/ / What sand is needed for the foundation: river or quarry? Selection of sand for construction

What kind of sand is needed for a foundation: river or quarry? Selection of sand for construction

Перед началом строительных работ многие pre-calculate the required amount of material. This is the right approach to such a serious matter. But at this stage, many questions arise. One of them: what sand is needed for the foundation?

The selection of such material should be given specialattention, because it is an important component, one of the main components used in the manufacture of concrete. The quality of the mixture and will depend on the durability of the foundation - the future foundation of the house. The modern market offers a huge range of sand, both natural and artificial. How to decide on a choice so that the foundation does not suffer from it, the article will tell.

what sand is needed for the foundation

Sand Basics

Even an uninformed person in constructionwill be able to guess that only pure sand is suitable for the foundation. Initially, it may contain various organic elements: small twigs, grass, and so on. Such material is not suitable for construction work, therefore there must be artificial sand, cleaned from foreign debris.

Однако простым пересыпанием не обойтись, если these are impurities such as lime or clay. It is much more difficult to clean similar sand, therefore at purchase of building materials it is necessary to pay attention to it at once. Allowable clay content in the sand is not more than five percent of the total mass, especially if a solution is made for the foundation. Otherwise, the structure after some time will shrink, cracks and will not be particularly reliable.

Sand purity check

Перед тем как выбрать, какой песок нужен для foundation, you should check its purity. To do this, usually use a simple way. Any empty transparent bottle (glass or plastic) will be needed. Sand is poured into it by one third and filled with water by half. Then the bottle is shaken vigorously so that the components mix well with each other. After that, they put it and wait for five to ten minutes. If the water in the bottle has become muddy and dirty, then this sand is not suitable for the foundation. If a foreign substance appears on the surface, the layer of which exceeds half a centimeter, then such material also cannot be taken.

sand varieties

Now consider what are the types of sand.

Types of sand for embankment under the base

To ensure reliability under constructiondesigns, according to the norms of SNiP, it is necessary to apply bulk mixtures. The market sells sedimentary rocks in three forms, depending on the place of their extraction. This is sand:

  • career;
  • river;
  • nautical.

To answer the question of which one is most suitable for a foundation cushion, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics and nuances of using each type.

Quarry sand

Это сырье добывают в карьерах, разбивая горные breed. An important indicator of the reliability and durability of quarry sand is its moisture parameter. A valid ratio is from one to five percent. Suitable moisture can be determined visually. From the sand it will not be possible to make a dense lump - it will simply crumble.

The cheapest material is considered to bequarry construction sand. The price for it ranges from three hundred to seven hundred rubles per cubic meter. This is due to its low quality due to the large amount of clay impurities and other substances. Nevertheless, this raw material is in considerable demand.

Types of career sand

Depending on the type of processing, quartz raw materials are classified as follows.

1. Sandy soil. This is a crude mixture with various impurities. As a rule, it level the dacha plots and fill trenches.

2. Washed sand. It is extracted from watered deposits usinghydromechanical equipment. The technology allows you to collect a mixture without any impurities and unnecessary components. This material is used in the production of roads, paving slabs, concrete, bricks and concrete products.

3. Seeded sand. It is cleaned technically and mechanically from large particles and stones. Typically, such raw materials are used to prepare the mass of plaster, mortar solutions and in the casting of stone products.

sand for construction

River sand

This raw material is mined from the bottom of freshwater rivers.It rarely contains organic compounds and impurities. Therefore, river sand is considered a pure and natural product, which is designed for multipurpose use. This is an ideal material for laying the foundation, creating drainage and dilution of the solutions necessary for interior decoration of the house. Due to natural polishing, river sand has a perfectly smooth shape and a fine fraction within two millimeters.

Thanks to all the listed benefits, thismaterial becomes universal and desirable, but rather expensive raw materials for the foundation. Thus, the price of construction sand extracted from a river can vary from seven hundred to one thousand rubles per cubic meter.

