/ / Fire retardant coating. Fireproof coating of wooden structures

Fire retardant coating. Fireproof coating of wooden structures

Fire retardant coating is a special material.which is designed to protect any structure from the destructive effects of fire. It is most often used in construction and industry (heavy, aviation, ship). However, you should understand what types of protective materials are, how they act, and how to use them.

Advantages of the coatings presented

fire retardant coating

First of all, find out what advantages they have. Fire retardant coating has the following advantages:

1. Affordable cost.

2. Effective protection of surfaces of structures from the negative effects of high temperature.

3. The possibility of using materials for metal or wooden products.

4. The choice of protection by type of application.

five.Additional functions of the compositions, such as the ability to protect the structure from rotting or damage by insects, cracking, the ability to change the color of the treated surface, which allows you to further decorate it.

The principle of the protector

Итак, огнезащитное покрытие является очень важным to preserve the integrity of the structure during a fire. Naturally, it should be used when the product is already ready for final finishing. During a fire, the composition is capable of preventing a fire for a long time. The fact is that it contains special substances - flame retardants - which are not amenable to burning.

While heating the protected surface, theybegin to act. In this way, the owner of the building can provide a reliable barrier to the spread of fire throughout the structure and gain time required for the arrival of the fire brigade.

Varieties of tread materials

fireproof coating of metal structures

Fire retardant coating can be different. There are such types of materials:

1. Impregnation or varnishes.They can be applied with a conventional brush or roller. In addition, a spray gun is used for this purpose. Most often they have a liquid consistency. Their feature is that they are used to protect the tree and can perform other functions. So, impregnations help to preserve the integrity and structure of the structure. Lucky provide a change in their decorative properties. In addition, the tool protects the surface from rapid ignition.

2. Покрытия.Their feature is that during the interaction with high temperature, they are able to form a thick protective screen of non-combustible foam. Under normal conditions, such a coating is almost unnoticeable and reflects heat well.

Where exactly are the substances used?

fireproof coating of wooden structures

Naturally, you can use these coatings.not everywhere, although the range of their application is very wide. For example, wood is most often treated with such varnishes or impregnations. You have already read about the advantages of such a decoration above. In addition, such processing is necessary in the process of laying communication cables (electrical). In addition, they should be isolated, they should be painted over with a special fire retardant.

Naturally, fire retardant coating is produced.metal structures that are used in the construction of residential buildings or industrial buildings, as well as lend themselves to periodic heating. For example, such materials should be processed that are used in the construction of aircraft engines, various mechanisms.

It is interesting that even home furniture, curtains, carpets, daily household items can be impregnated with fire retardant. Naturally, it should be considered how safe the selected composition is.

Protection features of wooden structures

wood processing

Итак, обработка древесины является одним из stages of construction of any building. Otherwise, materials may crack, be damaged by insects, or catch fire quickly. To prevent such troubles, there are various flame retardant impregnations or coatings. And they can be both colorless and have a shade. Decorative varnish with flame retardant properties can be used for processing solid wood, plywood, and chipboard. Moreover, the tool is used both indoors and outdoors.

For processing wood structures canapply not only flame retardant substances, but also the usual paint, in which they are. In order to more reliably protect the structure from dangerous heating, it is advisable to use deep impregnations that penetrate into the product.

You can process the surface of the structure withusing a paintbrush or spray bottle. The second method is considered more economical and also effective. Apply varnish in dry weather so that it dries faster. Consider that it is necessary to paint over a surface several times. However, each subsequent layer should be applied at least 3-4 hours after the previous treatment.

Огнезащитное покрытие деревянных конструкций – it is not only cost savings, because the products can last much longer, but also the confidence that you will save your property in time, and maybe life in the event of a fire.

Features processing of metal products

fire retardant coating for air ducts

It is difficult to attribute metal tohighly flammable, but under the influence of high temperature they can melt, deform and even burn out. Naturally, in this case, the integrity of the entire building is threatened. Therefore, to protect structures made of metal or concrete, you need to use flame retardants. They will ensure the impossibility of the transition of open fire from one room to another and significantly reduce the risk of destruction of the structure.

Most often in such cases water is used.paint that when exposed to high temperature foams and forms a durable non-combustible layer of foam. It should be used both inside the building and outside. It should be noted that such an agent is not toxic and is mandatory for use in buildings that are at high risk of fire. In addition, these fluids have good adhesion.

It is very important to use fire retardant coating.for air ducts. It is through this design that the fire can spread rapidly. In this case, it is better to use an inorganic heat-insulating coating, which does not change the appearance or properties of ducts.

That's all. Be careful!