep-space outdoor composition is a courtyard enclosed on several sides by a fence.
  • Volumetric-spatial composition is notonly external, but also internal space. The following types of it are distinguished: hall, connected, cellular, enfilade, corridor. Each has its own distinctive features and scope.

In architectural practice, a combination of several compositions is used at the same time, as a result of which a mixed system is formed.