Пятая неделя беременности – это срок, с которым most often come to get registered in the gynecology. Usually the delay of menstruation at this time is not less than 14 days, now it can no longer be attributed to an accident. Usually, signs of toxicosis begin to manifest themselves clearly by this time. This is not to say that these are especially pleasant moments, but this is the first trimester. It is the ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy that is the first documentary evidence of this particular condition, therefore doctors often refer women for the first examination to resolve all doubts and make a diagnosis.
How necessary is the ultrasound at this time?
Usually doctors do not rush to send futuremommies for examination. The term is still very small, and there is no urgent need to do an ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy. However, sometimes especially impatient moms register themselves for an examination, which today can be taken at any clinic, especially on a paid basis. Most of all it concerns the category of women who have been waiting for a pregnancy for a long time and want more likely to get confirmation that they will really become mothers. Most often, at such a short time, the doctor will send an ultrasound if a woman wants to terminate the pregnancy. Therefore, if you are not worried about anything, there is no bleeding, severe pain, then it is better to wait a bit, because research on this period may not be very reliable.
What is the uterus at this time?
Externally, the future mother is no different fromhis girlfriends, but miracles are already starting to happen inside her. The uterus itself is changing first. Ultrasound pregnancy 5 weeks confirms only if carried out with good equipment. However, an experienced doctor can determine an increase in the uterus itself. This is a normal phenomenon, because inside it is the fetal bladder of more than 1 cm in size. However, this increase occurs unevenly: from the side where the embryo is attached to the uterus, its protrusion occurs. Ultrasonography at 5 weeks of pregnancy is not too informative, so even an experienced specialist who works on good equipment will not be able to say much besides the fact that you will be a mother. When the image is magnified several times, it will be able to identify the yolk sac and the embryo itself. Moreover, it is at this time that the baby's heart begins to beat. In addition, at this time in the ovary from which the egg came out, there is still a noticeable corpus luteum, which is evidence of early pregnancy.
What can be seen on the monitor
Not always a woman undergo ultrasound inspecialized clinic, where there is special equipment for three-dimensional ultrasound. And on an ordinary device, no one except the specialist himself can make out what he sees on the screen. So you have to rely on the experience of the doctor. An ultrasound scan at 5 weeks gestation allows you to see the embryo itself, which so far is very similar to a small cylinder. Its length is five millimeters, and the weight is only 3.5 grams. However, despite the fact that it is still quite small, the most important processes occur within it that determine all subsequent development. Now the neural tube is being formed, the respiratory system, the liver and the pancreas are laid down, the formation of cells takes place, from which the male and female sex cells will later develop. On the monitor you can see not only the tail and the head, but also the rudiments of the arms and legs, fingers and peephole. With the help of a special sensor, the first heartbeat of the little man is heard.
First measurements
Ultrasound examination at obstetric week of pregnancy allowsmake the first measurements and approximately determine whether the embryo is developing correctly. The size of the embryo is measured by the coccyte-parietal, on the basis of which it will be possible to calculate the weight of the unborn child at birth. Be sure the doctor will assess the position of the fetus in the uterus, the tone of the myometrium, the state of the ovaries and the corpus luteum. At the same time, the doctor sees on the monitor an enlarged uterus, resembling an egg. Such asymmetry arises due to implantation of a fertilized egg in the thickness of the endometrium.
Embryo movement
It's amazing how much doctors can find out aboutbaby when gestational age is 5 weeks. Ultrasound allows the doctor to make a conclusion about how actively the embryo moves. It is the frequency of his movements, together with the heart rate, that allows to draw the first conclusions about his vitality and well-being. If now the embryo is without movement, then the doctor will raise the question of abortion. There are still a few weeks to wait and compare the figures for the next survey, but these are disturbing bells.
What is important to know future mother
УЗИ на 4, 5 неделе беременности делают далеко не always, however, at this time usually the woman already knows that she is pregnant. Therefore, it is extremely important to know about the features of the development of the embryo, as well as about the rules that a pregnant woman should adhere to. First of all, remember that it is right now that the neural tube is forming. Do you want your baby born healthy, calm and smiling? Then leave all cares and efforts, and also drink any soothing herbal tea more often. We should not forget about the preparations of folic acid, which are extremely important for the proper development of the nervous system. In addition, this is the time when you need to especially carefully monitor their health. Reception of most drugs during this period is prohibited, and the simplest common cold threatens with serious pathologies of the fetus. It is for this reason that doctors are trying to dissuade you from taking the first photo of the ultrasound. 5 weeks of pregnancy is the period when you first need to think about the health of the baby, despite the fact that the harm of this procedure has not been proven, it is necessary to minimize all risks.
Opinion and reviews of future mothers
Usually this test does not cause womenspecial emotions. Ultrasound examination at obstetric week of pregnancy does not carry any information load. All that the doctor sees is too approximate, you will not be able to find out either about the field of the future baby, or about how his development goes. However, if the doctor turns out to be a real specialist, as well as a kind and attentive person, he can tell you a lot about the features of the development of the embryo at this stage, the main milestones to which attention should be paid. It is this examination that makes it possible to completely exclude an ectopic pregnancy and establish that the fetus develops exactly where it should be. But do not rush to make photos as a souvenir. Ultrasound examination of 5 weeks of pregnancy shows rather schematically, therefore you are unlikely to be pleased with the striped background with incomprehensible points in your family album. You will still have enough time and opportunity to capture the crumbs.
Is ultrasound harmful at this time?
