/ / How to propagate the red currant cuttings? How to sprout currant cuttings

How to propagate red currant cuttings? How to grow cuttings of currants

With the onset of autumn gardeners begin pickingharvest. When all the work is done, many decide to go in for the berries. Almost every country plot certainly grows red currants. These useful berries can be eaten fresh or make sweet preparations with them for the winter.

how to propagate red currants

On average, currant bush fruits about 12-15years old. However, without the right care and feeding plants please with tasty fruits not so long. Sooner or later there comes a time when the gardener begins to look for methods on how to propagate red currants. Of course, you can buy a ready-made bush in any market, but it’s much safer and more convenient to tackle this issue on your own. Moreover, it does not require special knowledge or experience.

How to propagate red currants

There are several ways to do this.The first method involves seed multiplication. However, it is quite a long and exhausting way to get a fresh bush with tasty fruits. In addition, currants are grown from seeds only in special breeding centers.

When it comes to how to propagate redcurrants at the dacha, it is necessary to give preference to the vegetative method. He, in turn, also comes in several forms. For example, you can split a bush. However, in this case there is a big risk that the young plant will not take root. Some are looking for information on how to propagate the red currant by layering, but this method is also fraught with difficulties. Much easier to produce grafting. This method is considered the easiest and most affordable. You can also get the most planting material without harm to the "donor".

reproduction of red currant

In this case, there are also two options.You can prepare green cuttings of red currant or remove the tops of bushes in the fall. Experts recommend performing the procedure at the end of the summer season. In this period of time, plants take root much better.

Features of autumn cuttings

Such a source material loses much less.moisture, so by spring the root system of young shoots is formed much better. Reproduction of red currant cuttings in the summer is also permissible. However, in this case there is a high probability that the young shoots will die in the spring, due to the fact that they do not have enough nutrients to take root. Therefore, spring grafting is considered the best option.

If we talk about the time of collection of planting material, then there are some subtleties, depending on the type of plant:

  • Black currant cuttings are best done in late September. If in October the weather is good, then you can multiply the bushes at this time.
  • Planting material from the red currant is collected, starting from the third decade of August until September 15.
  • Golden and white currant bred exclusively spring layering.

How to choose and prepare cuttings

To produce proper graftingcurrants, you need to follow a few recommendations. Since summer it is necessary to choose planting material that will not be damaged. You also need to pay attention to the given cutting has quite a lot of berries. As a rule, basal or main shoots are taken for cutting. In the fall, they should be cut to the ground and cutting of cuttings of about 16-19 cm in length. At the same time, the cut should be made at an angle of 60 degrees 1 cm below the bud (the roots of the plant will later develop).

reproduction of red currant cuttings in the summer

The sequence of further actions directly depends on the region. Therefore, before propagating red currants, you should pay attention to several recommendations:

  • In living conditions in the southern regions, you can immediately plant cuttings in the ground, starting from 10 October.
  • If the summer resident is located in the middle zone of the country, then it is better to prepare a pot in the room and “settle” the material there. Landing in open ground in the spring.

It is worth considering two methods of planting cuttings.

Method 1

In this case, you need to lower the end of the cutting (with the kidney) into a special stimulating solution. It can be prepared on the basis of "root", "heteroauxin" or any other means.

In this solution, the cuttings should beabout 1 week. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the ambient temperature was not lower than +20 degrees. If it is too cold, the shoots will die and no longer have to think about how to propagate red currants. In the spring or autumn there will simply be nothing to plant. You also need to make sure that the mold does not appear on the cuttings.

After the "blanks" were filled with the necessary nutrients, you can plant them in open ground or in a pot.

Method 2

If the cold came earlier, the reproductionred currants do not have to postpone. It is enough to wrap the bundles of cuttings in a burlap made of natural material, pack it all in polyethylene and put it in the refrigerator until spring. In this case, sometimes it is necessary to unfold the cuttings and check whether they have deteriorated.

Autumn planting in open ground

Перед тем как прорастить черенки смородины, you need to prepare everything you need. For this you need to dig up the site (school) where the cuttings will be planted. It is necessary to fertilize the earth with the help of humus and compost. Fertilizers are laid to a depth of 30 cm. After this, the school is leveled. All large clods of land must be broken.

currant cutting

At the next stage, you need to prepare several landing trenches at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other. You also need to make one of the walls of the grooves at an angle.

After this, the cuttings are placed in trenches so that a “tail” with several buds remains on the surface.

In the next stage, the grooves are filled with soil, which must be properly sealed. There should not be air layers in the soil. After this, the cuttings must be watered with warm, settled water.

At the final stage, the soil is mulched. To do this, pour a layer of humus, peat and fine straw on it. The height of such a "blanket" should be at least 3-5 cm.

Landing in the tank

In this case, the reproduction of red currantspostponed until spring. To do this, the cuttings are planted in separate pots and installed in an apartment or house. Anything can be used as a container for a future currant. For example, some gardeners like to plant cuttings in boxes or large plastic bottles, cut in half.

how to sprout currant cuttings

Для такой посадки также нужно подготовить the right soil. It is best to mix in equal proportions peat, humus, soil and sand. At the bottom of the container for cuttings you need to make several small holes so that the excess moisture can easily go out. After this, planting material is buried in the ground so that a segment of a branch with several buds remains on the surface.

At the next stage, the soil is compacted and the future sprout is watered. Throughout the winter, you need to make sure that the cuttings receive the right amount of water and are on a well-lit window sill.

Within a few months, the plant will take root.When the thaw begins on the street and the air temperature is above +10 degrees, you can proceed to the transshipment of planting material. It is planted in open ground in the same way as previously described.

Features of the choice of location

If we are talking about black currants, then it is recommended to plant in penumbra. The site should be sufficiently moist, but it should not stagnate water.

Red currant is drought tolerant, so it can be planted safely on well-lit elevations.

green cuttings of red currant

If we talk about the type of soil, the bushes with dark berries like weak and medium loamy land. For red currant sandy soil is more suitable.

Features land preparation

Do not neglect the recommendations, the site must be leveled. The quality of future currant watering will depend on this.

It is very important to remove all parts of the roots from the soil.other plants. Also need to get rid of perennial weeds. They can pick up the necessary nutrients, and young currant seedlings will not be able to fully develop.

It is recommended to dig up the ground on the spade bayonet. Also during this procedure, you must make the necessary fertilizers, as if mixing the soil with top dressing.

Features of the preparation of seedlings

When cuttings take root, you need to carefully examine them. For planting fit only healthy seedlings. If the shoot is cracked, the patient or its roots are dried, then it is better to get rid of it.

Some prefer not to suffer and producereproduction of red currant cuttings in the summer. For this you can buy ready-made 2-year-old seedlings. In this case, after disembarking the cuttings, it is necessary to cut off their aerial parts. Thus, the plant root system will develop much faster.

how to propagate red currant layering

It is also worth considering that the full roots ofred currants begin to grow only when the soil temperature is not below +16 degrees. Therefore, do not rush to disembark. If the root system develops poorly, then the aboveground part of the plant will be very weak. She will not give a good harvest. As a result, in a few years at the country site will be only ornamental bushes, which will grow only a few berries.