If you have chosen for your house a frame made of wood,you are probably familiar with such a problem when using them, like high thermal conductivity. It should be noted that this is their only drawback, to get rid of which can be very simple. To do this, we only need to make the process of warming the wooden windows with our own hands. Separately it is worth noting that such products, despite the stable popularity of plastic designs, continue to be used by consumers in high demand. First of all, this is due to their environmental friendliness, strength and reliability of the material, which, among other things, is also distinguished by its excellent decorative characteristics. Warming and repair of wooden windows with their own hands can be done in several ways, some of which we will consider in today's article.

The cheapest and simplest option isFilling the slots with paper. To do this, you can use both material specifically designed for this, and old newspapers. True, this way of warming wooden windows with their own hands has one drawback - the complexity of dismantling. When peeling off, the strips of paper are often removed together with the paint, so afterwards it is often necessary to paint all the window frames. In addition, this method is one-time, that is, materials for insulation are used only once. After disassembly, the paper strips are unsuitable for reuse.

More suitable and convenient is the insulationwooden windows with their own hands using cotton wool. Remnants of foam rubber, textiles or paraffin can also be used instead. Cotton should be filled with all existing cracks and glued on top with fabric strips. They must be soaked in soap or glue before work. Such strips are easily removed, but for reuse they are unsuitable.
But the most effective means is a sealwooden windows with their own hands with the help of modern materials that are simply inserted into the sash frames. For better sealing, you should use a silicone sealant, it also serves as an obstacle to penetration into the frame of dirt and dust. You can buy such materials in any construction market or in a store, and the installation process will not take long. It is worth noting that the manufacture of wooden windows with their own hands "from scratch" involves the use of such materials. Finally, they are "adjusted" when installing window flaps. It is best to use rubber insulating pads. They are considered to be the most durable and moisture resistant, and also are capable of providing the best thermal insulation.

To your windows for a long time did not lose theirattractive appearance, should take care in advance to choose the material for their insulation. The process itself is recommended to be done in advance, without waiting for the winter season, when the frames are dampened, and the condensate will collect on the glasses. This will maximize the comfort and warmth in your home.