На самом деле с полной уверенностью вам на этот no one will answer the question. Too many ingredients. Until now, there are no reliable data that would confirm that this procedure is harmful to the embryo. However, talking about whether ultrasound is done at 5 weeks of gestation, it should be noted that without good reason this procedure is not prescribed. These may be complaints of the patient herself (pain, discomfort, bleeding) or medical suspicions. And, to eliminate the risk to the mother, the gynecologist can send for an ultrasound. Of course, in any paid clinic, they will make it to you even without a referral, especially if you say that you are going to a medical abortion.
However, in medical circles periodicallythe question is raised whether the ultrasound can cause harm to the fetus, if this examination is performed in the first weeks of pregnancy. Encountering such information, future mothers themselves begin to be wary of such a procedure, so if the doctor does not schedule you for an examination, it is better to refrain from it.
Determination of possible pathologies
Probably all women are interested in the question, will showWhether ultrasound in the 5th week of pregnancy any malformations of the baby. In fact, this is unlikely, therefore, it is believed that the ultrasound procedure at this time is of little use. It is not even about the fact that it is harmful, that it has not been proven, but that it is not informative. That is, if a woman does not bother, then it is quite possible to do without this procedure. But if already there are any failures and violations, the doctor will promptly offer to undergo an ultrasound scan as soon as possible.
We note immediately that the anomalies of the structure of the embryoit will not be possible to see, but it is quite possible to note such disorders as the detachment of the fetal bladder or hypertonicity of the uterus. Of course, it is ultrasound can determine the presence of ectopic pregnancy.
If an embryo is not detected by ultrasound
In fact, ultrasound 5-6 weeks of pregnancy is notcan not show, but who will guarantee that the doctor was not mistaken with the term? If you have a period of only 2-3 weeks, then the doctor will definitely not be able to see the embryo inside the ovum. This can be a serious stress for a woman, especially if the doctor is in a hurry to give direction to the termination of the pregnancy, referring to the fact that the embryo froze at an early period. However, do not rush to panic, you still have enough time to wait. After 10-15 days, repeat the procedure, if the results match, you will have to make a decision. However, we must remember that this applies only to those women who feel good. If you are worried about pain, then you should not pull, it is better to trust the doctor. The health of a woman in priority, because she can become a mother more than once.
Ultrasound in the following weeks
Perhaps this will convince you, but a few otherThe doctor will see the picture if you have 5 weeks, 5 days of pregnancy. An ultrasound scan can be more informative. In the sixth week, the doctor should definitely detect the ovum in the uterus. In the ovum, the yolk sac is clearly defined. The size of the embryo is already 6-19 mm, and before its own internal organs start working, the yolk sac tissues perform all the exchange functions. At the same time its size should not be about 6 mm. At the sixth week, the doctor should already see the white ring, this is the future placenta.
In the seventh week, notonly the presence of the embryo in the fetal egg, but also the sensor records its heartbeats and motor activity. The size of the ovum is 19-27 mm. Heart rate - up to 150 beats per minute.
Important points
First of all it should be noted that if the doctor andsuggests some kind of pathology, this is not a diagnosis, but only suspicions. Since it is considered the most uninformative ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy. What we can see to the doctor, we have already told you, but if the deadline is set incorrectly, then the conclusions will be unreliable. But even if the term is true, then there may be individual characteristics of development. That is why we say that all once obtained ultrasound data are interpreted in favor of pregnancy and require mandatory confirmation after a few days. If there is no fertilized egg in the uterus, an ectopic pregnancy may be assumed. Suspicions of anemronia (empty fetal egg) can occur if there is no yolk sac in the fetal egg larger than 20 mm, if there is no embryo in the fetal egg 25 mm in diameter, or the size of the yolk sac is greater than 8 mm. The doctor may also suggest a missed abortion if he cannot determine the heartbeat of an embryo larger than 5 mm.
Alarm signals
So far we have been talking about the fact that a doctor cansay the results of the ultrasound if the pregnancy is normal. However, in this case for a period of 5 weeks you can not rush, not only for examination, but even to the doctors. After all, registration is carried out not earlier than 10-12 weeks, that is, by the end of the first trimester. However, there are a number of signs that are evidence of violations of the natural process of pregnancy. Normally, at this time, a woman should not yet feel her pregnancy, so if you have bouts of pain or discharge of a different nature - running to the doctor for an ultrasound! Signs of miscarriage may be a thickening of one of the walls of the uterus. That is, excessive tension, hypertonus of the uterine muscle threatens to expel the ovum. A timely study will help to conduct the appropriate therapy and save the pregnancy. The second sign may be a thickened myometrium. He changes the configuration of the ovum, and also does not escape the attention of the doctor conducting the ultrasound. And, finally, the most terrible symptom is the detection of a certain amount of blood in the uterine cavity, next to the ovum. Such clots are a sign of a threatening or already occurring miscarriage. The source of this blood are small vessels destroyed by the ovum when implanted into the wall of the uterus. However, if the hematoma grows in size, it can put pressure on the egg of the egg itself.
Thus, we can say that the ultrasound on the fiftha week is not necessary. It should be carried out in the event that there are some warning signs that concern the doctor in order to eliminate the risk to the life and health of the mother. If nothing bothers you, then you can calmly wait for the tenth or twelfth week, and then go through the first ultrasound and get registered. And most importantly, do not forget to eat fruits, drink vitamins and walk more in the open air. Pregnancy is not a time for anxiety, so ask your family to switch all your worries to yourself, but listen to beautiful music yourself and communicate with your child, who will very soon learn to distinguish your voice from thousands of others.