/ / Calculation of a polycarbonate shed. How to calculate a farm for a canopy

Calculation of a canopy made of polycarbonate. How to calculate a farm for a canopy

Polycarbonate is the perfect material forconstruction of canopies. He allows to receive an easy construction with a transparent roof through which the sunlight gets. As a rule, the frame is made of profiled pipes. In order for the entire structure to be durable, it is necessary to correctly calculate the canopy made of polycarbonate.

What is the frame

Before starting the calculation of a canopy, it is necessary to clearly understand what elements it consists of. And there are only a few.

Racks, as the name implies, arethose elements on which the whole canopy lies. As a rule, it is a profiled pipe with a height of 2.2-2.8 meters. Its height depends on the method of attachment. If it is attached with anchors to a mortgage concreted in the ground, then its height is taken 2.2 meters. In cases where the rack is concreted or buried, the height is 2.8 meters.

sheds design calculation

To strengthen the canopy are arches and trusses.The latter is most often set two. But the exact number of arches will tell only the calculation of the canopy. This value depends on the dimensions of the structure.

A truss is a structural element connecting the supporting pillars and logs.

Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the elements.constructions called guides. Thermo washers are used for this. Their location and pitch frequency depend on the distance between the bearing supports and the type of polycarbonate (its thickness).

Stages of installation of a canopy

In order to correctly carry out the canopyfrom the profile pipe, it will be useful to understand the whole process. It consists of several stages. On the fixed rack attached arches. The angle between them should be exactly ninety degrees. The resulting sections are attached to the mortgage anchors. Farms are also attached to these supports. The angle between the trusses and the arches is also straight (i.e. ninety degrees). The final stage of the manufacture of the frame - fixing guides. They are attached to the top of the arches. At this frame is ready. After painting it is possible to fasten polycarbonate sheets.

Construction errors that should be considered when calculating

Construction of sheds is often performed with errors. They affect not only the choice of the type of structure, but also the resulting calculation of the metal overhang.

A common mistake is the choice of a ramp.Often make the construction on two pillars and inclined in the windward direction. This is not the best option for permanent use (for example, for parking). The danger awaits in the event that the wind changes direction. Canopy in this case can be compared with the wing of the aircraft. A lift is formed between it and the ground, which can easily carry the carport. Even if there are four pillars, it will not always save.

calculation of a lean-to canopy

Sloped awnings are suitable for situations whereconstruction is attached to the building. Free-standing inclined canopies need to be done with rounding. And the convex part is oriented "towards" the wind.

Types of sheds

Depending on the supporting elements, there are several types of sheds:

  • Standing apart. They have vertical supports around the perimeter.
  • Beam-support, which are attached to the building on one side. They have one side held by supporting pillars. The second falls on a beam attached to the wall of the building.

calculation of a canopy from a profile pipe

  • Console-support. They differ from the previous type by the fact that brackets or mortgages are attached to the wall here.
  • Console, which are held entirely by mortgages. Usually this is a small visor above the door.

Calculation of the canopy of each type is carried out according to different schemes.

Types of sheds

According to their design, mounted structures can be of three types:

  • Shed whose roof is tilted in one direction.
  • Gable with two slope directions.
  • Arched, in which the roof is made in the form of a semicircle (arc).

Data collection

Calculation of a canopy from a profile pipe must begin with collecting the necessary information. It should include the following data:

  • Characteristics of the material.
  • Purpose of construction.
  • Form of construction.
  • Data on wind and snow loads (they are presented in special tables for each specific region).

material calculation canopy

The canopy is calculated taking into account the aboveinformation. It includes formulas and calculations. Understand them, not everyone can. The best option is to use special programs and calculators. To date, they abound on the Internet.

Canopies over the entrance console

Canopies of cantilever type depend on the sizethe porch. In accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, the platform in front of the door should be one and a half times larger than the width of the door. The average door width is 0.9 meters. It turns out that the minimum size of the upper platform is 1.35 m (0.9 x 1.5 = 1.35). This value equates to the recommended depth of overhang.

As for the width of the visor, everything is simple. It is 0.6 meters larger than the width of the door. On each side, the visor should protrude 0.3 meters.

In this simple way canopies are calculated. The design calculation at standard values ​​leads to the following result: depth - 0.9-1.35 m, width - 1.4-1.8 m.

Cantilever canopies over the door

These types of visors are arranged over the entireplatform with the seizure of steps. The calculation of the canopy depth above the platform is calculated as in the previous version. To it is added the part located above the steps. It directly depends on their quantity. For each step about 0.25-0.32 m is added.