River sand classification

Сырье со дна реки может сильно отличаться друг от friend Therefore, you should deal with a variety of grains of sand. They can be of several fractions: from 0.7 to 5 millimeters. The filling of small grains of sand sits down heavily and is compacted, so it is only suitable for lightweight buildings. Also distinguish the following types of bulk river material.

1. Coarse sand. These are pebbles about five millimeters in size. Receive them by splitting rocks with the help of special crushing and grinding equipment.

2. Coarse sand. Possesses unobtrusive neutral color, it is extracted in the dried up rivers. Ideal for decoration and decoration of the room.

3. Washed river sand. These are medium sized grains. They have a gray or yellow color, since they contain iron and silicon oxides.

washed river sand

Positive sides of river sand

River sedimentary rocks possess severalpositive qualities that are of great importance for the construction of the foundation. They meet the technical and aesthetic requirements, do not rot and are not exposed to an aggressive environment. River sand is characterized by high moisture resistance and excellent sound insulation. It is also a safe and environmentally friendly material.

For the construction of multi-storey buildingsonly the large fraction type is used, and the average crumb is suitable for capital houses. Also, river sand is ideal for landscaping sites, playgrounds, landscape works and decorating rooms.

sand river or career

Sea sand

Crumb is also exactly the stuffwhat is needed for the foundation. Sand is initially not better than river, and sometimes worse. This is due to the presence of organic impurities (algae, seashells) and foreign objects. But the sea sand must be cleaned from strangers and washed, so it is considered clean and of high quality. Due to this, this material is the most expensive, and not everyone is willing to pay for it. It is more appropriate to use sea chips for construction where it is sold nearby and is cheaper.

Sand fractions

Any sand can be classified by its size. Experts identify the following types of fractions.

  • Very thin. These are grains of sand about 0.7 millimeters in size. They are suitable for arranging playgrounds and are unsuitable for construction.
  • Thin. Grains in size reach from 0.7 to 1.0 millimeter. This is a loose material. You can not use such sand for construction, but it will be good for the preparation of lean concrete.
  • Small fraction. It is a grain size of 1.5-2.0 millimeters. With its use increases the consumption of cement mixture.
  • Average. Grains (2.0-2.5 millimeters) can be used to create standard concrete.

seeded sand

  • Large. Sand particles in size reach three millimeters. This fraction is ideal for breeding high-quality concrete mix, which will be used in large-scale construction.
  • Very large. Particles larger than three millimeters in diameter. They are added to the foundation cushion and used to distribute the mass of the structure.

Selection of sand for the foundation

So what kind of sand is needed, river or quarry?Experts agree that the first option is most suitable for building foundations. It will create a layer that will increase the strength, stability of the building, prevent the "walking" and the formation of cracks.

Однако речной песок будет не всем по карману.In this case, it is allowed to use career chips, but always washed. Also suitable sand and gravel, which improves the quality of the composition for laying under the pillow.

The required amount of sand

Usually five parts of sand take one part.cement. But this calculation is suitable if the solution is made only from these two components. The ratio of sand, rubble and cement for the foundation will be completely different. As a rule, they are taken in the following proportions: four parts of sand, two parts of rubble and one part of cement.

sand construction price

Как видно из расчетов, песка всегда необходимо take more than the rest of the components. The amount of materials depends on the height of the cushion and the building itself. It is better to buy sand with a small margin so that you do not have to buy it at the wrong time. Residues can be adapted for the preparation of solutions for the finishing of walls or their laying.


Отвечая на вопрос, какой песок нужен для Foundation, it should be noted that the ideal option are river grains of the average fraction. This material has excellent properties for construction purposes. It allows you to build the most durable foundation that will stand for a long time and will be an excellent foundation for construction.

It is necessary to acquire sand from reliablemanufacturers, so as not to stumble on poor quality raw materials. It is recommended to check the material before purchase for the level of moisture and the amount of impurities. Also pay attention to the size of the purchase. As a rule, in a cubic meter should be about one and a half tons of sand.