/ / At what week the baby starts to move - the best moment in the life of the future mother!

On what week begins to move the child - the best moment in the life of the future mother!

what week does the baby start to move

The delights of the first pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs in women immediatelythere are so many new sensations that they have never experienced before. And it’s not always clear what is the norm and what is not. At what week the child begins to move, it is easy to answer. When the baby begins to move, for a girl who is pregnant for the first time, this is the most pleasant and incomparable feeling. Moreover, if the fetal motor activity changes, then this is evidence that the condition may be disturbed. So what week does fetal movement begin, and when should you consult a doctor?

what week does fetal movement begin

What week does the baby start to move and how does it happen

Большинство беременных женщин с большим they are looking forward to the moment when, at last, they can feel the first movements of the future baby. It is at such a moment that the realization comes that a new life develops inside, a baby grows. In the process of rapid development inside the womb of the mother, the child begins to make its first movements within eight weeks from the moment conception occurred. Then muscles and nerves appear, which play an important role in movements. Due to the fact that the baby does not yet have mature neuromuscular relationships at this stage, when the child begins to move in the stomach, he does this randomly and uncoordinated. Of course, at such a time the fetus is still very small, so the future mommy cannot yet feel his movements. In addition, the intrauterine volume and size of the baby are such that when moving in the amniotic fluid, it practically does not touch the walls of the uterus. While the fetus grows, first of all, its nervous system develops and improves, as a result of which movements become more and more ordered every day, and the future child can already react to stimuli of the external world.

when the baby starts to move in the stomach

Features of baby movements

It is clear that what week beginsstir baby is evidence of an increase in fetus. The first movement is felt slightly, for this reason, pregnant women may not recognize them, especially if gestation is the first. Such a feeling does not cause pain at all and at the initial stage is so weak and indistinct that it goes unnoticed.

Memo to young mothers

Remember which week starts to movechild: it is sure that the gynecologist will ask you during the examination and write it on the registration card. The date of the first movement is one of those parameters by which the estimated time of birth is calculated. In order to calculate the period until the baby appears during the first pregnancy, another twenty weeks are added to the date of the first registered fetal movement, and the next - 22. It is worth saying that the calculation of the expected birth, depending on what moment the child begins to move, is very approximate and can not say that it is on the set date you will have a baby. As pregnancy develops, fetal movements become more visible. By the time of birth, very rarely, they can cause discomfort to the future mom, since the baby has little intrauterine space.