/ / Fireproof treatment of wooden structures: a modern approach

Fire retardant treatment of wooden structures: a modern approach

Использование материалов природного происхождения during the construction of buildings characteristic of all periods of human history. The most affordable raw materials for building structures is wood. There are many technologies for its use in the construction of buildings from Russian logged huts and towers to European half-timbered houses. The most difficult and acute problem at all times was the fire-retardant treatment of wooden structures, yet the material is combustible.

fireproof processing of wooden structures

Modern construction industry offersinnovative technologies to increase the limit of resistance of this material to high temperatures and open flame. Their use allows to use substantially the useful properties of wood. Studies show that bearing metal and reinforced concrete frames under the influence of high temperature lose stability after 15-20 minutes.

Ways to improve the fire resistance of materials

The most promising direction isfireproof processing of wooden structures with special chemical compounds. These compounds are called flame retardants. The practice of their use shows that the charring rate of wood is reduced to a value acceptable for practical use. With a considerable thickness of the bearing elements are able to maintain stability for a long time.

inspection of fireproof processing of wooden structures

Such fireproof processing of woodenstructures can be made at the stage of production of finished building parts. For example, a rounded log or profiled solid or glued beam is impregnated with fire retardants in a wood processing plant. Buildings in use are handled by the owners or employees of specialized companies.

The principle of operation of flame retardants and methods of application

Fire retardant wood treatmentdesigns produced in a variety of ways. At woodworking plants, pre-soaking of finished elements in solutions is predominantly carried out. This technology is most effective, but requires special equipment and large volumes of compositions. In finished buildings, flame retardants are applied with a brush, roller or sprayer.

Fireproof processing of wooden structureschemical impregnation method is widely used in construction. The principle of its operation is as follows: under the influence of a flame and high temperatures, a layer of incombustible substances is formed on the surface. Mostly foaming occurs, which significantly reduces heat transfer. In addition, the formation of substances that displace oxygen.

Testing the effectiveness of technology

Пожарно-техническая экспертиза имеет своей целью check the degree of fire protection of buildings and structures. The classification of buildings is carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation and legislation. This allows you to identify the level of fire safety of real estate. Based on the conclusion of commission checks, a set of measures is being developed to improve the fire resistance of buildings.

fire retardant treatment of wooden structures

Checking the fire retardant wood treatmentStructures produced at the stage of their production. Control is carried out in the laboratories of the enterprise or independent certification certification centers.