The width depends on the width of the stairs, on both sides of which 0.3 meters is added. If the standard width of the steps in front of the door is 0.8-1.2 meters, then we get a canopy width of 1.1-1.5 meters.

Consider the option with a staircase of three steps andpads of standard sizes. The depth will be about 1.65-2.31 meters (0.9 + 3 x 0.25 or 1.35 + 3 x 0.32). The width under the same conditions is 1.4-1.8 meters. It is calculated as follows: 0.8 + 0.3 + 0.3 or 1.2 + 0.3 + 0.3. Two variants of calculations consider the minimum and maximum values ​​of standard parameters.

Sheds adjacent to the building

Calculation of a lean-to canopy, which is oneside adjacent to the house, carried out with minus half of the vertical supports. Another important point: sheet joints should be above the profile. This means that between profiles there should be a distance of 1260, 2050 or 2100 millimeters, corresponding to the size of the polycarbonate sheet. The average width of the canopy is three meters. With this size, there is enough space even for a car. On polycarbonate at this width will sag. He needs a truss system.

To begin with, the calculation of the material.The canopy attached to the house, with such dimensions will have six vertical risers. They will all be located on the same side. If the structure is free-standing, then the supports are twice as large (that is, twelve, six on each side). A support is installed for each truss foot.

Shedless freestanding canopy

The calculation of a stand-alone structure must take into account the load borne by precipitation. The design will be as rigid as possible if it is made in the shape of a triangle.

calculation of the cross section of the canopy

Calculation of canopy is carried out taking into account conditionallyaccepted values. With a polycarbonate sheet size of 2.1 x 0.6 m, the width of the roof is six meters, and the length is 10.6 meters. The best option: the height of the slope is 2.4 meters and 11 truss sections. In this situation, you will need six profiles (standard length of six meters). Instead of eleven, you can only make two triangles. This will reduce the amount of consumed materials. This option is suitable for regions with average rainfall.

Calculation dvukhskatnogo canopy

The principle of calculation is similar to one-piece structures.The main thing - to achieve rigidity. And this is done at the expense of the same triangles. Their optimal amount is calculated as follows. Each running meter of a canopy is divided by a vertical profile. The resulting rectangle is divided into two triangles.

Calculation of arched structures

Arch canopies are the most difficultconstructions. The need for material is directly dependent on the convexity of the roof. This means that the steeper the bulge, the more materials will have to be spent.

calculation of the arch canopy

Save in this case, you can onlytruss system. At the sizes of a canopy considered earlier (10.6 x 6 meters) it will be enough two or three systems (two along the edges, one in the middle). The rest of the "legs" will be an arc. Their ends are not necessary to connect. The metal profile used to make the truss is strong enough. It will be enough to provide the necessary rigidity. The main thing is that the farm is firmly attached to the risers.

If you make an arched canopy with such dimensions (for example, for a car), you will need the following materials:

- Six profiles, curved in the shape of an arc, withsix meters long. The ends of three of them are connected by a jumper. It is recommended to divide them into several triangles to increase the rigidity of the structure.

- For each arc you need two supports (under each edge). That is, they need a total of twelve (2 x 6).

- Longitudinal beams are mounted along the edges, along the posts and along the roof. In total, they will need six.

Calculation of the main structural elements

Расчет сечения трубы для навеса зависит от высоты the design and the number of columns. If the size of the structure does not exceed five meters, the pipe is selected with a cross section of 6-8 centimeters. For large sizes, the number of risers should be increased. To not do this, you can select a profile with a large cross section. For example, 10 centimeters.

The size of the batten will depend on the thicknesspolycarbonate and canopy size. If the plastic sheet is one centimeter thick, and the canopy is 6 x 8 meters in size, the crate will be assembled in one meter increments. These values ​​are in accordance with the loads. For this there are special tables that take into account the magnitude of the load and the thickness of the polycarbonate. An example of this table can be viewed in the photo below. It is designed for polycarbonate with a thickness of six, eight, ten and sixteen millimeters.

canopy calculation

The calculation of the arch canopy involves the calculation of farms and their number. The dimensions of the trusses determine the width of the entire shed. To determine them, you need to know the following information:

  • The size of the farm.
  • The size of the material (polycarbonate).
  • Metal resistance.
  • The method of fastening elements (welding, bolt and so on).
  • The value of loads (in accordance with regulatory documents).
  • Steel structures according to SNiP.

Canopy size is selected according to sizematerials. If a polycarbonate sheet has six meters in length, then it is either used entirely or cut into two parts. Of course, you can cut into more parts. But this will lead to waste. Thus, the roof will be either six-meter or three-meter. Length can be chosen any, depending on personal preferences.