/ / Soap bubbles at home - is it possible?

Soap bubbles at home - is it possible?

Big soap bubbles

Bubbles today will surprise no one. However, it is they who bring great joy and insane delight to children.

Bubble makers offer hugeassortment of ready-made solutions and various accessories for them. For example, a blower in the form of a pistol or racket. All this, of course, fine, but very expensive. As a rule, children lack one bottle of solution (it quickly ends or spills during the game). In addition, you do not know what is mixed there.

What could be the way out of this situation? Prepare soap bubbles at home.

It is very simple and affordable.All products that will be used in the preparation of air, iridescent soap bubbles are environmentally friendly and will not harm your children and pets.

Many immediately flashed the thought of shampoo andtons of soap, which we all translated in childhood, diligently trying to create a soap solution, at least a bit similar to the purchased counterpart. Unfortunately, all these attempts were in vain, as the bubbles were not as beautiful and “tenacious”. Joy from them was very little.

It turns out that everything is not as obvious as it looks onfirst glance. Even such a rather primitive process has several fundamental tricks. The whole secret lies in the ingredients that will be disclosed in this article.

Soap bubbles at home
So, how to make soap bubbles at home?

There are several ways to prepare soap solutions.

Recipe number 1:

  • means for manual dishwashing (any, not for the dishwasher) - approximately 200-250 gr .;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml (can be purchased at the pharmacy).

All listed ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Well, perhaps that's all! Soap solution number 1 is ready to use.

What is the trick? In the use of glycerin. Thanks to him, soap bubbles become more durable, which allows them not to burst longer.

Recipe number 2 (slightly more complicated and takes longer than the recipe number 1):

  • hot water - 600 ml;
  • glycerin - 300 ml;
  • liquid ammonia - 20 drops;
  • powdered detergent - 50 gr.

Мыльные пузыри в домашних условиях по рецепту №2 are prepared as follows. The ingredients are also thoroughly mixed, then the resulting solution must be set aside for 2-3 days. After infusion, the mixture is filtered and placed in the refrigerator for about 12 hours.

This recipe allows you to get a solution that makes it possible to blow large soap bubbles.

Recipe number 3:

  • laundry soap - a piece;
  • hot water - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.

To make soap bubbles at homeconditions in this recipe, rub the soap and add the resulting chips in a bowl of water. Over low heat everything should dissolve. Then the mixture is set aside for a week and only then 2 teaspoons of sugar are added. Sugar should be dissolved, everything should be thoroughly mixed, and only after that the solution is ready for use.

Now you know the most popular recipes.preparing solutions for soap bubbles and can do it yourself to create a miracle for your children and loved ones. It should be noted that making soap bubbles at home is not only simple enough, but also very informative.

Today there is a hugethe number of show teams that offer a special program, accompanied by the inflating of soap balls. You even in a dream could not dream that professionals are able to get up with the usual soap bubbles.

how to make soap bubbles at home

Experiment, save and enjoy the whole family.
